
The Man From St. Petersburg Quotes

The Man From St. Petersburg by Ken Follett

The Man From St. Petersburg Quotes
"It was a slow Sunday afternoon, the kind Walden loved."
"The sun was high and the trees cast dark, cool shadows."
"Now, he thought, if only Lydia will play the piano tonight, it will have been a perfect day."
"The Liberal government was engaged in a vicious attack on the very foundations of English society."
"Walden and his friends would not shake hands with such people."
"Germany will attack France, almost certainly."
"If Germany is divided, fighting on two fronts, we can win."
"Russia is obliged to fight if France is the victim of aggression."
"I have initiated naval talks with the Russians."
"The King is just not firm enough with these people."
"This house had rooms for almost every purpose."
"She remembered that as the most unhappy day of her life."
"To meet the right sort of young man, of course."
"We’ve damn well got a right to talk about them!"
"A man who has no fear can do anything he wants."
"Everything. We need efficient farms, more factories, a proper parliament like England’s."
"The great weakness of the Russian Navy is that we have no warm-water port."
"We’re Slavs, and many of the Balkan peoples are Slavs."
"If we are to fight alongside you, we must be strong."
"He was always traveling in those days—America, Africa, Arabia—mainly because England was not big enough for him and his father both."
"You may like to talk with Churchill before we go any farther."
"I thought I was going to manipulate Aleks, but in the event he manipulated me."
"Now he knew for certain that Orlov would be at a certain place, on a certain date, at a certain time."
"There must be a way, he thought, that I can contrive to be in or on the Walden carriage."
"Unlike their parents, they paid no attention to the conservative sermonizing of the rabbis."
"His best prospect, he decided, was Nathan Sabelinsky."
"Feliks read it several times: there was something about the prose style of The Times that made it extremely difficult to comprehend."
"To enable the company to receive the advantage of the above arrangements, it is necessary that a footman should accompany each carriage."
"I have been Let Go and have no job it is all your fault."
"He looked up at the bookseller with tears of anguish in his eyes. 'Is that all?' he cried."
"I wonder why they care so much about something like voting."
"I think this discussion has gone quite far enough," said Mrs. Mitchell firmly. "You'll be in trouble, Mr. Pritchard, for putting wrong ideas into my lady's head."
"I wonder whether they're all pretending," she resumed.
"It's a protest," said Pritchard. "Makes difficulties for the prison authorities."
"The cook sighed heavily. 'Robbers in the park and suffragettes at the court—I don’t know what we’re coming to.'"
"We'll all be murdered in our beds," the cook said lugubriously.
"She was in a reflective mood. 'I wonder what they feed them.'"
"Charlotte was astonished. 'Why should they refuse to eat?'"
"She gave him money so that he could rent a room of his own, and thereafter she came to see him almost every day for six astonishing weeks."
"She spread her legs and lifted them into the air, opening herself to him."
"Then, dimly, she began to suspect that she was doing in reality what she was doing in the dream; yet the dream persisted."
"I will not cease from mental fight, nor shall my sword sleep in my hand till we have built Jerusalem in England's green and pleasant land."
"Men accept a brutish and unjust world because it is brutish and unjust not to them but to women."
"The love just came, whether you wanted it or not."
"Respectable married women must pretend not to like sexual intercourse."
"Men who will not give up power must have it taken from them."
"Revolutions occur only when the people rise up en masse against their oppressors."