
The Dragonet Prophecy Quotes

The Dragonet Prophecy by Tui T. Sutherland

The Dragonet Prophecy Quotes
"If he could make it over the mountains, he’d be safe."
"But his theft had not been as stealthy as he thought."
"You won’t be using your freezing-death breath on us, ice dragon."
"My SkyWing ally is not a fool. Queen Scarlet knows everything that happens in her kingdom."
"We can have peace when my sisters are dead and I am queen of the SandWings."
"The dragonets are coming, whether you like it or not, and they’ll choose who the next SandWing queen should be."
"I’m not letting a bunch of words or baby dragons choose when I die or what I bow to."
"I guess that means you should be very, very careful with this terribly important little — oops!"
"We’ll never give up. The dragonets — the dragonets will come and stop this war."
"Even if they do — it’ll be far too late for you."
"The three moons will all be full for the first time in a century."
"In eight years, the Talons of Peace will come looking for five dragonets. The prophecy says five, and we’re going to make it come true … whatever it takes."
"Clay didn’t think he was the right dragon for a Big Heroic Destiny."
"Clay felt about as dangerous as cauliflower."
"I don’t particularly want to be a violent angry monster, even if Kestrel thought that would be an improvement."
"Maybe that was the only way to make the prophecy come true. Maybe that monster was his destiny."
"Dragon bones are almost as hard as diamonds."
"And then we can go home and eat as many cows as we want."
"Cut off the head, and the problem goes away."
"When we’re free, we’ll go find a scavenger nest and eat all of them."
"Destiny is destiny, right? So whatever we do must be the right thing."
"Think about cows think about cows think about delicious fat cows. . . ."
"I can handle him. Even if he finally gets mad like we want him to, there’s nothing he can do to stop me."
"I’ll be rolling away that boulder before you know it."
"I would never have made it through the last six years without the four of you."
"It’s not natural, that much loyalty in a dragon, especially to dragons outside your own tribe."
"But maybe Morrowseer was more important than Clay had realized."
"We have to do something," Clay said fiercely.
"I wasn’t about to add 'whining' to the list of things wrong with me."
"He felt like he could keep flying up and up forever, all the way to the moons."
"This is what we’ve been missing. All this time..."
"The sky was everywhere, it just… went on and on and on, like nothing could ever fill it up."
"We might need them. They’ll tell us what’s safe to eat and all the different tribal customs and how to fly in bad weather and..."
"Disappear while you try to die for us again? No, thanks."
"We’re on the same side. So why didn’t you recognize me?"
"But Clay guessed it was really because the guardians didn’t trust him and his friends. They didn’t trust them not to fly away."
"I had to, didn’t I? But thank you for doing insanely dangerous things for me anyway."
"These dragonets are sacred. They’re the dragonets of destiny. You can’t have them!"
"I don’t care about destiny. I don’t care about prophecies or any of that NightWing silliness."
"Poor, poor Scarlet. Everyone betrays you. Well, you’ve got me now."
"These dragonets have nothing to do with the SkyWings."
"You will come with me. Funny that you thought you had a choice about that."
"They’re no prizes. They’re useless, every one of them."
"Oh, they’re just the new blood my arena needs. It would be terribly sad to let them go."
"I mean, what use is a crippled dragon who can’t fly?"
"No! I won’t fight. I’ll come with you. Just leave them."
"Because I don’t want you to die before I kill you."
"Aren’t you going to eat? I don’t know what MudWings eat."
"The Talons of Peace. I hope they try storming my sky palace to save you."
"No one else wants me. No one can even touch me."
"That’s what you think. Hilarious. As if you’d have survived this long out here."
"Well, it’s easy to say war is awful. But it’s a lot harder to solve these problems without having a war."
"I think the war is quite entertaining. I pick up lots of contenders for the arena from the battlefield."
"Shush," said the queen, "Your spunkiness is starting to bore me."
"Adorable," the queen said, narrowing her eyes. "But seriously."
"I love your enthusiasm, dragonets," the queen said, clapping her wings together.
"I’d rather not," Clay said, stumbling back a few steps.
"This is my chance, Clay thought. Now he should kill him. He should. He had to."
"Feeling sorry for prey. Some hero dragon you are."
"She could have escaped with your brother," Scarlet pointed out. "You're the one who burned her when she tried to save you. She thought she chose wrong."
"I don’t mind," Clay said. "I’m in enough trouble anyway."
"The dragonets are coming. They’re coming to save the day."
"It sounded like ghosts of ancient dragons whispering from under the sands."
"The song meant something, even to dragons hardened on the battlefield and in the arena. They believed in the dragonets and the prophecy."
"For the first time, Clay’s dreams of doing something big and legendary and helpful seemed like they belonged to this world instead of his imagination."
"It seemed like every prisoner in the sky was singing now."
"Even if this didn’t get Peril’s attention, the singing filled him with a wild, hopeful feeling."
""I’m so glad you’re alive," she said. "You incredibly huge idiot.""
""I guess she doesn’t have any other friends." "Clay!" Tsunami said, exasperated. "Don’t feel sorry for her. She just betrayed us.""
"Despite his fears about the morning, his guilt over trusting Peril, and his sadness at her betrayal, he was asleep within moments."
""Stop gawping," Tsunami ordered, shoving him at the tunnel. "Everybody run.""
""This is what happens when you’re too nice to psychotic killer dragons.""
""It’s really them! The dragonets of destiny!""
"Maybe the dragonets are supposed to show everyone how to get along without a lot of killing."
"We’re free now. I’m only going to eat what I want to eat from now on."
"Nobody. No one could look at this place and think, ‘hooray, we won.’"
"Clay could see evidence of the IceWings’ freezing breath, even now, when most of the ice would have melted."
"We’re not going to find help here," Clay realized."
"The MudWings won’t trust the four of us, all together like this," he said."
"Clay remembered Kestrel saying something about "lowest-born" MudWings living around the delta."
"If I don’t come back by sunrise tomorrow," he said, "come looking for me."
"I can’t imagine leaving any dragon lying out there like that, not even enemies."
"I didn’t need a royal family; I just wanted my family."
"Clay’s chest felt ready to burst. Cattail! His mother had a name!"
"He felt like long claws were slashing through his chest."
"What’s one more dead dragon here or there on my way to the throne?"
"He’s not just our brother," Pheasant pointed out. "Look at him. He should be our bigwings."
"His strength wasn’t for killing and violence; it was for protecting his brothers and sisters."