
Excavation Quotes

Excavation by James Rollins

Excavation Quotes
"Though the heavy robes ill suited his flight through the dense, cloud-draped jungle of the upper Andes, the young friar still refused to shed his raiment."
"The young friar had only one hope left—a chance at salvation—not for himself, but for the world."
"Francisco knew what lay within those warm valleys. From his mountaintop altar, he christened the twin volcanoes. 'Ojos el de Diablo,' he whispered…the Devil’s eyes."
"May it save us all, he prayed silently, and nestled the cross back into his robes, resting it near his heart."
"Built in a high saddle between two Andean peaks, the newly discovered jungle city spread in terraced plazas across half a square mile."
"The very air smells of life, as if some substance in the wind encourages a vitality in the spirit."
"You can practically hear the ancient voices echoing off the mountains."
"His dreams of proving his theory dimmed in the glare of the golden crucifix."
"The discovery will be worth a footnote in some journal article."
"The towering peaks. The streams of mist. The verdant jungle."
"But to reach his goal, Francisco needed first to cross this chasm, then climb out of the cloud forest to the crag’s rocky escarpment above."
"Here among the clouds and skies, one was closer to God. A sense of timelessness and a promise of eternity seemed to ring forth in the heavy silence."
"The path climbed steeply, straining his legs and chest. Here the trees were less thick, the canopy less dense."
"Francisco froze like a startled rabbit, then another cry shouted forth. Glancing behind him, he saw a single hunter standing on the far side. Their eyes met briefly across the chasm."
"He would rather die than lose this treasure."
"The burning rain ended and the silver tile slid closed over the pit. Death had come within a breath of claiming him."
"Only pure luck and chance had carried him this far."
"Raised on the streets of Belfast, Maggie knew to listen to that inner voice of hers."
"Danger lay in haste. Having learned her lesson, Maggie stayed hidden and kept the others back with a hand."
"Maggie knew safety still lay in the shadows."
"She felt her limbs stiffen and begin the first of the characteristic tremors."
"No one bested Guillermo Sala—especially not an ancient Incan idol!"
"The passage that led to the last ladder was now a tumble of rock and dirt."
"As weird as this may sound considering the state of my room, I had a nice night."
"Get ahold of yourself. He's an old friend. That's all."
"Christ protect us. May the evil never escape."
"Beyond lies the workings of Satan, the will of the Devil."
"The Lord above, keep us safe. We beseech you."
"I don’t think your uncle would share that wish."
"I wish my uncle were here. We could use his expertise."
"The Lord will watch over all those here."
"Lie on your back! Hug the case tight to your chest!"
"Keep tight to that case. Lose my cameras, and I'll let you drown!"
"The cold burned through her clothes and froze the breath in her lungs."
"A burial tomb...but I've never heard of one this extensive or elaborate."
"We have come to believe that each particulate structure of the metal may actually be a type of microscopic manufacturing device."
"I don’t suppose you have a cigarette on you."
"I mean it. Do nothing. I don’t trust Sam’s judgment."
"He says this night, when the moon rises to its zenith, the Sapa Inca will come."
"My birth name be Pachacutec. Inca Pachacutec."
"Inti has blessed you. The sun god of the Mochico listens to your dreams."