
Before Your Memory Fades Quotes

Before Your Memory Fades by Toshikazu Kawaguchi

Before Your Memory Fades Quotes
"There’s no time to explain why I’m in Hokkaido. Please, just listen."
"You’ve accidentally travelled fifteen years into the future."
"We heard about it when you got back. But right now, we are in Hokkaido for unavoidable reasons that I won’t go into because there’s no time."
"It’s fine. I admit it has been a while, but my memories are still very much alive."
"I don’t like the idea of dying with regrets."
"Your journey begins when the coffee is poured and must end before the coffee gets cold."
"There is nothing you can do while in the past that will change the present."
"Surviving alone is much the same as dying alone, don’t you think?"
"If I knew he loved me, I wouldn’t be presenting him with a dilemma, would I?"
"I’d be better off dead than to live life alone."
"If you don’t finish the whole cup of coffee before it gets cold, then you will become a ghost and it will be your turn to continue sitting in that chair."
"I think you’ll find there is more to come."
"Your mum’s going to stick at it, so you don’t have to cry any more."
"To be or not to be, that is the question."
"I could tell from the photo... It was still in beautiful condition."
"If she really hated her parents, don't you think she would have torn it up and thrown it away by now?"
"Excuse me, I do believe that is my seat."
"You must have just arrived from Tokyo. You could have rested before coming to the cafe."
"Congratulations on being No. 1 in Comedian's Grand Prix! What an achievement!"
"Don't ever forget me until the end of ages."
"Because my love runs deeper than any grudge."
"You work to make me happy until you die, you understand?"
"She wouldn’t let me say it’s over just because she’s gone."
"I've been giving it a lot of thought... The reason why I never thought I'd like to see her..."
"She is always inside me. She's living inside us both."
"Please look after the cafe while I'm away."
"I'm about to stage a guerrilla live street performance."
"The only thing he's better at than anyone is his ability to never give up on a dream."
"Nobody gets to be a manga artist just by wanting to be one, right?"
"You can’t picture that person, can you?"
"I’ve never even questioned why we were together . . ."
"I never thought anything of it . . . I never thought to question it . . ."
"Even if I am dead, I want you to live with a smile on your face! Then I’ll always be watching your happy smile."
"If I leave it at this, then what was the point of me coming?"
"If there is someone they must see, or someone they should see . . . even if the present reality won’t change . . . then, that’s all that matters."
"Things that you put off saying until tomorrow are sometimes never said."