
Because I'm Worth It Quotes

Because I'm Worth It by Cecily von Ziegesar

Because I'm Worth It Quotes
"If he’s shopping in Bendel’s, he’s probably gay. Why don’t you just go up and talk to him if you think he’s so cute?"
"Tattoos are against my religion, but I’ll think about it, okay?"
"I’m so proud of you, sweetie. Will you be home for dinner?"
"You’re the next Keats, and we’re going to make you so famous so fast, you’ll think you were born that way."
"You know how we’re always talking about having sex but we’ve never done it? Why don’t we do it right now?"
"Why did I laugh tonight? No voice will tell."
"You’re totally getting in. You just have to wait until April to find out."
"Can I touch it? It feels so weird! Like a boy!"
"All the real names of places, people, and events have been altered or abbreviated to protect the innocent. Namely, me."
"What does S.I.B. stand for, anyway? Seeing is believing? Sad in Biloxi? Small is beautiful?"
"You’re just what we’ve been looking for."
"Take care of me. Take me. Take care. Take me."
"If you can use its name consistently, you are making one more step toward your freedom from it."
"I’m not used to hanging out with someone so mellow."
"They all kind of gave up on me because I’m so nuts."
"It was funny how girls could all be so different."
"Who’d known rehab psychobabble could be such a turn-on!"
"I told her she has a better backside than any girl in the business."
"I can’t stop raving about you to all my boyfriends."
"You give this fucked-up world a new kind of beauty."
"Every Fashion Week I find myself asking, Why are all the models in the shows wearing space suits, or dressed like Hansel and Gretel, or basically naked, when I wouldn’t be caught dead looking like that on the street?"
"Fashion is art, and art imitates life; there’s no reason to it."
"I’ve been having a little party to celebrate Mystery’s debut."
"Every time Rusty mentions your name I feel the heat creep up my thighs."
"I’ve been drowning in desire all week, but I managed to channel that animal energy into my book."
"I had. But Sunday night I fell off the plateau and kept gathering momentum, and I just couldn’t stop writing until I finished."
"Come on, faster, faster, giddyap, giddyap!"
"I hang out a lot with these three guys in my class at school."
"That’s what Jackie calls a ‘negative friendship.’"
"A ‘positive friendship’ is when you do fun, constructive things with your friends like baking cookies, making collages, and climbing mountains."
"That slim-hipped, tomboy butt. Like she could just slip on her boyfriend’s dirty old jeans and make them look fresh and sexy."
"My boyfriend never wears jeans. He thinks they’re overrated."
"And is your boyfriend named Aaron, by any chance?"
"You’re like one of those people screenwriters make up, you know?"
"An ‘urban hipster.’ Except you’re real. You’re realer than real. You’re dyno-mite!"
"I’m staying at the Hudson. Wanna go back to my room for a drink or something?"
"I went for a few days without getting high and I didn’t really want to hang out with them, you know?"
"Come on, there’s something I want to show you."
"Come on. This time I’m taking a whole one. Or maybe we should each take two and see what happens."
"This is what Jackie calls ‘feeding your craving.’"
"There’s an old carriage up in the attic. We can go up and sit in it."
"Can I ‘feed my craving’ when we get up there?"
"And you’re sure she’s asleep? Her breathing is regular? She’s not vomiting or choking?"
"But I’m working on something new, of my own. I think I’d like to finish it."
"If you don’t mind, I’d like you to please get the fuck out of my room."
"We’re just shooting a perfume ad. You can watch if you want to."
"My dad’s still pretty pissed off about what happened, and I don’t know how it’s going to affect my chances at Brown, but I’m still good."
"You poor baby," she sighed sympathetically. "Rehab must totally suck."
"Rehab. Why hadn’t she thought of it before?"
"I’ve been thinking of a way to thank you for the roses," Blair thought she heard Short Shorts whisper. "I want to give you a pony ride."
"Sometimes when I’m upset—which, considering what my life is like now, is all the time—I eat too much, or I eat something that I shouldn’t, and then I make myself sick."
"She and Aaron broke up during the shoot,"