
The Introvert Advantage: How To Thrive In An Extrovert World Quotes

The Introvert Advantage: How To Thrive In An Extrovert World by Marti Olsen Laney

The Introvert Advantage: How To Thrive In An Extrovert World Quotes
"Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a gift and not giving it." – William A. Ward
"It is the chiefest point of happiness that a man is willing to be what he is." – Erasmus
"Democracy cannot survive without the guidance of a creative minority." – Harlan F. Stone
"What a lovely surprise to finally discover how unlonely being alone can be." – Ellen Burstyn
"Come forth into the light of things, Let Nature be your Teacher." – William Wordsworth
"Quiet people are often found to have profound insights. The shallow water in a brook or river runs fast: The deep water seems calmer." – James Rogers
"The exception that proves the rule…" – Proverb
"The pendulum of the mind oscillates between sense and nonsense, not between right and wrong." – C. G. Jung
"To see what is in front of one’s nose requires a constant struggle." – George Orwell
"Within you there is a stillness and a sanctuary to which you can retreat any time and be yourself." – Hermann Hesse
"Nature is often hidden, sometimes overcome, seldom extinguished." – Sir Francis Bacon
"The D4DR gene affects the neurotransmitter dopamine, which controls excitement levels and is vital for physical activity and motivation."
"Seeking experience for the sake of doing something new is their passion; they like far-out music, exotic travel, and anything novel."
"They can be impulsive and temperamental, and they may fall into addictions and risk burning out early in life."
"Low-novelty seekers tend to be reflective individuals who are perfectly content to live at a slower pace."
"They feel more discomfort than enjoyment from thrill seeking or risk taking."
"They are even-tempered, good listeners, and loyal."
"Imagine having an active mind trapped inside a body that is entirely paralyzed except for the ability to move your eyes sideways and blink your eyelids."
"In these patients acetylcholine is blocked to the muscles but not to brain pathways, so their capacity to feel good about living in their internal world remains intact."
"Turtle buries its thoughts, like its eggs, in the sand, and allows the sea to hatch the little ones."
"Life begets energy—energy creates energy. It is only by spending oneself wisely that one becomes rich in life."
"Introverted children need private time built into their daily schedules."
"Being in a bad mood is often a sign they need time out."
"Introverted kids often need help learning when and how to take a break."
"Many introverted moms love the fascinating course of caring for an infant and enjoy cocooning with a gurgling baby."
"Introverts feel drained by having their physical space intruded upon."
"Introverts need time to cogitate without the pressure to 'do' something."
"It is important to help children transition back into the play."
"Gifted and talented children may require responsive and enriched environments to develop fully their innate gifts."
"Being introverted is not the same as being shy."
"It’s important to explain to your children that you feel drained by too many activities."
"Unless a particular topic happens to come up with a friend, innies may not realize that they are a wealth of information on, for instance, sailing."
"Innies don’t realize that extroverted people don’t pay attention to the same behaviors in the same way they do."
"The last reason innies don’t expose their internal selves is because they aren’t looking for outside approval."
"Introverts generally move at a slower pace than extroverts."
"Because introverts tend to speak slowly, with long pauses, they can appear hesitant and uncertain of their opinion."
"What is actually openness can be misread as a lack of conviction in their own opinion."
"You are an excellent employee, and it is important that you not forget your own contributions."
"Every day shine a little positive light in your own direction."
"Use your commuting time to nourish yourself with positive thoughts."
"All workplaces are strengthened or weakened by the ways in which people communicate with one another."
"More than half of what we reveal about ourselves is not conveyed by our words."
"Communication with your colleagues in writing (or by e-mail) is another way to express your ideas and let yourself be known."
"Conflicts use up their energy, and they go out of their way to avoid them."
"Researchers have found that introverts and extroverts do not argue in the same way."
"Extroverts often argue in a win-lose style. They emphasize being right."
"Many introverts argue in a win-win style. They want each person’s ideas to be heard."
"Introverts need to have good reserves before they speak, because the actual talking and searching for words to respond to another person’s remarks quickly deplete their tank."
"The first is the dreaded deadline. Following are strategies for handling deadlines without losing your cool."
"Only reflective time allows them to figure out what they really feel about something and gives them access to information they have unconsciously ingested."
"Carving out physical space gives them the expanse they need to regroup."
"Renewing space needs to feel safe and comfortable, free from crowds, interruptions, loud noises, and demands."
"When you are relaxing, you are reducing outside stimulation and replenishing your energy stores."
"Introverted bodies seem to be particularly attuned to fluctuations in temperature and to the rhythms of light and dark."
"Our systems are often harder than extroverts’ to get going in the morning."
"Music is your own experience, your thoughts, your wisdom."
"A person’s mood is like a symphony, and serotonin is like the conductor’s baton."
"Happiness is not a station to arrive at, but a manner of traveling."
"No sooner do we think we have assembled a comfortable life than we find a piece of ourselves that has no place to fit in."
"Character consists of what you do on the third and fourth tries."
"When you discover you are riding a dead horse, the best strategy is to dismount."
"This above all: To thine own self be true…"
"Depth needs of introverts are different, requiring a unique understanding." - 24
"Introverts' energy conservation is crucial in a world that constantly demands social interaction." - 167
"Finding joy in the little things is a skill that introverts often master naturally." - 275
"Embracing one's inner sage can transform internal criticism into constructive self-reflection." - 297
"Understanding the brain's wiring in introverts offers insights into their thought processes." - 83
"In relationships, appreciating differences is key to harmony and growth." - 126
"Personal parameters are vital for maintaining one's mental and emotional well-being." - 221
"Self-nurturing is not selfish; it's essential for maintaining balance and health." - 251
"Facing conflicts with resolution strategies strengthens relationships and personal resilience." - 120
"Laughter, even in small doses, can significantly reduce stress and enhance well-being." - 305