
The Last Devil To Die Quotes

The Last Devil To Die by Richard Osman

The Last Devil To Die Quotes
"You must treat customers like cats, and wait for them to come to you. Look too needy and you’ll scare them off."
"Sometimes you have to shock the patient into life."
"A blank page at the end of an old book."
"The course of true love never did run smooth."
"Friendship, and Joyce flirting unsuccessfully with a Welshman who appears to be the subject of a fairly serious international fraud."
"I once had to question a Soviet general who had not uttered a single word in more than three months of captivity, and within the hour he was singing Noël Coward songs with her."
"I need you to love me and be straight with me."
"Elizabeth is not your nurse; she is your lover."
"To show Stephen this letter every day would be to lose him. But to not show him would be to betray him. And that is no choice at all."
"It was fear. Cold-blooded, sweat-soaked fear."
"It’s 90 per cent this, 5 per cent paperwork and 5 per cent killing people."
"You’ve been looking at my warehouse for an hour. Seen anything?"
"You ever used that gun? This particular one, no, it’s clean. I’m not an amateur."
"We’re looking for the man who murdered our friend."
"The whole relationship, this business, is built on the bedrock of trust."
"I shall be here again tomorrow, and again the day after, and one day I shall say yes."
"Never volunteer information unless you have to."
"You gotta play hard to get with dogs. They gotta earn it off you."
"If you’ve got a problem with that, then you’ve got a problem with me."
"My love is open, like the petals of a flower, long closed under Spring’s frost, scared of the sunlight that brings it life."
"But I tell them it’s for love, and then they say they need to do further checks."
"Fly to me, Tatiana. Let the breath of love carry you into my arms."
"Safe now, old chum. Out of the cold soon, and no more sleeping with one eye open."
"We might find something else that would lead us to it."
"It will be nice to see a few old friends, hear what they are up to, lie about what he’s up to, see if anyone fancies a swim."
"He really wants this plan to succeed. Hanif really doesn’t want to have to kill anyone else."
"It would be nice to be able to enjoy the Coldplay gig without having to bury any bodies beforehand."
"‘I didn’t know who Kuldesh was until he was dead,’ says Mitch Maxwell."
"‘I wish he had,’ says Samantha. ‘That would have been a nice easy deal. And I wouldn’t have killed him.’"
"‘It’s like that every night. I dream of Gerry. I know I can’t have him, but I never give up trying.’"
"‘You learn through experience,’ says the boy, with the world-weary air of a wise man tired of having to explain things to fools."
"‘I’m just saying I don’t pay nine thousand pounds a year to read a bunch of left-wing academics rewriting Roman history.’"
"‘Everything I’ve done and everything I’ve been is present in the same place. But we still think the thing that has just happened, or is about to happen, we think that’s the most important thing.’"
"‘You have me there,’ says Stephen. ‘I have no answer for that.’"
"Mitch would describe his own feelings in this moment as conflicted. He has just watched one of his oldest friends being thrown off the fifth storey of a car park."
"‘No more killing,’ says Mitch. ‘Please.’"
"‘I’ve never really felt it’s my business to make anything out of anyone,’ says Bob. ‘I’ve never been good with people. Almost everyone is a mystery to me.’"
"‘We give you this bag of heroin, you sell it, and we split the proceeds?’ Jeremmy has been given pause for thought."
"‘I’m having the sweet-potato fries. I am convincing myself that they are just as good as chips, but of course they’re not.’"
"‘You think it’s definitely there?’ he asks Garth. ‘The heroin? Sure,’ says Garth. ‘Don’t sweat it.’"
"‘I know a woman,’ says Ibrahim. ‘A cocaine dealer, who can kill people with the click of a finger. Yet, on Monday, she laid her hand on my arm like a lover.’"
"‘We must have a proposition for you.’ Jeremmy shakes his head slowly. ‘Five thousand,’ he says, ‘in this bag. Or someone gets shot.’"
"‘For the love of God,’ says Mitch. ‘Just tell me where it is.’ ‘The police have got it,’ says Ron. ‘Taken in evidence.’"
"‘Every true soul is unknowable,’ says Ibrahim. ‘That’s why I enjoy my job. You can only ever know so much. We remain out of reach to each other.’"