
The Inquisition Quotes

The Inquisition by Taran Matharu

The Inquisition Quotes
"Fletcher opened his eyes, but all he saw was darkness."
"Good morning. Or whatever time it is," Fletcher mumbled, flaring a wyrdlight into existence.
"One year." Fletcher sighed, settling back into the straw. "Happy anniversary."
"Now I know you won’t be playing any tricks," the figure croaked.
"It was only when Didric, brave Didric, stepped in front of me that Fletcher left me alone."
"That’s no way." Fletcher’s mind reeled from the implication.
"You first," Didric said, jerking the pistol toward the open doorway.
"Ah, he’s in the straw there. Well, keep him quiet if you want to keep your brains inside your skull."
"Who. Are. You?" Fletcher asked, forcing each word out through numbed lips.
"Preposterous. Only the most skilled of summoners are able to master that technique."
"Well, if this is true, we could test it right now."
"Let us assume that you are able to scry without a corundum crystal to aid you. Your testimony is worthless, regardless of this ability."
"This is ludicrous," Arcturus shouted, striding up to the podium.
"It is law, Captain. I make it, you follow it."
"This trial was a farce, the verdict a foregone conclusion."
"Listen to your conscience, not these charlatans."
"The consequences would be catastrophic. All the goodwill you have won with King Harold, gone. The end of peace between dwarves and men."
"I owe the elves a great deal. And you, it seems. I can’t imagine how you convinced everyone to send me to the elves for healing."
"You won't make us homeless a second time."
"You can die here, like stubborn fools, or you can follow us, to a new life. It’s up to you."
"If word gets out, your mission will do more harm than good. People will think you’re traitors!"
"The future of Hominum depends on you, both in unifying the nation and destroying the goblin threat."
"You have all been told why you are here."
"It’s perfect, and it’s the blue and silver of the Raleigh house, right?"
"Now, who wants to bet on how long he will last. I’ve got two to one it’s a minute!"
"You’re lucky that my wife is the best seamstress around. She’ll replace what can’t be cleaned and have these ready for you tomorrow."
"It’s just us," Fletcher admitted sheepishly.
"You all know me," Scipio said, "The Hero of Watford Bridge. Provost of Vocans Academy."
"I can fit two of you," she whispered, pulling Fletcher up alongside her.
"Why would he want to guide Malik’s team?" Lovett replied. "Remember the state he was in when he came back over the front lines?"
"Thank you," Fletcher said, touched by the gesture. "You can have it back when we return."
"Actually, we’re lucky the day is so overcast," Lovett said. "This is their territory now."
"Everybody ready?" Scipio shouted, watching as the final students mounted their respective steeds.
"The river followed a meandering path, the only real feature in an ocean of green."
"You realize they’re heading right for Isadora and the others," Cress said, looking in the direction of the column.
"I saw my parents die," Fletcher murmured.
"It’s incentive enough for them to ambush us," Sylva said.
"We are to prove that dwarves and elves are worthy of humanity’s respect."
"Fletcher eased himself into a sitting position, using the hump of Lysander’s back as a prop."
"After what felt like an age, Halfear appeared to admit defeat."
"Fletcher bit back a retort. What he had done was wrong in almost every way."
"What’s done is done," Fletcher said, shaking his head.
"This is where I teach the gremlin pups about the jungle, for only the foragers, fishers and hunters are allowed to leave the Warren," Mother said.
"I grow tired," Mother breathed, her voice barely above a whisper.
Fletcher growled. "Why are you toying with us like this?"
"A gift from my grandmother," Verity said, holding it up for all to see.
"Who needs to kill orcs," Sylva said, shaking her head with a mix of wonder and disgust. "They’re doing the job for us."
"We need to copy this all down," Fletcher said, pointing at the wall.
"Let’s go have a look at what we’re dealing with."
"A crossbow bolt thudded through Fletcher’s shoulder. He stared at it, the blue fletching protruding from him like some strange new appendage."
"It felt as if he were being torn apart."
"The procedure was repeated on his thigh."
"Electra’s potions, strapped to his chest."
"Isn’t it weird that she hasn’t been here both times you were shot?"
"A dwarf trying to assassinate a human would cause an uproar."
"Don’t forget Seraph’s team were nearby too."
"I guess we have only ourselves to blame."
"Pointless bringing him with us; he’s slowed us down the entire way."
"We wasted a whole bunch of mana trying it."
"Looks like the elixir’s an antivenom too."
"I told you it smelled like dung in here."
"I’ll be damned if some pleb with ideas above his station thinks he can tell me otherwise."
"Bloody thousands of ’em, piled up willy-nilly."
"Leave the big piles, we’ll burn them last."
"The demon felt no pain, only a sense of yearning and purpose."
"We weren’t even able to speak to each other in there."
"Grindle, darling, be a dear and carry Atlas down for us."
"How are we supposed to get back if half of orcdom is armed to the teeth?"
"You’re forgetting, there’s a batch of eggs right here."