
The Awakening Quotes

The Awakening by Nora Roberts

The Awakening Quotes
"Mists, shimmering silver fingers, rose over the pale green water of the lake."
"In the chill of dawn, Keegan O’Broin stood by the lake and watched the day become."
"For their chieftain, their taoiseach, was dead, his life given to save the world."
"He had no desire to lift up the staff of the taoiseach, to take up the sword of the leader of the clann."
"She carried the staff, the ancient symbol of leadership. Its wood, dark as pitch, gleamed in the sun."
"Once more we have peace, once more we will prosper, until the time comes round again for blood and sacrifice."
"With this, there will be justice on Talamh for all."
"I would give this and all it means to you, for there is none more worthy."
"You choose to go into the water, do you not? And who lifts the sword must choose to rise with it."
"A leader will be honored, but a leader carries the burden for us all."
"She reminded herself teaching was the most honorable of professions."
"The arguments had spoiled it—the ones she heard through the walls, the ones she heard inside her head."
"More than fifteen years now, and she still hoped he would."
"I’ve worked since I was sixteen—summers, weekends."
"The money came from my father into your hands."
"With this, all will be protected. I am Keegan O’Broin."
"I would’ve cursed at the cold slap of the water, but saw no point in it."
"Remember the purpose of this day, as it unites us, and speaks to who and what we are."
"And should the gods deem, I will die for Talamh."
"Don’t be stupid, Breen. You’re not equipped to handle any of this. Go back, book a flight, and come back where you belong."
"‘There are more things in heaven and earth,’ right, Bollocks? So . . . here we go."
"It’s real. That’s the first thing. It’s all real. So, we have to see what happens next."
"You’ve made her happy, that I can promise you."
"He likes your hair, you see. Red’s his favorite, isn’t it now, my wild one?"
"I’m blessed with them. Now, if I can just have a girl—just the once."
"I try—it’s knee-jerk—to convince myself all this is some elaborate dream."
"It’s your home, whatever you choose in the end. It will always be home for you."
"You are the daughter of Eian O’Ceallaigh, the taoiseach before me."
"Every world has its own rules and laws and cultures."
"Magicks are a serious business, not that they can’t and shouldn’t be fun along with it."
"I don’t know what to do with what I have. I lit a candle today."
"I’m sitting here at this table in a postcard cottage in a picturesque countryside, and you’re telling me two worlds—hell, maybe more—depend on what I do?"
"I need to go back tomorrow. I need time, and I need my own space."
"I’ve had other people running my life for twenty-six years. It’s my turn."
"People like you are born confident. They take charge, command respect, maybe some healthy fear."
"Rules matter in a civilized world, don’t they? But a low expectation doesn’t risk failure or success, so what’s the point of that?"
"The horse is Merlin, after Arthur’s sorcerer. I know that as well as I know my own name."
"I’m a witch, and it doesn’t feel surprising anymore."
"Just like having a dog doesn’t feel surprising now, though what I’m going to do with you if I go back to Philadelphia, I don’t know."
"I need Mahon to scout with me—as we were about to do before this came about."
"Leave her to us for a bit now. Go on with the boys."
"I hate that he’s right. I have to work harder."
"One bitten by a creature such as that will fall into a dark, deep sleep, wakened only by the will of the one who commands the snake."
"It’s not your fault. You’ve been preparing me."
"My life is yours to use, to take, to do with as you wish."
"Writing it down would help her remember those details so, hopefully, she wouldn’t make the same mistakes again."
"Maybe it was time to welcome dreams, whatever they might hold."
"I wish you could do it. But you can’t. So..."
"He lived in two worlds, and felt guilty for it."
"You couldn’t fake the POW. You had it, or you didn’t."
"A true friend, one who’ll stand for you no matter, is a treasure."
"Everything I have, everything I am will fight to protect you."
"I met a woman of strength and will, and a fierce determination."
"No one will speak ill of Mairghread or Eian Kelly in my hearing."
"I’m aware of your meaning, and the truth of it."
"It’s a good place, as I said. One of love and shelter, beyond the fun of it."
"She’s had her ego, her self-esteem, both always wobbly, shaken and dinged, but not her heart."
"Everything here is what I know, and I have something I always wanted with writing."
"I’m going to have what’s mine for however long I can have it."
"This is wrong. I’ve been wrong, and I’ll find a way, as it’s for me to find it."
"It’s what I see and feel for myself now I’m here, and what was easy enough to glean from how Breen spoke of you."
"Daughter of the Fey, a witch who carries the blood of the Sidhe and the curse of a dark god."
"I’ll call you from the cottage as soon as I can."