
Happiness For Beginners Quotes

Happiness For Beginners by Katherine Center

Happiness For Beginners Quotes
"If you want to put me in Hell, plunk me down in the middle of a party where I don’t know anyone."
"Sometimes you just get an idea of a person in your mind, and that’s what you see when you look at him, no matter what."
"Life never gives you exactly what you want."
"It’s a thousand and one miles from Boston to Evanston, give or take."
"Kicking him out was the right thing to do."
"I wanted to be awesome. That wasn’t too much, was it?"
"The whole point of coming here was to get un-fucked up."
"I never really liked you, and I wish yesterday had never happened."
"What I really want is for you to not be here. And to never have been here."
"I want to pretend so hard that we almost believe it."
"This is exactly the type of information I would’ve wanted before we set out into the wilderness."
"People are always their own favorite topics."
"Every night, you write down three good things that happened to you that day."
"The more you register good things, the more you will think about and remember good things."
"The older you get, the more you know about those things."
"What’s-her-name’s not wrong. Life is going to kick the hell out of all of us."
"We were enemies now, after all, if only in my mind."
"I don’t think that’s how it works. I think love has to grow out of knowing someone really well. It takes time."
"The handbook stressed that it wasn’t necessarily the toughest people who earned them—or the fastest—but the people who tried the hardest."
"A good nickname should say something about who you are. It hints at something profound. Or maybe it’s just funny. But it’s meaningful, no matter what."
"The things you think about determine the things you think about."
"I had a knack for reading maps, yes—but I hadn’t actually used them in the real wilderness."
"The world is not your garbage dump, people."
"Despite everything, and even though it wasn’t perfect, I was really starting to feel at home in the wilderness."
"Sometimes things like that sneak up on you."
"We were way past the point of trying to get clean."
"Nobody is getting engaged today. That’s totally just wrong."
"Having doesn’t make you happy: appreciating does."
"You’re the Navy SEALs of the wilderness, people!"
"You can go three minutes without air. Three days without water. And three weeks without food."
"The best I can do today is say: Thank you for this world of miracles. We will try to be more grateful. And less ridiculous."
"I fell in love with his hair, and his beard, and the way his eyes crinkle when he smiles..."
"He’s been so in love with you for so long."
"Love is always a disaster, darling. That’s what makes it fun."
"But it’s okay. He taught you something. He taught you how to let somebody love you a little bit."
"You always ignored the boys who liked you in favor of the ones who didn’t."