
Only The Dead Quotes

Only The Dead by Jack Carr

Only The Dead Quotes
"You are going to die in here, Reece. You deserve to die in here. In the dark. Alone."
"You needed to die. Death becomes you, Reece. War—it’s in your blood. You became war."
"There’s a safe-deposit box I need to find."
"Where there is darkness, there is light."
"All you have is your mind. Your mind and one meal a day."
"No. But it’s enough for today. I’ll get out and get my answers. And when I do, there will be a reckoning."
"Why are they standing so far back? Can’t they see I am not a threat?"
"Though he didn’t know why, Mohambar whispered a prayer to Allah."
"The people who cast the votes don’t decide an election. What is extraordinarily important is this: who will count the votes, and how."
"Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear."
"Imagine holding Ford responsible for Chappaquiddick. They would be out of business."
"The firearms industry makes weapons of war. Those weapons should only be allowed in the hands of authorized federal law enforcement agencies and the military."
"Makha de gulunah," Mohambar said by way of good-bye.
"We see good things on the horizon for you, Congressman," Ash continued.
"Wine can wait," she whispered, pulling his head to hers.
"I think it’s a three-bottle night," Reece said.
"You are perfect," Katie said, turning his head with her hand so she could look into his eyes.
"This is the last call I will make from this phone. As soon as we are done, I will dispose of it."
"And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."
"I’m back, Katie. We are going to figure this out. I promise."
"Before you get too frisky, mister, let me tidy up. You just relax."
"I’m not going anywhere," Reece said as Katie retrieved her suitcase.
"Built with slave labor from the Gulags following the Great Patriotic War, these secret cities were encircled by barbed-wire fences and 'protected' by military guards."
"Residents did enjoy a higher standard of living than most of the country, with the best health care, schools, and day care that the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic had to offer."
"The people who lived within the cities’ confines did not appear on the official census. It was as if they did not exist."
"In 'public' areas, no one talked about Zarechny’s sole employer—the Russian Federation’s State Atomic Energy Corporation, better known as Rosatom."
"Eager to avoid a repeat of the Airstan incident of 1995, Deynekin liberally handed out bribes to smooth their passage out of Afghanistan."
"Deynekin and his team of Wagner Group mercenaries had taken a charted Kam Air flight from Kandahar to Kabul."
"Uzbek president Shavkat Mirziyoyev had favored a more pro-Russian agenda since assuming power in 2016."
"A small yacht. Specifically, it’s a twenty-four-meter trawler-class vessel built by Magnolia Yachts. Long-range cruiser."
"Iranian plutonium. It will leave an Iranian signature. Everything else will be vaporized. It pulls Israel and the United States into war with Iran."
"One of my daughters from my first marriage settled down here. Her husband is an architect. All the New York money fleeing Manhattan during COVID has kept him busy."
"In today’s world it was safe to assume that all calls were being monitored on one end or the other, and at many points in between."
"The only thing that is going to keep them attached to your body is you telling me what I want to know."
"The world media already thinks Wagner is a mercenary organization. Those campaigns will play right into that narrative."
"It’s amazing what a little vodka will do."
"You are a walking dead man, as is every single person you care about."
"The key to fighting multiple assailants is to use angles to 'stack' them, to essentially fight one at a time."
"It was no stranger to private yachts and sailing vessels, from solo sailors to megayacht jet-setters and everything in between."
"If the extrajudicial route would provide the most protection for those closest to Reece, he was going to be busy."