
If I Die Quotes

If I Die by Rachel Vincent

If I Die Quotes
"I used to think death was the worst thing that could happen to a person. But if I’ve learned anything, it’s this: I was wrong on both counts."
"Isn’t that one of the signs of an impending apocalypse?"
"I don’t know if ‘pure’ is totally accurate, but I haven’t figured out how to entirely avoid academia in the school setting."
"My heart beat so hard I practically shook in my chair. It couldn’t be happening again. Not at school."
"I clenched my teeth so tight, denying the scream an exit."
"A bean sidhe’s wail is never wrong. When someone near me is about to die, an overwhelming urge to scream consumes me."
"I didn’t like how accustomed she was becoming to the cocoon of death that seemed to surround me."
"I’m pretty sure they plan the menu months in advance."
"I didn’t have any idea if it would work at all on an unborn child, without a fully formed body in which to reinstate the soul."
"How the hell am I going to explain this to my not-aunt?"
"What the hell am I doing here? I couldn’t help Danica."
"I’m sorry, I have to... I can’t think about this right now."
"I was ready, mostly because there was no more time to not be ready."
"I had six days to live, and he was lying."
"I need to sleep now. Thanks for coming…"
"You don’t do things like that. I don’t do things like that."
"I was going to keep it. I don’t know how, but I would have found a way."
"I thought I was in shock, but really, I was just numb."
"I’m sorry. I didn’t get off work in time to visit, and she’s my cousin, so…"
"It’s been almost four weeks now. Her daughter comes in on the weekends."
"I don’t want to miss anything. And I don’t want her to miss anything, either."
"I’m going to find a way around this, and we’re going to laugh about it when you’re a very old woman."
"But you can’t take the offensive with death. Though he’s awfully easy to piss off sometimes…"
"I’m not ready to let go of life. I’m not either—for you or for me."
"I want you to finish high school, and break curfew, and keep giving me excuses to toss the Hudson boys out of the house."
"There’s a way out of this, and I’m going to find it."
"I’d like to spend these next six days as an emancipated minor."
"You’re always going to be the tragic lost love. How the hell am I supposed to compete with a ghost?"
"I’m just saying I don’t want to spend my last week on earth following a bunch of rules that don’t even really apply to me anymore."
"I’m going to be dead in five days, and whether I like it or not, you’re the one Nash is going to turn to."
"The offer itself was enough to make me believe you. But you can’t take it back now."
"Because he loves you, and you’re dying. If you don’t dump him now, you’re always going to be the tragic lost love."
"Fine. But I think I’m getting the better end of this deal."
"I have one thing with Nash that he doesn’t have with you. One thing. And you just called me for advice."
"I can make that easier for you. Or I can make it very, very hard."
"They call it la petite mort. The little death. I think there’s irony in there somewhere. At least for you."
"I have questions, and I need answers, fast. Nash will be here in seven minutes."
"You don’t need Nash for that. I could make a phone call."
"I need you to find out what Mr. Beck is."
"But call Emma when you want to talk about it afterward. I’m not that kind of friend."
"I have no idea how the French describe an orgasm."
"It isn’t necessarily because you don’t know what you’re doing…"
"You’re going to have him for the rest of your life, but I may only get this one shot."
"I clung to him like the safety bar on a roller coaster, hurtling down the track fast enough to steal my breath and scatter my doubts."
"Thanks to my truncated lifeline, nothing mattered anymore, except how I spent the next five days."
"I’m not going to spend them being ruled by fear."
"I’m trying to accept this with dignity and good humor."
"This is hard enough for me to handle without the two of you joking about it."
"It’s never going to happen again. Not even if you lived to be a thousand."
"I’m dealing with it the only way I know how."
"I’m not sure I’m ready to let go of life. I’m not either—for you or for me."
"I’m going to laugh about it when you’re a very old woman."
"I don’t even know what normal looks like, Alec."
"You’re as grown as you’re gonna get and it’s not my place to tell you what not to do."
"I’m not going to die without knowing he’s no threat to Emma, or anyone else at school."
"I’m kind of operating under the assumption that I get one last request from everyone who gives a damn that I’m dying."
"You wouldn’t be the first to make that mistake."
"I don’t even remember what normal looks like, Alec."
"I’m just kind of...trying not to think about it."
"I have an idea, but it only works for one person. Me."
"You’re not leaving this house until you promise me you’ll protect her when I’m gone."
"I’m pretty sure your dad would actually kill me if I let that happen."
"I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t important."
"I’m not sure about anything anymore, Alec."
"I’m not sure I want to know what put the two of you on the same side of an issue."
"I’m not okay with that, and I’m not going to pretend I am."
"There isn’t going to be a later, Tod! These next three days? That’s my life. That’s all I get. I’m not going to live to regret anything."
"Why do you even care if I sleep with Nash?"
"I just want to be normal. I want to have fights with my dad, and secrets with my best friend, and sex with my boyfriend. But most of all, I want to not be dead in a few days. I’m not done living!"
"You like it better when I ‘rage, rage against the dying of the light?’"
"Farrah? It’s the baby. He’s not real, either. Feels real, though."
"I’m real, but I don’t know what last time was like."
"You ask a lot of questions for real people."
"My baby’s a boy. Not a real boy, though."
"Because you’re real. Everything real dies."
"I don’t suppose you know her room number?"
"You’re all up early today. What’s going on, guys?"
"So, I’m meeting Mr. Beck after school today."
"You’re the brightest thing I’ve ever seen, Kaylee. You’re this beautiful ball of fire spitting sparks out at the world, burning fiercely, holding back the dark by sheer will."
"I want to know that you’re going to be safe before…you know."
"He’s the honey, you’re the fly. Or maybe he’s the Venus flytrap. Either way, you’re the fly, and the fly never wins."
"I want the fire. I want the heat, and the light, and I want the burn."
"I’ve seen you fight, Kaylee. I’ve seen you step into that darkness for someone else, then claw your way out, bruised, but still standing."
"You can spend them feeling sorry for yourself, or you can let me help make them the best two days of your life, and my afterlife. So what’s it gonna be?"
"But my point is that none of that matters now. Tod isn’t my top choice for you, and if this were going to be a long-term thing, I’d insist that he follow all the normal social standards."
"He’s the cold corpse to your frigid bitch."
"I can’t just leave him like that, knowing it might be the last time I ever saw him."
"You can’t make out with my brother, then ask for promises from me."
"You should be careful, tossing descriptors like that around in a situation like this."
"That’s the difference between you and me—I’m not going to run from his problems."
"I live to serve. Except for the part about living…"
"No one feels worse about what Nash is going through than I do."
"Being alone in a crowd with you is one thing. But being alone for the rest of eternity?"
"It’s a good thing I’m planning to leave him a tribute, huh?"
"The worst part for her will be missing you."
"You have no idea how much I’m going to miss you."
"I couldn’t let them die. Not again. Not because of me."
"My entire body shook with sobs. But I clicked Send. And ruined everything, for everyone I’d ever loved."
"I may as well have killed him. I’d ended Nash’s life just the same, with the press of a few buttons and a single click of the mouse."
"The only things that mattered were the people I loved, and I’d just betrayed every last one of them."