
On The Edge Of The Dark Sea Of Darkness Quotes

On The Edge Of The Dark Sea Of Darkness by Andrew Peterson

On The Edge Of The Dark Sea Of Darkness Quotes
"Sometimes ye feel like yer brother and sister might weigh ye down like an anchor, is that it? Sometimes ye feel like this little town’s too small for the notions in yer head?"
"People come to Glipwood to see the dragons because it’s one of the only freedoms they have left."
"Lad, it’s one thing to be poor in pocket—nothing wrong with that. But poor in heart—that’s no good."
"There’s a time to think hard and there’s a time to ease up."
"If you can’t find peace here in Glipwood, you won’t find it anywhere."
"Blood was shed that you three might breathe the good air of life, and if that means you have to miss out on a Zibzy game, then so be it."
"Part of being a man is putting others’ needs before your own."
"I doubt you’d like the taste of me. I’m wiry and ill fed."
"We have to figure a way out of this. If there’s anything Podo taught me, it’s that there’s always a way out."
"But it won’t do any good to argue with someone bigger than you."
"There’s just something about the way he sings. It makes me think of when it snows outside, and the fire is warm, and Podo is telling us a story while you’re cooking, and there’s no place I’d rather be—but for some reason I still feel… homesick."
"We can't live in fear. We won't live in fear."
"The three of you slept late, so eat quickly and get dressed. The Dragon Day festival is over and life goes back to normal today."
"Most people were working so hard at rebuilding and adjusting to life with evil snake men breathing down their necks that they didn't have time for books."
"Look around you, lads. This is the best of the old Skree. Or at least, it’s what’s left of it."
"So this is what the map meant about pain and woe, huh?"
"Part of being a man is taking much care of those you love."
"I just have…too much crammed in my head to write about flabbits and the Jungles of Plontst."
"Then write about that. It’ll do you some good."
"What matters is now. The past and the future are both beyond our reach."
"To think too long on what might happen is a fool’s business."
"Even if hope is just a low ember at night, in the morning you can still start a fire."
"Hold on, honey; ye gotta build suspense, see."
"Well, it’s a good thing I brought my fork from the house, otherwise I wouldn’t have anything to fight with at all."
"Today when I was ridin’ through the wood I remembered what it was like to have the wind in me hair and the world unrollin’ before me eyes."
"Perhaps you could join me for broiled rump of snapping diggle."
"It was a journal... On the front was a picture. A picture that we’ve seen before... A dragon, with wings."
"Anniera." Janner repeated the name to himself. The word felt good on his lips, like laughter or a pretty song.
"Ye'd better tie ol' Podo better than that if ye want to save yer rotten snakeskins," he slurred, his white hair matted with blood.
"Was my maggotloaf not satisfactory, Commander?" Nia asked in a calm, strong voice.
"I swear to you, I gave you all the gold and jewels I had," she said, her voice level and cold.
"The Black Carriage will be here sssoon, so you'd better get to it, old man," Gnorm said with a chuckle.
"When it comes time to fight, you fight. Even if those Fangs tear us to pieces, we'll meet the Maker knowin' we fought hard for somethin' good."
"They can throw us in the jail, they can tear the house to pieces. They can even try to take my wee Leeli here. But as long as old Podo's got breath in his lungs and a beat in his heart, there's no fate, no Fang, no Gnag himself what can tear up this family."
"Why, in the words of the Sage of Brivshap, 'Exactly!' Exactly, I say!"
"I know it's not the most comfortable accommodation, dear. In the words of Burley the Pow, 'This place is indibnible. And dank.'"
"But don't you fret about it now. Ye know I love you boys. And I love yer mother and sister too. Besides, they're a right bit prettier than you louses."
"I’m sorry, old friend. The jewels…keep them with you. Hold fast to them!"
"Only another ridgerunner could’ve heard it at that distance."
"It’s too late. He’s too fast…in a matter of seconds Zouzab will have already informed the Fangs that you’re here."
"I don’t know how much longer I can…stay awake."
"All dead, dead, scooth and tail, tooth and scale."
"You’ve held on to your anger long enough, Papa, and now that anger is becoming a burden you no longer bear alone."
"We’re going to Peet’s tree house and that’s final."
"Even with an ocean of Fangs in pursuit, they had somehow, thank the Maker, stayed alive and whole."
"The oak protruded from the line of the forest and spread its thick, sagging arms above and around them, like a mother hen protecting her young."
"Janner, like the other Igibys, drifted off to sleep, thanking the Maker they were safe and dry in Peet’s castle."
"High in the boughs of a glipwood oak in the middle of the fiercest storm Skree had seen in a thousand years, the Igibys, Podo Helmer, and Peet the Sock Man shared a meal together."
"Your father— Your father was the High King of the Shining Isle."
"The Jewels of Anniera," Peet whispered, and he bowed so low his forehead touched the floor."
"It is no small thing to be a Throne Warden of Anniera. They have been sung about by bards for a thousand years and are accorded a place of honor like no other kingdom—like no other king—in the world—not because they’re lords, but because they’re servants."
"And I tell you, you should rest easy knowing that a Throne Warden of Anniera is keeping watch."
"Your father is a king. You are his son. This is your land, and nothing can change that. Nothing."