
Firestar's Quest Quotes

Firestar's Quest by Erin Hunter

Firestar's Quest Quotes
"Firestar slid around the edge of a hazel thicket and paused to taste the air."
"The flame-colored tomcat allowed himself a soft purr of satisfaction."
"Since the fearsome battle when the forest Clans had joined together to drive out BloodClan and their murderous leader, Scourge, there had been peace."
"But Firestar knew that somewhere in the tranquil night an attacker was lurking."
"Summoning all his strength, Firestar rolled onto his back and brought up his hind paws to thrust his attacker away."
"You didn’t know I was there, did you? Go on, Firestar, admit it. You had no idea."
"I rolled in a clump of damp ferns as soon as I left camp."
"Firestar hesitated, struggling to push away the memory of Bramblepaw’s bloodthirsty father, Tigerstar."
"Every day they reminded Firestar of his first deputy, Whitestorm, who had died battling the vicious BloodClan deputy, Bone."
"It’s not sleep I want. It’s an explanation."
"I don’t think I could sleep inside a Twoleg nest if I tried."
"Warrior of SkyClan, wherever you are, visit me in my dreams."
"Our medicine cat still walked with them in dreams."
"I have waited long for you to come, a strong cat, a leader, and one who bears no taint of our betrayal in his blood."
"We’ll do everything we can to make sure it doesn’t settle in our territory."
"We could have been washed away. Why can’t you listen to me for once, instead of being so stubborn?"
"But all the nests and gardens looked alike, and the rain had washed away any scents that might have guided him."
"Fox dung!" he spat. "Now I’m lost. What else can go wrong?"
"He felt too tired to go on searching; warily he dropped down from a fence into one of the gardens and crawled underneath a bush with strong-smelling blue flowers."
"When he woke he still felt exhausted, and so miserable that it took an immense effort for him to drag himself out from underneath the bush."
"My name’s Firestar. Have you seen a ginger cat recently?"
"Yes, but I’m not looking for me," he pointed out.
"Keep your claws to yourself," a voice growled.
"I’ll move when I’m ready." Firestar tried to sound defiant.
"We’ll find a good place to stay; I promise."
"I thought I’d hunt," she mewed as she came up to him, an annoyed look in her eyes.
"The stupid creature practically came up and begged to be caught," she told him, dropping her prey at his paws.
"We must have had paws made of stone if they lived here," Sandstorm added as she finished cleaning one paw and started on another.
"Next time, try not to be so mouse-brained," Firestar meowed.
"Maybe at the full moon we’ll find out what we need to know."
"It’s not just important for lining nests. You need moss to carry water to kits and elders."
"I will try to preserve the way of the warrior until my last breath."
"We must right the wrongs your Clan’s ancestors did all those seasons ago."
"You can be a SkyClan apprentice, or you can go into Twoleg nests and eat cream. Not both."
"The warrior code isn’t just based on what is practical. Honor matters equally as much."
"But he has to see that the warrior code is about more than just strength. He’ll learn, given time."
"Being a member of a Clan is about more than just blood."
"Every Clan needs a special place, like the Moonstone, and this cave could be SkyClan’s."
"We’re his kin, aren’t we? Those of us with SkyClan blood."
"You can’t have a Clan without a medicine cat."
"You’ll feel you really belong to the Clan when you give something back to it."
"The Clan depends on its warriors. They should be fed first so that they’re always strong enough to deal with unexpected trouble."
"No cat would doubt your loyalty. But how far would it go?"
"We’re going to join the Clan! Come on; it’s going to be great!"
"How could he put the new Clan in touch with the spirits of the former SkyClan when he couldn’t hear them either?"
"Are you there?" he mewed aloud, hoping that SkyClan’s warrior ancestors could hear him."
"If you are, show yourselves to us. And for the new Clan’s sake, please send us a medicine cat."
"The silence was almost as frightening as the sound."
"I need your help," he meowed. "Please, Firestar. It’s not for me; it’s for my mate and her kits."
"We would have done the same for any cat."
"You’re welcome to stay here as long as you want."
"That’s where Petal is." Rainfur pointed with his tail toward a gap in the wall of the nest.
But I was scared," Shortwhisker protested. "Scared to the roots of my pelt.
You're not selfish or a coward," Firestar told him. "The warrior code isn't right for every cat.
"My heart tells me that this is farewell. Thank you, Firestar. You have helped me find my destiny."
"SkyClan owes everything to you. I never told you how much it means to me to see the Clan restored."
I honor your courage," he meowed. "And I'll fight with you. You can have all my lives and all my strength if it will help you beat these rats.
"I wish I knew where the rats had their nest," Firestar muttered.
We're a Clan now," Clovertail declared, "and this is where we belong. We've got to fight for that.
"I'm proud to have been a SkyClan cat; I really am."
I'll be as safe here as anywhere," Firestar told them. "The entrance is narrow.