
The Doomsday Key Quotes

The Doomsday Key by James Rollins

The Doomsday Key Quotes
"I can do all things in Him who strengthens me."
"It’s late, she had justified in her head. I can turn it over to the investigators in the morning."
"Students just keep getting younger, don’t they?"
"I know. The boy was so excited to be involved in that African field study."
"I can’t say for sure. But I’ve compiled the data three times."
"Most everything else is storage rooms, mechanical spaces…oh, and the building’s vivarium, where they house the lab animals."
"No one here but a lot of kids who look like junior high students."
"I heard tell that these lands once belonged to the heathen Celts."
"It must all be burned. The soil sowed with salt."
"Let me guess, Doogie. You were never a Boy Scout."
"He can get so focused on what he’s doing that he’ll work right through a scheduled lecture."
"The world has gone from four billion to six billion in only two decades. And it shows no signs of slowing. We’ll be at nine billion in another twenty years. And even now, the world is running out of arable farmland, global warming is wreaking havoc, and our oceans are dying."
"We will hit that overshoot point sooner than anyone is expecting."
"But we can mitigate its impact by planning now."
"There is only one way to avoid complete worldwide collapse—and that’s to slowly and steadily lower the human biomass of this planet before we hit that overshoot point."
"The core of my speech comes from the Club of Rome’s own published report."
"The report outlines in great detail the collapse that the world is currently barreling straight for."
"The world was changing, melting before his eyes."
"Snowpack and permafrost were melting at record paces."
"Someone had to take a stand to protect mankind."
"Viatus meant the path of life. And sometimes that path was hard, requiring sacrifices to be made."
"Upon Ivar’s orders, the young man had been murdered."
"A tragic loss, but he could afford no regrets."
"Plausible deniability might be the best course for now."
"It’s what my ancestors are known for. We’re very light-footed."
"Trust is never necessary. Only power and control."
"Control oil and you control nations, but control food and you control all the people of the world."
"Give us this chance to prove ourselves. And if this blows up, let it be by my own hand. I’ll take full responsibility."
"Tread lightly over there, Director Crowe. And speak just as softly."
"Nothing like the scent of burning peat to accompany a nice dram of Scotch whiskey."
"This is the handiwork of the earliest tribe to settle the British Isles, a people who were here long before the Celts and Druids."
"Gray realized it was the same pattern as the two symbols burned into the leather satchel: a spiral on one side, a cross on the other."
"Facing the first stone again, Gray contemplated its significance."
"If they wanted answers, it was high time they came clean with Dr. Wallace Boyle."
"I don’t know what to make of it," Wallace finally said with a shake of his head.
"Why Father Giovanni first came here. What he hoped to gain from visiting this site."
"Peat was the source of life, so it had to be honored."
"And what goes into the peat ends up being preserved for the ages."
"The acidic nature and lack of oxygen in the peat keep things from rotting."
"We had to know if this was a ritual sacrifice."
"Back to Father Giovanni," Gray said. "You said the bodies drew him here."
"That’s what Marco spent the past years investigating."
"My funding," Wallace said in a tone that made it sound as if it should be obvious.
"We’re delving into ancient places, sites long closed up."
"Like I said. In this business, you get money where you can."
"The entire valley would be consumed in less than an hour."
"It was a refugee camp. Food was scarce. Hungry people get desperate."
"No one wanted to believe the worst of their best friend or to face their own gullibility and blindness."
"Seventy-five percent of the world’s biodiversity has vanished in just one century."
"A hundred years ago, the number of varieties of apples cultivated in the United States stood at over seven thousand. Today, it’s down to three hundred."
"We must act now to preserve what we can before it’s lost forever."
"Either way, the island has been considered holy ground since the Church first came here."
"The twenty thousand saints buried on Bardsey."
"You could die four ways. Blown up, crushed, burned, or suffocated."