
Family Of Liars Quotes

Family Of Liars by E. Lockhart

Family Of Liars Quotes
"Never eat anything bigger than your ass. Don’t take no for an answer. Be a little kinder than you have to be."
"I have been a liar all my life, you see."
"Life was fairy tales before bed, flannel pajamas, golden retrievers."
"Beauty is something—but it’s not everything."
"You care what people think. We shouldn’t care."
"We have to think about the endgame. Not worry how she gets there."
"Not all pain is worth it. Some pain is just pain."
"We girls have never been taught to grieve, to rage, or even to share our thoughts."
"I know my parents did what they thought best—for us, and for them."
"We’re movie starved. Boarding school and now here—I never see anything."
"No one in this family can see what’s right in front of them."
"I just fast-forward. Don’t need to know it, happier without it."
"I think I would know if I loved somebody."
"When you come with fun extras, you never know if a person loves you for yourself."
"It makes you feel alive, though. Am I right?"
"My daughter should not worry or feel sorry any longer."
"I am the one who can see the ghost of a ten-year-old girl."
"I want to be the kind of girl a guy would remember to meet."
"I don’t know how to even process it, their lives, my life, Rosemary."
"I don’t want to live with a lie between me and Harris."
"I don’t want to be a child with you forever."
"We can go boating in the morning. Alone, just you and me. Okay?"
"Once upon a time, Lady Mary longed for love."
"No one knew where Mr. Fox came from, but that was no matter, either."
"In my castle," he said. A castle sounded good to Lady Mary.
"Inside was a long corridor. It was filled with bones and the dead and bloody bodies of women."
"Trophies. That was what women were to Mr. Fox."
I think I’ll be in the operating theater," says Yardley. "My husband will feed the kids while I’m sewing up someone’s chest cavity.
"My kids will eat in restaurants," I say.
Oh, my children won’t wear diapers," says Yardley. "They won’t poop at all. They’ll be completely hygienic and they’ll never smell, or I won’t even have them.
"I don’t care that you’re sorry," I snap. "I care that you did it. I won’t ever forget that you value me so little. Not ever."
"But it was so," said Lady Mary, and she held up the severed hand for everyone to see.
"One hundred percent. Back to normal." She smiles at me.
"I am taller than she is, and she seems frail in my arms."
"The words pour out. I say everything I have been feeling."
"We just have to—we have to learn how to live, over again, I guess."
"You can’t wake me up. I wake up ’cause I’m worried or I want something."
"We are trying to go on without you, but we can’t do it."
"He was hurting Penny. He wouldn’t have stopped."
"I am the ghost whose crime went unpunished."
"I think I may be able to tell a new story about myself."
"We will carry on as usual. Chin up, all right?"
"I went downstairs and stepped outside via the mudroom door."
"I was not worth even a small amount of self-restraint."
"I am Cinderella’s terrible, jealous stepsister."
"I am white cotton and sandy feet, old money and lilacs."
"I did not have an answer. And I do not have one now."
"But I can say this: I was not rescuing Penny."
"We get the benefit of the doubt, the presumption of innocence."
"I realize then, and understand even more in retrospect, that we have gotten away with murder."
"I am letting you know what I really did."
You took the board," I say. "That’s why it went missing.
"We can’t have anyone wondering where that one board went."
"I told your mother I only went down to the kitchen that night."
"You are not welcome here. Stay away from my family."
"And I will endeavor (most seriously) to be your favorite thing, too."
"I thought you came because you needed me."
"I am not going to kill myself," I whisper.
"I am telling you how I feel because telling you is showing you that I’m not trying to be numb anymore."
"I am going to live with the sadness and the shame."
"It may be my greatest weakness, this family. But I will not leave."
"I do not want such horrors to determine my future."
"What would any of us do after pulling a chunk of bloody corpse out of our pocket?"
"I call my sisters. My remaining son. My nieces and nephew. My father. My love."
"We are very small, next to the ocean, beneath the open sky."
"I do not think it will always be this way."