
The Shepherd's Crown Quotes

The Shepherd's Crown by Terry Pratchett

The Shepherd's Crown Quotes
"High on the downs, above her parents’ farm, Tiffany Aching felt as though she could see to the end of the world."
"Being dead didn’t mean you couldn’t get angry, oh no."
"What use was that when it came to sheep?"
"Good, sensible boots. But they did not stop her feeling her land, feeling what it told her."
"No witch ignored what could be a summons."
"In those long-ago days, mortals just died. They didn’t come back like you seem to do."
"Weel, it’s a kind of porridge with everything in it and, if possible, ye ken, a dram of brandy."
"A is for axe, to cut yer heid off, ye ken."
"And although many of the stones had fallen down, what if the person buried underneath didn’t want to be dug up?"
"You do the good that is in front of you."
"It’s all about the people, not about the books."
"Being a witch is a man’s job: that’s why it needs women to do it."
"What’s good for the goose is good for the gander."
"When it comes to birthing a child, I’ve never seen better."
"You’re not good enough yet to fill these boots. You’ll have to do a lot more first."
"Your son’s your son until he takes a wife, but your daughter is your daughter all of your life."
"Don’t get on with your father, do you?" - Tiffany
"It does say witch on the door, doesn’t it?" - Tiffany
"There’s more to being a witch than you think, Geoffrey." - Tiffany
"What fools these mortals be!" - Peaseblossom
"Magic won’t make you beautiful if you are not." - Miss Tick
"We have been elves since the dawn of time." - Peaseblossom
"I’ve seen those people before – the ones who seem to know everybody." - Tiffany
"My Betsy tells me what I am to eat and when and where." - Wrinkled Joe
"I tells you what, let’s try him out with Mr Nimlet." - Nanny Ogg
"I daresay Mistress Tiffany will point you towards Nanny Ogg." - Miss Tick
"That’s this here technology." - Mrs Proust
"You can find out a lot about somebody from what’s in their pockets." - Miss Tick
"The elf just lay there and it was doing nothing." - Rob Anybody
"Your life, elf, is on the edge o’ my blade." - Rob Anybody
"You will not put your glamour on me, elf!" - Tiffany
"I’ve helped you, but I am also busy helping other people." - Tiffany
"What goes around comes around," and it means that sooner or later you will find yourself on top, at least for a while. And another time, the wheel turns and you will not be on top but you have to put up with it.
"It’s what we do. The wizards call it empathy. That means putting yourself in the place of the other person and seeing the world from their point of view."
"You are a witch, whatever you might think, and I don’t deal in fairy tales."
"But it doesn’t matter, because one day I might need that person, and then they will very probably help me. It works for us; it always has."
"You could say that she can see what his world is like, and – what can I say? – she comes away feeling hopeful."
"I’ve been watching humans. And I can’t understand them."
"I am a witch, I like being a witch, and I like people too. For every nasty person, there’s a nice one, mostly."
"You begin to tire me now, girl. What do you want from me?"
"It’s called helping,’ Tiffany said smartly, still trying to hold on to the pain she had taken from old Mrs Pigeon. ‘Remember?"
"An elf who has been a queen – an elf who wants to be a queen again – surely shouldn’t cry."
"I tell ye, I would nae cross yon carlin."
"I’m not sure. But I’m not sure I felt like an elf should... is that a good thing?"
"Time moves differently in his realm. Even if he did decide to do something, it might be now, or next month or next year."
"Yes, they are old men. They have been old men for a long time, which means they have learned many things. Like lying, and being crafty and, most importantly, dissembling."
"We shall fight them on the mountains. We shall fight them on the rocks. We shall fight them over the hills and down in the valleys. We shall never surrender!"
"It would appear that I have made you unhappy, and for this I am sorry."
"I believe this is not the case. I know you, mister. I know what kind of thing you are. You are a bully."
"You may have won this battle, but not the war. For our Lord Peaseblossom will yet make this world bow down to us."
"To keep us on our toes, to stop us from gettin’ lazy. To put us on the anvil, so that we remembers how to fight."
"I am Tiffany Aching and my bones are in the Chalk. Let the Chalk be cleansed!"
"I have many memories, but I did not know that you had the power to offer me new entertainments, to draw me to new pleasures."
"It is a place for interests. Where the future can be founded."
"He is calm itself, and the calm stays even when he has left. He doesn’t just jolly people up. After he is gone, they are somehow much better."
"My roots are in the Chalk and the Chalk is my strength. My bones will be part of these hills just like those of my Granny Aching."