
The Power Of Geography: Ten Maps That Reveal The Future Of Our World Quotes

The Power Of Geography: Ten Maps That Reveal The Future Of Our World by Tim Marshall

The Power Of Geography: Ten Maps That Reveal The Future Of Our World Quotes
"Play it tough, all the way. Grind them into the dust." —Don Bradman
"Islam is political, or it is nothing." —Ayatollah Khomeini
"We have made them drunkards, and infected them with diseases which have rotted the bones of their adults, and made such few children as are born amongst them a sorrow and a torture from the very instant of their birth." —Edward Wilson
"Don't be afraid, don't be scared, it won't hurt you. It's coal." —Scott Morrison
"Restore my son to me and get thee from the land.… Refuse, and I swear by the sun… I will give thee thy fill of blood." —Tomyris
"We’ve boundless plains to share; With courage let us all combine To advance Australia fair."
"The Australian Government, therefore, regards the Pacific struggle as primarily one in which the United States and Australia must have the fullest say in the direction of the democracies’ fighting plan." —John Curtin
"From now on it is I who will name the government." —Ayatollah Khomeini
"We know too that Australia can go and Britain can still hold on." —John Curtin
"Thus live these, I had almost said happy, people, content with little, nay almost nothing; far enough removed from the anxieties attending upon riches, or even the possession of what we Europeans call necessaries." —Sir Joseph Banks
"While Iran clashes with the Sunni-led states, the country it despises most is Israel."
"It is useful for the Islamic Republic’s leaders to blame Israel and Jews for the world’s woes in order to deflect from their own shortcomings, but it seems likely their hatred runs deeper than politics."
"As early as the 1960s, Ayatollah Khomeini"
"The mainstream Iranian media routinely publishes cartoons featuring the sort of stereotypical caricatures used by Nazi Germany."
"Ayatollah Khomeini demonized Jews, calling them 'impure creatures'."
"Ayatollah Khamenei has said, 'Israel is a malignant cancer gland that needs to be uprooted.'"
"Iran’s hard-liners believe the American role in their region is to keep its decadent Satanic jackboot on the heart of the Muslim world."
"In 2002 an Iranian dissident group revealed that Tehran was building a uranium-enrichment complex."
"Diplomatic relations between Iran and the US were cut in 1980 following the taking of hostages at the American embassy in Tehran."
"Tehran knew that agreeing to the nuclear deal would open the door to discreet cooperation with the Americans."
"ISIS was on the back foot, but tensions quickly returned, especially after Donald Trump came to power amid fears of war."
"US losses in Iraq and Afghanistan are among the factors reducing the American public’s tolerance of military adventures."
"The Iranian government raised fuel prices, triggering more huge nationwide demonstrations."
"Chants of 'Death to Khamenei' were heard, and in a rebuke to Iran’s foreign policy, crowds shouted, 'Not Gaza, not Lebanon, my life for Iran,' and 'Get out of Syria.'"
"Saudi Arabia was created in the twentieth century using transport and communications technology."
"Oil has given Saudi Arabia vast wealth, and that wealth, in an oil-thirsty world, has allowed it to survive."
"Britain is a place that, for most of its history, was cold, windswept, and backward, and yet it became the center of one of the world’s greatest empires."
"The British are looking for alliances—but they’ve been searching for a global role since the mid-twentieth century."
"The Romans knew they needed a crossing point to connect territories they would take south and north of it."
"It took decades to subdue the plethora of tribes in the southern half of England."
"The rough, cold waters of the North Sea are not for me, and so when, a few years ago, I decided to explore Europe’s largest island I did so on two wheels, cycling its length on the route known as LEJOG—Land’s End to John O’Groats."
"People began to call themselves Osmanli, meaning 'followers of Osman,' which in Western Europe became Ottomans."
"The city’s immense walls had stood for a thousand years, but for fifty-three days the Ottoman army battered the defenses, eventually opening gaps th"
"They were by no means the biggest of the Turkish powers, but they used their gains as the jumping-off point from which to take more territory from the Byzantines and the other Turkish emirates."
"Now they had to get rich, or die trying."
"The weakest spot in this prime territory is where the flat land funnels down to the isthmus housing Istanbul."
"Populating and developing the interior was therefore of little interest to the Ottomans."
"The Balkan Wars of 1912–1913 showed just how ill the 'sick man of Europe' was."
"Atatürk understood that language is culture."
"The greatest atrocity of the First World War was wiped from history as told by the new state, helping to build the founding myths of the new country."
"The world had changed. The Turks’ empire had shrunk—now it comprised only 'Marmaria' and Anatolia."
"It was a smart if cynical move, one that earned the Turks a place at the subsequent conferences convened to shape the postwar world order."
"In the multipolar world, Turkey is a major player among the numerous actors that have undermined the post–Second World War order."
"Political parties were reintroduced and restrictions on the media further loosened."
"Spain joined NATO in 1982, became a member of the EU in 1986, and adopted the euro in 1999."
"In a dictatorship the 'solution' to regions seeking degrees of autonomy or independence is usually outright repression."
"If I could get every Earthling to do one circle of the Earth, I think things would run a little differently."
"At 1:00 a.m. King Juan Carlos appeared on television wearing full military uniform."
"The victory of the Socialist party in the 1982 elections marked the first government in which no members had served the Franco regime."
"The dinosaurs never saw it coming—we can, and we can do something about it."
"Every revolutionary idea passes through three phrases characterized by the views of its critics: (1) 'It’ll never work—it’s pure fantasy'; (2) 'It might work, but it’s not worth doing'; (3) 'I said it was a good idea all along.'"
"The Treaty of Versailles, signed after the First World War, prohibited German rearmament but there was nothing in it about rockets."
"Spain is one of Europe’s leaders in renewable energy, especially solar and wind."
"The Americans made it with just over five months to spare."
"It doesn’t have to be this way; although our past has often consisted of intense competition at the state level, there have also been many examples of cooperation."
"In the event of independence, the EU would be tempted to grant Catalonia membership in order to prevent China moving in."