
This Vicious Grace Quotes

This Vicious Grace by Emily Thiede

This Vicious Grace Quotes
"Through the Divine Window, light burns demons to ashes."
"Being widowed at eighteen was tragic, after all."
"Alessa Paladino, divine weapon of the gods."
"Cupping her hands as though in prayer, Alessa brewed a minuscule wind funnel between her palms."
"Her latest wedding dress was packed away, traded for a mourning gown and knee-high boots."
"Alessa tried to look as gift-like as possible as furtive glances flicked her way."
"Chi cerca trova. Seek and you shall find."
"She’d give anything for a hand to hold. Or a hug."
"Chi ha fatto il male, faccia la penitenza. As you make your bed, so you must lie."
"Dai nemici mi guardo io, dagli amici mi guardi Iddio. A man’s worst enemies are those in his own house."
"Di buone intenzioni è lastricato l’inferno. The road to hell is paved with good intentions."
"Chi sta alle scolte, sente le sue colpe. Eavesdroppers hear no good about themselves."
"A conti vecchi contese nuove. Old reckonings, new disputes."
"Blessed are those for whom the window to the divine is a mirror."
"In a city full of people who feared or plotted against her, ambivalence might be the best she could hope for."
"Moonlight glinted off wicked blades held lightly, a warning to anyone who might think to follow him."
"Saverio can fall into the sea for all I care."
"A solitary man is either a brute or an angel."
"There is no greater torment than being alone in paradise."
"Do not risk all your eggs in one basket."
"Steady hands, slow breathing, light touch, inner calm."
"Chi semina spine, non vada scalzo." - If you scatter thorns, don’t go barefoot.
"Age is relative. When I was your age, I saw a man of forty as a day shy of a hundred."
"People can justify anything if they want to enough."
"Without touch, the other babies simply gave up."
"The gods’ beloved, brave protector of humanity."
"When the Prince Regent turned to display his most royal sword, the lady gasped."
"He who is in hell knows not what heaven is."
"Those born as wolves cannot die as lambs."
"Children grow up and become cruel like everyone else."
"You’re the savior, not me. I’m the selfish one, remember? This is your problem."
"I don’t care what the stories say. You’re a good person—"
"Stop! You don’t know what kind of person I am. You have no idea what I’ve done, who I’ve hurt."
"Then tell me. Convince me. Prove you’re evil. I dare you."
"When a friend asks, there is no tomorrow."
"I’m not invincible. I’ll die if you try hard enough."
"I think you’re scared of losing yourself."
"You’re the hero. I’m just asking a girl to hold my hand."
"I’m not asking you to kill me. I’m not good for much, but I am a warm body."
"A poor man lacks many things, but a greedy man lacks them all."
"It doesn’t matter how we feel. Some things aren’t possible."
"Do I have permission to touch your chest?"
"I adore bread. Especially baguettes. Long, thick, hot and slathered with—"
"If you cut my head off or drop a wall on me, I’m done for."
"It’s like trying to draw something I’ve never seen."
"I’m not going to let you do something you’ll regret."
"How hard can it be? Stop moving, fall asleep."
"Together, we protect. Divided, we unravel."
"Against love and death, there is no point fighting."
"It is too late for water when the house is burnt down."
"The higher the rise, the greater the fall."
"No matter how far she ran, she would always be dragged back to that wretched peak where she would fail and watch her whole world end."
"Her heart cried out to run after him for another kiss, one last glimpse, to make him promise that this goodbye wasn’t for good."
"They put the most vulnerable people on the fastest ships and sent them first. Their gifted folk took the last and slowest, because they’ll have a better chance of defending themselves if they don’t make it in time."
"Tutti son bravi quando l’inimico fugge."
"A chi dici il tuo segreto, doni la tua liberta."
"Alla fine del gioco, re e pedone finiscono nella stessa scatola."