
Takedown Quotes

Takedown by Brad Thor

Takedown Quotes
"The problem with being in the wrong place at the wrong time is that you never know it until it’s too late."
"It was the thought on the mind of every person in the room as the president finished skimming the contents of the file folder in front of him and turned the meeting over to General Bart Waddell."
"Despite the warmth and its siren’s call to sleep, their eyes were glued to the man who had just arrived at the castle."
"As far as I’m concerned, all options are on the table at this point."
"The job might have been a bit more palatable if it afforded him time to pursue any semblance of a personal life."
"The sun rose and set by their city. Anyplace else in the world was only second best."
"For all of the setbacks the enemy had supposedly suffered, their roster of fresh bodies seemed to roll on without end."
"The fact that he wasn’t on point when I should have been."
"America couldn’t afford to take a day off from its fight on terrorism, not even on the anniversary of its independence."
"They were dumbfounded as they stood there taking in the horror and devastation."
"I'm assuming it's not physical rehabilitation." - Dr. Samuel Hardy
"We're smack-dab in the middle of a crusade." - Bob Herrington
"The sword is the midwife of civilization." - Gary Lawlor
"They were businessmen and women, doctors, teachers, students, children, moms, dads, sisters, and brothers." - President Rutledge
"We will go to the far corners of the earth, draining every swamp and turning over every rock along the way." - President Rutledge
"America will never stop until we have hunted every last one of you down." - President Rutledge
"Every member of this family will die, slowly and painfully, unless you tell me what I want to know." - Mike Jaffe
"We can either lead by our example or be reviled for it." - Alan Driehaus
"Either they're part of the solution or they're part of the problem." - President Rutledge
"For Christ’s sake, we still live in a world where might makes right." - Gary Lawlor
"It’s still going to look like we’re packing some serious firepower."
"The harder he stared at the screen the more the questions piled up in his brain."
"If these were crush depth locations, what agency or group was running them and what was their purpose?"
"It was time for another payment to Sacha’s account."
"The operational intelligence would have been Polo Step at the very least."
"The American people need to see their president in New York City."
"The vents for the Lincoln Tunnel vent shaft were located at the West Midtown Ferry Terminal."
"That’s the problem with the way we look at these ass-hats."
"You obviously missed the one on his left arm."
"No cell phones except for first responders and law enforcement are working now anyway."
"The Princess Diana crash, TWA 800, or Yasir Arafat’s death, they assign teams of operatives to flush out the big picture."
"You’re going to jail for a very, very long time, Forrester," said Stanton as he solemnly shook his head.
"I don’t care what good he thought he was doing his Marines. He knew better than that."
"One of the most beneficial intelligence-gathering programs this country has ever developed and that idiot is ready to let it all out of the bag to save his precious Marines. Marines die. That’s their job."
"The only way we can preserve Mohammed’s legal status is to make sure he doesn’t touch U.S. soil until we’re ready to close out the interrogation phase and move him to trial."
"We’ve got news for you. Treason is a very big deal."
"People often resort to the basics when they’re pressed for time."
"We’re going to ask you a few questions. Are you okay with that?"
"He wouldn’t have done that. This place is above top secret."
"This was more like the type of bomb suicide bombers use," replied Tracy Hastings.
"Life isn't fair so get over it and keep doing the best that you can do."
"There is no greater love than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends."
"I told them nothing. Even while they killed Sayed’s family one by one, I told them nothing."
"Let it go, Gary. All four NSA locations have already been hit. Whatever the bad guys came for, they already got."
"I’m not asking you, Gary. As deputy director of the lead agency in charge of investigating the New York City attacks, I’m giving you a direct order."
"Can you imagine the repercussions of that? The Bureau would look like the Keystone Kops. It probably would never recover."
"Your back. It hurts like hell, but it’ll pass."
"Ninety percent of the time," clarified Harvath. "Correct."
"Of all the places Harvath had ever traveled to, he’d never had a reason or a desire to see Gibraltar."
"It was unlike him to tie one on so bad that he couldn’t remember where he was or what he had done."
"Looking into her eyes, he saw that she was awake, and they both smiled."
"The enormous limestone Rock of Gibraltar rose dramatically from the Mediterranean Sea."
"Once Mohammed’s deal for the rogue nuclear material went down, the team had their orders to immediately back off."
"It was one such intrigue that had brought Scot here."
"Though it delivered a certain degree of satisfaction, it still wasn’t enough to make up for everything else the man had done."