
Princess Of Glass Quotes

Princess Of Glass by Jessica Day George

Princess Of Glass Quotes
"Oh, blast!" Poppy dabbed at the ink with her handkerchief before it could run off the paper and onto the white counterpane.
Not at all," she replied. "I’ve made a muddle of this letter without any help.
I can dance," Poppy clarified. "But I really prefer not to.
"But my dear, the unpleasantness with the dancing slippers ..."
"I’m sorry, Cousin Margaret, but I don’t dance."
"You’ll have friends; you’ll want to go to a ball with them…"
"You’re alive today because we smother you."
"Yes, it is that hard to be a maid, as you would know if you had ever lifted your little finger to do one simple thing for yourself, Your Highness!"
"I wasn’t meant to be a maid. And I just. Can’t. Do it."
"Sometimes it’s like something has taken over my body."
"I think my father’s ill-luck cursed me."
"I do not dance (anymore) but am ruthless at cards."
"The Far East is steeped in magic in a way our side of the world hasn’t been in centuries."
"I have such special slippers for you that you will not need stockings."
"My power in the outside world fades once night begins the turn toward dawn."
"Poppy knew all about being cursed, at finding your body doing things you didn’t want it to do."
"I’ve never seen Lord Richard look so frightened."
"Lady Ella was the most stunning young woman in all of Castleraugh—no, in all of Breton!"
"She looked quite sweet in her pink gown, but Lady Ella’s was so clearly of a richer fabric."
"Won’t you at least meet me in the park for a ride? Or if you do not ride, we could walk."
"I’m the strong one. The tough one. Everyone says so."
"You must understand: for ten years I danced nearly every night till dawn."
"She’s trying to replace her goddaughter."
"I have to keep knitting because I’m the strong one."
"I can’t believe that Roger Thwaite could do something so wild."
"I think I’d rather be run through with a rusty cavalry saber."
"How could my husband have done this to me?"
"She wasn’t a pawn in this grand marital game, like myself and Poppy."
"I’m not like Daisy, I’m not like Lily, I’m not gentle and sweet and ladylike."
"I’m going to tell Roger and Lord Richard everything you told me."
"For all we know, she’s a pirate or a laundress who has stolen someone else’s gowns."
"It can’t be midnight," Poppy gasped. "It’s only been a few minutes since eleven!"
"Poppy—," he began, but she hissed and he stopped.
"Do you mind?" She clambered to her feet, straightening her elaborate skirts with great dignity.
"Which one of you is my bride?" Christian studied them both, his pulse racing.
"You tried to trick me," the Corley said, her voice raw. "But I caught you."
"Time to freshen up!" The Corley clapped her hands.
"This is my realm," she hissed. "And if I wish to keep you here forever, I will!"
"I enjoy dancing, and I will blasted well dance at my wedding!"