
Poison Study Quotes

Poison Study by Maria V. Snyder

Poison Study Quotes
"I had nothing to distract me from my memories."
"The fire had pulled away just before blistering my skin."
"Use your mind. Put the flames out with your mind."
"Caught in the lantern’s glow, my eyes were seared by the brightness."
"Ignoring the calls and moans of the other prisoners, the guards never missed a step."
"It was the first time that I had seen daylight in seasons."
"My body itched from insect bites and from sleeping on dirty straw."
"The fresh breeze smelled like an expensive perfume."
"I supposed you’re going to protest the conviction."
"Anything less and you wouldn’t have tasted the poison."
"You need a daily dose of this to stay alive."
"I stood for a long time, hoping the drumming on my head would erase all thoughts of poisons."
"I was on the first floor of the castle! Five feet below was the ground."
"My arms started to tingle as I realized I had been holding my breath."
"I had only enough time to put the cup on the table before my world began to melt."
"I had left a blood trail, and there were Brazell’s guards, like trained dogs, following it."
"A food taster’s job is much more complex than that."
"A quick smile graced the Commander’s face, before he spotted me lingering near the corner."
"As my official food taster, you’re to report to me with my breakfast."
"It occurred to me that the Commander’s functional style and stark standards had robbed the castle of its soul."
"The takeover had been just that; to call it a war would be inaccurate."
"A considerable collection of weapons hung on the walls."
"Safe, I thought, turning the bolt, was the last thing I could ever feel here."
"Knowledge was power, so I planned to sit tight, to listen and learn all I could."
"The food taster is paid in advance. How much is your life worth?"
"I was jolted awake by the frightening awareness that someone was in my room."
"A magician? I thought they were banished from Ixia."
"Your weapon won’t do you any good. I could easily convince you that it was your heart you want to plunge that knife into instead of mine."
"It’s amazing you lasted this long without being discovered."
What the hell was that?" I demanded. "What happened to the singing?
"I sang at the festival because I was trying to be kind."
"The source of our power—what you call magic—is like a blanket surrounding the world."
"Every person has the latent ability to read minds and influence the physical world without touching it."
"I'll take my chances." I stood, brushed the dirt off my legs and retrieved my knife.
"You put on such a brave front. But I know if I took another step toward you, you'd wet your pants."
"With your blood." I brandished my knife.
How long do I have?" I asked. "One year. Maybe a little more if you can control yourself.
"She has given her word," Ari repeated. A low rumble in his voice reminded me of a huge dog growling a warning.
"It helps. You know who else would make a great fighter?"
"A switchblade would be better than a knife," Janco said.
"She's the one who ruined my plans by killing Reyad."
"No. You have one day to prove yourself."
"I'd think that a half-starved rat like you would pounce on any morsel, no matter how small."
"Everyone makes choices in life. Some bad, some good. It's called living, and if you want to bow out, then go right ahead. But don't do it halfway. Don't linger in whiner's limbo."
"It’s a perfect world. No weapons allowed."
"I doubt you could have looked any better sitting in that uncomfortable dress uniform all night."
"The harder we tried, the more you resisted."
"I’m locked into you, you’re still fighting me. I can command your body."
"I suggest you use the ‘slurp and spit’ method so you don’t get drunk."
"You’ll never pay off your debt. As soon as you get close, you always gamble yourself right down another hole."
"The only concern I’ll have when she dies is, who’s going to replace her and how quickly can I bribe him?"
"I would have gladly died to escape from it."
"Trusting is hard. Knowing who to trust, even harder."
"You’re the key to too many puzzles. I need you."
"Despite my arguments, the Commander fails to grasp this point, so I occasionally take matters into my own hands."
"It’s all right," Valek said, pushing me down."
"What have I earned from you, Valek? Loyalty? Respect? Trust?"
"I don’t think I would have made it past the audition, Yelena."
"I want you…not as an unwilling servant, but as a loyal staff member."
"Learning how to pick locks naturally leads to this."
"The only physical mark I would leave on this world would be a ripple in the power source."
"The sound of broken glass raining on stones created an odd melody in my mind."
"I have no soul," I said under my breath."
"Then dying wouldn’t be adequate punishment, would it?"
"My damn morals and your damn niceness complicated things."
"Your so-called antidote," Valek said. "It’s an interesting concoction. I use it to make someone sick. As the potion wears off, it produces stomach cramps worthy of a day in bed."
"Doesn’t exist. I made it up. It sounded good. I needed some threat to keep the food tasters from running away without using guards or locked doors."
"Damn! The stench down here’s worse than the latrine after a brew party," said the guard holding the lantern.
"Cold as snow-cat piss. Let’s drag her out before she starts to rot."
"Play dead," Valek whispered, releasing my hand.
"You think she’s dead?" the second guard asked.
"My love has been yours since the fire festival."
"The Captain has the only key to this door. He will open it when it’s time to change the guards."
"They actually think I would abandon the Commander. They have no concept of loyalty."
"My first assignment was to kill the person who had paid me to assassinate Ambrose."
"You fools. Your Commander’s a deceiver. You’ve been lied to for years!"