
Maybe In Another Life Quotes

Maybe In Another Life by Taylor Jenkins Reid

Maybe In Another Life Quotes
"When you’re late a lot, you learn how to make up for lost time."
"I’m scared that I will never do anything of value with my life. But I’m not scared of flying."
"Sometimes I worry I’ll never find a place to call home."
"It’s very easy to rationalize what you’re doing when you don’t know the faces and names of the people you might hurt."
"The repetition of history is not lost on me."
"You learn after one or two moves that buying an IKEA bed, putting it together, and then breaking it down and selling it for fifty bucks six months later is a waste of time and money."
"I’m trying to see this move as a victory instead of a defeat."
"Even a bad cinnamon roll is still a good cinnamon roll."
"From experience, I can tell you that if you go around trying to figure out what’s fair in life or whether you deserve something or not, that’s a rabbit hole that is hard to climb out of."
"I’m a fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants type of person. I am a see-where-life-takes-you sort of person. But that sort of approach to life isn’t yielding results for me."
"It gets me paying the bills waiting tables and sleeping with married men. I don’t want that anymore. I want to try order instead of chaos."
"Just because something is hard to understand, that doesn’t make it any less true."
"Something about that temporary and jarring loss of mobility can really encourage people to see what they are capable of."
"The point of the story is that you should always have faith in Hannah. Because even when it looks like she’s made a terrible mistake, she’s actually one step ahead of you."
"The difference between life and death could be as simple and as uncomfortably slight as a step you take in either direction."
"You spend so much time being upset about being in the hospital in the first place that it is almost jarring to realize how many people don’t ever leave."
"Carl has always said that people who don’t haggle are suckers. And we aren’t suckers."
"I’m buying a car today. Doesn’t have to be from you."
"I’m doing this. I’m making a life for myself. I am doing this."
"I just paid eighty-one hundred for a ninety-five-hundred-dollar car. I got this. I promise."
"You’re right. You’re too pretty. I need a girl less pretty."
"I may make a lot of mistakes, and I may act without thinking, but I also know that sometimes I get myself into messes and then get myself out of them."
"You have to pick a person and commit to him."
"If you can’t make it work, you aren’t soul mates."
"Being a nurse... seems like a hard job. But fulfilling."
"Nurses might not be the ones who cure you, but they certainly make you feel better."
"Life is just a series of breaths in and out. All I really have to do in this world is breathe in and then breathe out, in succession, until I die."
"What do you do when you have to do something you can’t do?"
"I don’t know if I’ve ever felt pain like this. And I think I’m still in shock."
"You have to face those consequences head-on, for better or worse. We don’t get to erase them just by saying we didn’t mean to."
"I want my baby to be healthy and happy and have a safe, stable childhood."
"I’m not going to wait around for some man to call."
"Maybe one day, we’ll get the timing right."
"You can only forgive yourself for the mistakes you made in the past once you know you’ll never make them again."
"Maybe he just has a feeling about her. Maybe he can just tell."
"I never had the moment when I just knew."
"If I’m not his soul mate, then that means he’s not mine. There’s someone else out there for me."
"The future is so incredibly unpredictable that trying to plan for it is like studying for a test you’ll never take."
"I’m just going to do my best and live under the assumption that if there are things in this life that we are supposed to do, if there are people in this world we are supposed to love, we’ll find them. In time."
"Relationships aren’t neat and clean. They’re ugly and messy, and they make almost no sense except to the two people in them."
"I think if you truly love someone, you accept the circumstances; you don’t hide behind them."
"I’ve missed you every day since I last saw you. I’ve missed you for years."
"I’m not saying this is an ideal situation. But I am saying that it’s one I’m on board for, if you’ll have me."
"Sometimes, when I’m lying awake at night, I imagine a middle-aged Ethan knocking on my door, years in the future. He says he loves me and can’t live without me anymore. And I tell him I feel the same way."
"I’m married to a man who became a father because he loved me and now loves me because I made him a father."
"My heart breaks for every single version of me that didn’t end up with you."
"I think you’re going to be a great nurse, and I want you at my office."
"When you two have been married as long as we have, and your children are grown, and you’re bored as hell, you’re gonna want access to grandkids, too."
"Every second of every day, the world is splitting further and further into an infinite number of parallel universes, where everything that could happen is happening."
"I love you as much as that show-off loves her. I just didn’t watch the same Nova special."
"I’ve been going to bakeries for months hoping to find you. Something as small as a cane isn’t going to put me off."
"If there are an infinite number of universes, I don’t know how I got so lucky as to end up in this one."
"One Saturday night in my late twenties, I was hit by a car, and that accident led me to marry my night nurse. If that’s not fate, I don’t know what is."