
Frostblood Quotes

Frostblood by Elly Blake

Frostblood Quotes
"Winter solstice was six weeks away, but my village, high in the mountains, was already blanketed with a thick layer of snow."
"A gust of frigid air whipped my hair across my face."
"I closed my eyes and focused on my heart, willing the gathering warmth to surge upward."
"I’m sorry I lost my temper the other day. Again."
"Blood rushed to my heart, fear blossoming into heat."
"You’re better than any fire. You never burn me, even if I roll too close."
"I am as cold as the prison walls. I feel nothing."
"Ice cracked like the breaking of bones."
"You’ll pay for what you did to me and my men. Your whole village will pay."
"I wonder what would happen if we poured out all that red tea?"
"Then you can rot in here until you’re nothing but a pile of bones held together by chains."
"Butter kept a good pace, especially when we came across a thin, frozen stream and were able to follow its banks unobstructed by trees. Eventually, the torches fell so far behind they were no longer in sight. I forced my tight muscles to relax. We had escaped."
"Escape. That was all I seemed to do anymore. Run away."
"The real problem was my conscience. It wouldn’t stay quiet anymore."
"There was nothing noble about a thirst for revenge."
"Everything was violent white. The wind hit my eyes like invisible needles, making them water."
"Cursing myself, I pulled back on the reins. I was fairly sure I could survive the night. My heat should keep my insides from freezing. But not Butter."
"No sooner had the thought crossed my mind than I sank down, my back against the trunk of a tree."
"I woke with a jolt. It was still daylight. I still sat against the tree."
"I would never be safe in Tempesia. There was nowhere I could hide that someone wouldn’t turn me in to the nearest garrison for that reward."
"I looked at the stars for guidance, then turned Butter back toward the abbey."
"If that were true, I would take a horse and leave. I would ride to the ocean and find my way onto a ship and never look at this cursed land again."
"You want to kill the king more than anyone. That’s why you came back."
"Were you there the night my mother died?"
"I would care if you died, you stupid goat’s behind. I would miss you."
"I wasn’t leaving. I was just upset and I wanted to be alone."
"The land is dying. The people are dying. They have nothing to lose."
"If you fail, there is little hope for this kingdom."
"The curse has controlled him for years."
"You’ll believe what you wish. Why did you even come here?"
"It’s not uncommon for nobles to desire a night with the champions. I’m valued for my discretion."
"My heart pounded so hard my vision blurred."
"I wondered how they’d fought their way here and what their lives had been like to bring them to a place like this."
"Few clouds of frost rose from the folks packed into the regular seats."
"You honor your king by cheering for his champions and cursing his enemies. May the deaths be honorable and the fights be bloody!"
"I'm not sure how much longer I’ll allow it. I may decide to give you a deadline."
"You’re being allowed a fair fight against one champion."
"I can’t have my protégé looking like a ragamuffin."
"I’ve made plans and bided my time, waiting for a Fireblood powerful enough to help me carry them out."
"A spectacle the likes of which you’ve never seen."
"I'm no fool. I’d be whisked off to the keep or worse."
"I hadn’t looked in a mirror in longer than I could remember."
"You and I will join when your heart is bled of color, when perfect darkness inhabits your soul."
"The pain and suffering of the animal cut me deeply."
"I hardly heard him. My mind had entered an altered state, not peaceful exactly but devoid of care."
"I can never remember what time we dine."
"Even now, I longed for that darkness, for its sinuous caress, like Brother Gamut’s tea that eased all pain, only a thousand times stronger."
"I hated the king. Hated him to the depths of my spirit."
"Let the darkness take me, then. The king has won."
"There is always light in darkness. It may only be a pinpoint, but it is there. Follow it and you will find your way free."
"My lips twisted. 'Unlikely. I see them preparing to launch their vegetables as we speak.'"
"You think this is a nice game, don’t you?"
"My chest heated and I punched out a series of attacks, fire bolts and fire arrows and a ferocious tail of the dragon in rapid succession, the whipcrack echoing off the ice."
"I’m convinced the throne had a hand in the death of the Fireblood queen. I don’t fear your heat and you don’t fear my frost."
"When it comes to you, I like to be burned."