
Elsewhere Quotes

Elsewhere by Gabrielle Zevin

Elsewhere Quotes
"The end came quickly, and there wasn’t any pain."
"Even though you belonged to Lizzie, someone will always feed you and wash you and take you to the park."
"She believes a pug goes around once and that’s it."
"Look how they can sniff each other’s rear ends and chase balls and run around in circles! How innocent they seem!"
"In the end, the end of a life only matters to friends, family, and other folks you used to know."
"What a waste, she thinks, to spend one’s dreams asleep."
"But what can we learn from the death of a person so young, with so much potential?"
"Everyone here ages backward from the day they died."
"You can't get deader than dead, can you?"
"Wounds don't fully heal until stitches are removed."
"Everything eventually heals when one ages backward."
"We're all getting younger and stupider, and that's it."
"Clothes are a personal business, at least for me."
"I'm really not feeling well. Would it be alright if I stayed in bed today, and we changed my acclimation appointment to tomorrow?"
"The story of her life is short and pointless: There once was a girl who got hit by a car and died. The end."
"People take all different amounts of time to acclimate."
"Young people tend to think they're immortal."
"It's just words, isn't it? You can call it life, but it's really just death."
"I don't want to burden you, as I suspect your life is probably difficult enough right now."
"You've been here four whole weeks and you haven't seen a thing."
"Tough luck," Betty replies. "I'm not giving you money for the OD today, so you don't have any choice."
"Elsewhere is a place where many old fads go to die, too."
"I don't want anything," Liz says as she follows Betty into the tacky gift shop.
"You don't have any friends and you're profoundly lonely."
"I suppose I meant there's always a choice in situations where one has a choice, if that makes any sense."
"People, you'll find, aren't usually all good or all bad."
"This was my fault. This was all my fault, and now I'm stuck here forever!"
"It won't make me alive again if he goes to prison," Liz whispers. "Nothing can ever do that."
"I'm not sure if the fit is right, though." Betty tries to adjust Liz's T-shirt, but Liz pulls away.
"I've never spoken it before. Or at least, I never knew I was."
"Do you think Pete's mad at me?" Paco asks. "I sometimes pee in his shoes when he leaves me home alone too long, but I don't think he notices. Maybe he notices? Do you think he notices? I'm a bad, bad, bad dog."
"It's just, don't you ever long for a bit of adventure, Thandi? A bit of romance?"
"Wasn't dying enough of an adventure for you, Liz?"
"I don't mean to be rude," Sadie said, "but why aren't you Pete?"
"Elizabeth Marie Hall, I am Detective Owen Welles of the Elsewhere Bureau of Supernatural Crime and Contact. Are you aware that by attempting to Contact the living, you are in violation of Elsewhere law?"
"I want to see your eyes. I want to know how much trouble I'm in."
"You can't actually need sunglasses right now. It is night, after all."
"Isn't it odd that your last name should be Welles, and you happen to work at the Well?"
"Because the living have to get on with their lives, and the dead have to get on with theirs, too."
"I'm fifteen years old, Mr. Welles. I will never turn sixteen."
"I'm just a girl who forgot to look both ways before she crossed the street."
"In times of stress, Liz would instinctively stroke the stitches over her ear."
"You don't," Betty replies to Liz's question about stopping missing Earth.
"Love, Lizzie, is when we have irrationally convinced ourselves that we do [need another person to survive]."
"You're in love with Liz, you know! It's perfectly obvious to everyone!" Jen says.
"The truth is, Owen, we've only just met. You have a responsibility to your wife."
"It is entirely possible to love two people with all your heart."
"I've always thought of us as married," Owen says, "and now we aren't parted anymore."
"You look young," she says, furrowing her brow. "Are we all young here?"
"I never had any time to read for pleasure when I was a doctor."
"Everything that happens has happened to someone else before. I feel like I'm getting everything secondhand."
"My allergies again. I find they particularly act up during happy reunions."
"Life is better with a little romance, you know."
"I thought I saw my watch floating on the surface, but it turned out to be your boat."
"It's pretty hard to send things here, you know? She probably sent this months ago."
"If you are going to forgive a person, Liz decides, it is best to do it sooner rather than later."
"It isn't good to spend too much time down there. It is still illegal, you know."
"Yeah, well, I guess I'm shrinking, too. I am nine, you know."
"Well, you certainly act eleven a lot of the time," Liz teases.
"Wow, that's really old!" Liz shakes her head.
"Don't worry. We'll find a better place for you to make your toast from," Owen assures her.
"We really should start looking for a place for you to toast from," Owen says.
"Well, it wouldn't have been as much fun," Owen points out.
"You have such a good heart. Do you know that? You were always the best kid in the world."
"It's fine if you want to drive," Liz says. "I'm sleepy anyway."
"We can only hope, my dear. We can only hope."
"But Liz doesn't cry. She's too happy to cry."
"I feel lighter every day. Sometimes, I feel like I could fly away."
"A life isn't measured in hours and minutes. It's the quality, not the length."
"You get older, you get younger, and I'm not sure the difference is as great as I once thought."