
Twisted Palace Quotes

Twisted Palace by Erin Watt

Twisted Palace Quotes
"I’ve watched enough cop shows to know that you keep your mouth shut when you’re in a police interrogation room. Either that, or you just utter the four magic words—I want my lawyer."
"Detectives Cousins and Schmidt don’t seem to care about my last name. For some reason, I find that kind of refreshing."
"There’s only one girl I care about these days—Ella Harper. And it absolutely kills me that she had to watch me get dragged out of the house in handcuffs."
"Good cop/bad cop? I guess they’ve watched the same TV shows that I have."
"Brooke Davidson is dead. I still can’t wrap my head around it."
"I’m not an idiot. They’ll twist everything I say."
"I’m not this guy. The guy who gets dragged out of his own house in handcuffs."
"For the first time since I was arrested, I feel queasy."
"I still can’t tell if you’re happy or sad about that fact."
"You’re...you’re... You’re dead! You died!"
"Sorry to disappoint, but no, I’m very much alive."
"If I was a virgin, that’d be one more contest for someone to win."
"I’m not going to prison for something I didn’t do. I promise you."
"I’m not afraid to get physical with you, pal."
"Why don’t you get physical with me right now?"
"I swear I hear him say cockblocker under his breath."
"It’s regarding the DNA they found under Brooke’s fingernails."
"You should sit down." This comes from Grier.
"What nun did you kill for that outfit?" Easton asks.
"She’s been your daughter for all of five minutes!"
"You’re out with your family. Whoever you’re talking to can wait."
"Can you honestly say you’re doing the same?"
"Dinah would probably rather drink a bottle of bleach than help me."
"I’m wondering if I can get the front desk to create a new keycard for Reed."
"Ignoring my suitcase, I throw myself on the bed and text Reed."
"This is a completely different Dinah than the one I met before."
"I’m pretty sure it will be nice for none of us."
"The kiss on the cheek from my dad feels odd."
"He’s my father and I don’t want to miss another day of your life."
"In my defense, I’ve never had a daughter before."
"She’s an original See You Next Tuesday."
"He’s going to do whatever it is he wants."
"I’m going to miss my first Christmas with Reed?"
"She’s even more beautiful when you’re wearing nothing at all."
"I’m going to enjoy Reed and all my moments with him. Screw the rest of the world."
"I desperately want to go because I’ve decided I’m done with Reed’s reluctance."
"I have almost no experience with normal parents."
"I’m not going to let this catty girl ruin my good mood."
"He’s touched me before here, in the same intimate ways, but it’s different tonight."
"Jordan and I aren’t exactly joking-around friends. Or friends, period."
"The pain startles me even though I expected it."
"I lift my hips experimentally, and he groans."
"Everything ceases to exist. Everything but Reed and the way he’s making me feel."
"One last thrust and he’s trembling on top of me, his lips pressed to mine, our bodies glued together."
"It was fun," I confess. "More fun than I thought it would be."
"I was happy." I chew on my bottom lip. "Dancing is…it’s a thrill. It’s my favorite thing in the whole world. I always—" I stop, a bit embarrassed to reveal my silly hopes.
"Maybe I will," I say through the lump of emotion in my throat.
"I guess…if I didn’t have these charges hanging over my head…I’d want to work for Atlantic Aviation."
"You’re the only person on the video surveillance entering the building the night Brooke Davidson died. That’s opportunity."
"This is a plea deal," he says quietly, as if he senses just how much he’s rattled me.
"You look like you’re in a good mood," Easton notes on Sunday morning.
"We’re having breakfast…" My happy greeting trails off as I take in his somber expression.
"Halston is here and he needs to see you. Now."
"Good morning, sir. I didn’t realize lawyers work on Sunday."
"What do you mean, it’s mine?" Dad’s tortured eyes are fixed on Grier.
"Round two?" he teases against my mouth.
"Let’s not fight. Let’s try to put this aside and enjoy the time that I’m still here."
"And while I don’t think you need to be in a serious relationship at your age, I’d rather that you experienced what else was out there before you declared your undying love to Reed Royal," Steve says dryly.
"I’m not breaking up with you," I hiss angrily. "So erase that thought from your stupid head, Reed Royal."
"Jeez, Val was right. You guys really do have a special dress for everything."
"So the two of you are attending Winter Formal together?"
"I hide my displeasure at his obvious relief."
"As fancy as you can find, this is pageant country."
"Your new boyfriend wouldn’t like it if he knew you were hanging around Reed so much."
"Spending even one night with Jordan isn’t how I want to use that precious time."
"I’ll just have to suck it up. For Ella’s sake."