
Columbine Quotes

Columbine by Dave Cullen

Columbine Quotes
"When you're thinking about doing something that could get you in trouble, remember, I care about you. I love you, but remember, I want us all together. We are one large family, we are."
"His heart would break to lose just one of them."
"I am a valued member of Columbine High School. And I'm not in this alone."
"I want to see each and every one of your bright, smiling faces again Monday morning."
"Look to your left. Look to your right. Imagine one of them gone."
"We are one large family, we are—COL-um-BINE!"
"No one had the fever like a sunburned high school girl, radiating from the choir like the orchids splashed across her sundress."
"Each fresh horror left millions shaking their heads, wondering when the next outcast would strike."
"He tried so hard to emulate Eric—on some of their videos, he puffed up and acted like a tough guy, then glanced over at Eric for approval."
"I hate almost everyone. Ah, yes. I wanna rip his head off and eat it."
"The heart of Evangelical country. This is the spirit moving more strongly than at Trinity Christian Center."
"This is a church on fire. This is the holy spirit crying out for Jesus in a converted Kmart."
"Satan was more than a symbol of evil—he was an actual, physical entity, hungry for compliant souls."
"It’s a safe bet that Eric and Dylan watched the carnage of Waco and Oklahoma City on television, with the rest of the country."
"If he could just make it to the windows maybe someone would see him. If he had to, maybe he would jump."
"They kept coming and coming, dozens of them, tracing the same winding path."
"If I couldn’t get a look at somebody, at their face, to see if they were still alive, I tried to kind of touch them."
"I just—I started crying. I haven’t cried for years, I just—I don’t know what I’m going to do."
"I screamed, I threw the phone. I have no idea what happened from then on."
"I knew he was gone. I assume it was God telling me, preparing me."
"In this day and age it can be hard to find a skill that can be completely dominated and mastered, but I believe that I will always be the best at Doom creativity."
"Nature shared the secret serenity with someone who was actually observant enough to notice. Sucks for everyone else."
"I am a nice guy who hates when people open their pop can just a little."
"You're doing all right. They're coming. Just hold on. You can do it."
"I want to thank you all for being here today, for my parents and myself. I love my brother."
"Thinking of suicide gives me hope that I'll be in my place wherever I go after this life."
"I do shit to supposedly 'cleanse' myself in a spiritual, moral sort of way."
"Had we heard gunfire and screaming, we would have gone right to that."
"I am GOD compared to some of these un-existable brainless zombies."
"Natural SELECTION!!!!!!!!!!! God damn it's the best thing that ever happened to the Earth."
"I stopped the pornography. I try not to pick on people."
"I wish the government would just take off every warning label."
"I can't think of a more honorable way to die than to profess your faith in God."
"I feel like God. I am higher than almost anyone in the fucking world in terms of universal intelligence."
"Humans were pathetic fuckheads too dense to perceive their lifeless existence."
"My belief is that if I say something, it goes. I am the law."
"I know I will die soon; so will you and everyone else."
"Psychopaths are capable of behavior that normal people find not only horrific but baffling."
"If we have figured out the art of time bombs before hand, we will set hundreds of them around houses, roads, bridges, buildings and gas stations."
"It’s just all nature, chemistry, and math. You die. Burn, melt, evaporate, decay."
"Psychopaths feel nothing deep, complex, or sustained."
"They chase new sources of excitement because it is so difficult for them to sustain."
"The emotional flavors that color our days are invisible to psychopaths."
"For psychopaths, horror is purely intellectual."
"Nothing works. It is the only major mental affliction to elude treatment."
"He responded to events that others find arousing, repulsive, or scary with the words interesting and fascinating."
"I have a goal to destroy as much as possible."
"I will force myself to believe that everyone is just another monster from Doom."
"I will sooner die than betray my own thoughts."
"Terrorists design events to be spectacular in their viciousness."
"A high school was pragmatic, but the choice was not arbitrary."
"People will die because of me. It will be a day that will be remembered forever."
"I wish I was a fucking sociopath so I didn't have any remorse. But I do."
"It's kinda hard on me, these last few days. This is my last week on earth and they don't know."
"The apocalypse is coming and it's starting in eight days."
"I haven't done anything for which I need forgiveness."
"He did it in contradiction to the way he was raised."
"I think he suffered horribly before he died. For not seeing that, I will never forgive myself."
"They acknowledge but do not emphasize the murders their son committed."
"I'd say they are facing them bravely and honorably."
"Life is different than he imagined before. Better."
"It’s not fair to another man to be compared to the man I’ve built."
"I not only saw in his face, but also felt emanating from him power, complacence, closure, and godliness."
"The world breaks everyone and afterward many are strong at the broken places."
"I just wanted to apologize to you guys for any crap this might instigate."
"Every day, from now on, the world will break someone."
"Measured by their own standards, Columbine was a colossal failure."
"The media presents two choices: guns or 'mental health.' Both, obviously, but for God's sake stop framing mental health that way!"
"To fight atrocities, we have to view them through the killers' depressed eyes."
"Our best asset is time. These boys don’t 'snap,' they smolder."
"Screening is simple. What are we waiting for?"
"Teen depression: the great unlearned lesson of Columbine."
"No leader has had the guts to take on the NRA."
"Victim focus takes more effort, but Anderson Cooper has been running that experiment successfully since 2012."
"To slash school dropout rates, teen pregnancy, drug and alcohol addiction, car accidents, and general misery. But if we are primed to act, this is the answer."
"Ten years on a massacre can be tough on the soul."
"Good people have tried to do good things but no policy has been enacted to reduce access of military weapons to kids."
"Pretending we’re not part of it is a fantasy. And deplorable."