
The Passenger Quotes

The Passenger by Cormac McCarthy

The Passenger Quotes
"Life. What can you say? It's not for everybody."
"Let's just turn out the lights and call it a life."
"Maybe we should bring you up to date on some of the projects. You might stabilize a bit if you saw some of the progress we've made."
"Choice is the name you give to what you got."
"Dreams haunted by the complaints of poultry."
"You get a taste for it. People don't want to hear that. Too bad."
"I'm here to kill people. And if I don't get to kill people, I'm going to be a hard motherfucker to live with."
"Rich boys went to college and poor boys went to war."
"You know every day that you're someplace that you ain't supposed to be."
"What's the most scared you ever were? I was scared all the time."
"I dont think so. I have questions about the flight. The same as you."
"When you carry a child in your arms it will turn its head to see where it's going."
"I want the female soul to contain me. That's what I want and that's all I want."
"You can't pay proper attention. The full vertical and upright position facilitates the flow of blood to the brain. The frontal lobes in particular."
"I suppose you intend to count your way to Paradise."
"You need to take a break, Brenda. You may not be at the edge but you can see it from here."
"The lawndwarves in the shadow of her desk put forth woodenly."
"He clapped his flippers and the bathless one appeared out of the closet and doffed his floppery billcap."
"You never know what you’re going to find when you drain the swamp."
"You may not be at the edge but you can see it from here."
"I thought that there are things that you’re afraid of that you just do it."
"I know you don't believe in God. But you don't even believe that there is a structure to the world. To a person's life."
"Okay. You can only hear what you’re listening to. If you’re listening to a conversation in a room and you stop and start listening to a different conversation you dont know how you do that you just do it. It’s all in your head. It’s not like moving your eyeballs. Your ears stay put."
"The purpose of all families in their lives and in their deaths is to create the traitor who will finally erase their history forever."
"Genealogies are always interesting. You can trace the whole thing back to some stone tracks in a gorge if you like."
"When the light hits the glass and starts back in the opposite direction doesn't it have to come to a full stop first? And so everything is supposed to hang on the speed of light but nobody wants to talk about the speed of dark."
"He closed the watch and put it away. He shook his head. Jesus, he said. Where do the days go?"
"Lastly she said that God was not interested in our theology but only in our silence."
"My father was a country storekeeper and yours a fabricator of expensive devices that make a loud noise and vaporize people."
"Bright people often have a good load to carry. But boredom is seldom a part of it."
"But boredom is seldom a part of it. It’s all right. I’m always pleased to see just that small bit deeper. You deny our brotherhood. Insisting as you do in your sly way that our genealogies and our socioeconomic standings have set us apart at birth in a manner not to be contravened."
"If one has to be unhappy—and one does—then it’s better to be admired than pitied."
"You have to believe that the work of your hands will bring it into your life. You may be wrong, but if you don't believe that then you will not have a life."
"The time would come when all memory of this place and these people would be stricken from the register of the world."
"He thought the fact that this approach worked for QED didn't mean anything."
"Physics tries to draw a numerical picture of the world. I don't know that it actually explains anything."
"In the meantime what was happening in the real world was Weinberg had figured out that Glashow's Z particle had to be right."
"I've been told that. Maybe I just wanted to see if you were listening."
"The road to infinity may well unravel fresh rules as it goes."
"I suppose there must have been something like a sequence to them. Maybe I should have paid more attention."
"Beauty makes promises that beauty cant keep."
"I think people regret what they didnt do more than what they did."
"Everything covered with dust. Chicken droppings. In spite of everything that you’ve read some things really dont have a number."
"Life had changed little since the middle ages."
"You cant see what is coming, Bobby. And if you could it is no guarantee you’d make the right choice even then."
"I think everbody has things they failed to do."
"It wasnt thieves, Granellen. That stuff wasnt going to the pawnshop."
"I’m sorry, Baby. I’m sorry. It’s all just darkness. I’m sorry."
"Good guys, bad guys. You’re all the same guys."
"Yes. I suppose you could say that. I actually believe that my person belongs to me."
"Statistically it will shorten your life, not lengthen it."
"I think there may be things we keep to ourselves for reasons pretty much unknown to us."
"It’s the exchange particle in quark interactions."
"They settled in Canada. I was actually born in Montreal."
"It’s here. I still got five boxes of the hundred and eighty grain longnose for the rifle and maybe eight boxes of shotgun shells."
"Statistically speaking. Multiple millions of times more than the average citizen might experience."
"Your only real safety would be in disappearing."
"The loss of a great beauty can bring an entire nation to its knees."
"I’ve never understood why justice wasn’t supposed to be for sale."
"We dont move through the days, Squire. They move through us."
"Ultimately there is nothing to know and no one to know it."
"That car is the property of the US Government, Bobby."
"You always knew that you could depend on her."
"These are not people that you want to have a conversation with, Bobby."
"I’m not sure that you do either. Thanks for your time."
"For all his dedication there were times he thought the fine sweet edge of his grief was thinning."
"She reached and took his hand and she wouldn’t give it up again."
"I’ve sat here so many times and I tried to think how to touch her in some way."
"The world is a deceptive place. A lot of things that you see are not really there anymore."
"You cant get hold of the world. You can only draw a picture."
"There is no other loss. Do you understand? No other loss. None."
"The truth is that everyone is under arrest. Or soon will be."
"Information and survival will ultimately be the same thing."
"Documents they’d no gift to read in a cold to loot men of their souls."
"Sometimes I think I would have found my life pretty funny if I hadn't had to live it."
"It's just that sometimes I think I would have found my life pretty funny if I hadn't had to live it."
"Unreal artifacts in warrant of an unreal world."
"She spread her arms. Wind in the sparse grass among the rocks. Silence."
"No. It’s just that sometimes I think I would have found my life pretty funny if I hadn’t had to live it."
"Even if imaginary beings die an imaginary death, they will be dead nonetheless."
"The idea is always struggling against its own realization."
"If I could plan my life I wouldn't want to live it."
"The world is full of people who should have been more willing to wet."
"In the end you can escape everything but yourself."
"If I told you that I was concerned for your soul you would fall out of your chair laughing."
"Hovering as you do out there at the edge of the intactile dark."
"He would give up his dreams in order to escape his nightmares and I would not."
"The only thing that was ever asked of me was to care for her. And I let her die."
"It’s fairly common among athletes. And psychopaths."
"In the morning he sat with his feet crossed under him and watched the sun rise."
"A recluse in an old house. Growing stranger by the day."
"I thought that if you werent dead you should have said so."
"She wanted not to have ever been here in the first place."
"There are things that I think you would like to know."
"I am writing because there are things I don’t want to forget."
"The weather is warmer. There is an owl behind the house."
"In the end, everything is gone from my life except you."
"You think his patience is infinite? I think we’re probably almost there."
"I think the odds are on that we’ll still be here to see him wet his thumb and lean over and unscrew the sun."
"Suffering is a part of the human condition and must be borne. But misery is a choice."