
The Lions Of Lucerne Quotes

The Lions Of Lucerne by Brad Thor

The Lions Of Lucerne Quotes
"What the mind believes, the body will achieve."
"Failure is not an option. We will make it!"
"In the face of adversity, we find our true strength."
"Every primal instinct within him shouted for him to let her go and save himself, but he had been trained to be a master of not only his body but his mind, which meant that fear and pain would serve him, not the other way around."
"Protecting the president, he should have been the best. A pity he won’t be remembered that way. The pathetic coward never even fired a shot."
"They were positioned beneath a narrow stone ledge that had formed a partial barrier to the avalanche. They were amazingly fortunate."
"SEALs absolutely, positively never give up."
"With each ten minutes that passed, avalanche survival rates for those buried beneath the snow dropped like a stone."
"Like the old brainteaser about a tree falling in the woods with no one to hear it, Scot wondered, would his fall make any sound, or any difference?"
"Every Secret Service agent was selected on the basis of a wide variety of criteria. One of the most highly prized was intelligence, along with the ability to make the right decisions in a life-or-death situation."
"If anything, the Madduxes had become even busier in their golden years."
"I’m sorry I’m a little bit late for our appointment."
"We have a simple rule around here: ‘If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.’"
"The patient is a pain in the ass," said Hollenbeck.
"You tell me, Scot. You’ve skied Death Chute. You were the one who was in charge of securing it."
"Birdhouse! Birdhouse! Hat Trick’s agents are down! Unnatural causes. I repeat, unnatural causes."
"Well, I’ve found that always helps. I mean here this poor chemist is burned in a terrible fire, and all he wants to do is be repatriated so he can die on his own soil surrounded by his family."
"But what about him?" said Scot as he motioned to Dr. Trawick.
"I worry, though, about the short-term memory loss. I don’t know how much is gone."
What we do have going for us," Hollenbeck continued, "is that you saw the president’s detail make it to the first plateau around the treed area.
"You folks aren’t the first ones today who were an incorrect pickup for me."
"If you couldn’t keep one lowly Secret Service agent out, it’d probably make you look like a pretty big ass."
"He’s pretty heavily sedated, as you can imagine."
"I can’t believe this. Somebody must have grabbed him."
"You’re only as strong as your weakest link."
"I expect your next report to be on time, whether you have managed to get yourself bitch-slapped again or not. Am I understood?"
"You know damn well that in a situation like this it becomes the FBI’s purview."
"And a wee bit aggressive," said Skip, the Scottish accent back again.
"Looking up at the sky and the still falling snow, Harvath felt that the agents not yet recovered by the search-and-rescue teams were a lost cause."
"As a SEAL, failure meant giving up, not acting, throwing in the towel."
"The Senate inquiry, which was bound to come down eventually, would tie him to a stake and roast him."
"The other thing gnawing at him was the oath he had taken to protect and serve his country and the president."
"There was a lot to be said for a collective effort, but when that effort was not quickly coordinated and executed, nine out of ten times it ended in disaster."
"Scot’s career was in his own hands and the only thing that would turn the tide in his favor was if he stumbled upon something that broke the investigation wide open."
"He tried slapping André one more time. 'What do you have to say?'"
"The older he got, the more attuned to his senses he had become."
"The building manager had been collecting his mail for him, but it was too late to knock on her door now."
"The director wants to see you. How soon can you be ready?"
"Sometimes he mused about how nice it would be to have someone waiting on the other side of the door when he came home, someone friendly."
"Being a junior associate D.C. lawyer who specialized in international finance didn’t exactly require a hard body, but being in superlative health had always been his choice."
"I need not remind you that your position as director of the Secret Service has already been severely jeopardized."
"The problem is, though, that every move this group has made has been extremely well choreographed."
"The papers billed it as a bad case of ‘wrong place, wrong time,’ but I never bought that."
"We’re here to stay. You won’t be seeing any FBI protective details; that I can assure you."
"So far, the JSOC mission was going according to plan."
"He’s known in the Beltway as quite a ladies’ man."
"He was a perfect example of a man who sought power solely to lord it over others."
"The explosion was quite an unfortunate, but necessary occurrence."
"Director Jameson, I warn you that you are walking a very, very fine line."
"With the level of sophistication we have seen on their part, I find it suspicious that they allowed the ransom call to be traced."
"I don’t misunderstand things that easily."
"I’ve always liked trains. How about you, Scot?"
"If he was going to have any hope of keeping his career intact, he would need to be part of something that helped crack the case."
"If you’re not responsible, we’ll give you ample opportunity to prove your innocence."
"I think he’s connected to the president’s kidnapping, along with Senator Snyder and maybe Rolander as well."
"What’s a sixty-eight? It’s kind of like a sixty-nine except you do me and I’ll owe you one."
"You’re barking up the wrong tree with the Abu Nidal and the FRC. It’s a red herring. I’m sure of it."
"The hardest thing to get used to had been the smell—the godawful smell—that and the intolerable, intermittent wailing of people being called to worship over scratchy public address systems."
"He paid the equivalent of fifty dollars in Swiss francs and bought a second-class ticket."
"Scot remembered now how impressed he had been with the European rail system."
"There was no reason to keep him alive unless they intended to return him once their demands were met."
"To take his mind off his confinement, the president tried to think about his daughter, but that only led to more distress."
"Losing his wife had been painful enough, but if anything happened to Amanda, he didn’t know if he could go on living."
"The floor was covered with straw. There was a bed with a thin mattress against one wall and a Turkish toilet in the corner."
"His gut told him that the people who pulled off the attack and kidnapping worked very well in snow and had a lot of experience."
"Harvath knew there wasn’t much chance of that. Whether his head was still scrambled or he had just been too desperate to think of something else, he was quickly beginning to realize that this was not one of his all-time greatest plans."
"‘If it’s not a gun, then it’s a knife. Here’s the deal. I’m not playing around anymore.’"
"Why do Americans like to eat steak! That’s what they like," said Miner, snapping his fingers, very pleased with himself.
"You know, Agent Harvath, there is no question in my mind that you are a disturbed individual."
"I don’t much care for you, or your questions. Until such time as you obtain a warrant, I suggest you leave me alone."
"If you really had something, you would have used it. Why bother coming to me?"
"It says that somebody really wanted us to believe that a Middle Eastern group was behind the kidnapping."
"‘It’s just a flesh wound. I’ll bite the legs off of anyone who tries anything else.’"
"The airtight alibi is starting to leak."
"You Americans are so, how do you say it? Quick on the trigger?"
"Once they had your scent, it was said, it was time to make your peace with God."
"It’s funny how being a gentleman doesn’t seem so important when that happens."
"What’s wrong, Gerry? Cat, I mean, Lion got your tongue?"
"Ignorance of the law, Mr. Schepp, is no excuse."
"What I wouldn’t give for a nice sawed-off shotgun right about now."
"History or not, I’ll tell you what I know, but after that, you tell me where you are."
"You don’t know that for sure. Who knows what they’ll do next. The longer we sit around on our asses, the worse his odds are."
"Because we’ve got a history together and you know I wasn’t involved with the president’s kidnapping and I had nothing to do with Natalie Sperando and her friend being murdered."
"The way I figure it, Miner doesn’t have a lot of men he can spare."
"He was involved with the construction of the military mountain fortresses."
"You never know when we might need something like that again. It was just sealed off and left alone."
"Every structure you saw on Pilatus served a purpose."
"Where’d you learn to shoot like that?" he asked. "Growing up on a farm in Grindelwald, you find lots of ways to amuse yourself."
"I guess they know we’re here," she said.
"Evian," he said. "There’s also French wine and Italian pastas," said Claudia. "Somebody’s got good taste."
"You know," began Harvath, "I really hate it when people point things at me. It doesn’t matter whether it’s guns, knives, or . . . now, Claudia!"
"My grandfather gave me that knife. I never climbed without it."
"We’re almost there. Don’t give up," he told himself. Don’t give up.
"You called the man Gerry. Do you know who he is?" "Yes, sir, Mr. President. He is a high-ranking member of Swiss intelligence."
"If you have time after this meeting, she’s recuperating in the residence and would love to see you."
"Well, I don’t know how to repay you." "It’s not necessary, sir."