
Half Broke Horses Quotes

Half Broke Horses by Jeannette Walls

Half Broke Horses Quotes
"In this day and age, there were really only three careers available."
"The key to the trip was keeping my horse sound."
"Every kid was good at something, and the trick was to find out what it was."
"That was what it did. It stayed aloft because it was planing the air."
"Never in my life had I ever seen anything like that airplane."
"It was good work, the kind of work that let you sleep soundly at night."
"I had never gone home, since the trip took so long."
"The pain is your body complaining," she said. "If you listen to the pain and tell your body, 'Yeah, I hear you,' then you won’t be so afraid of it."
"All animals are meant for something," he said. "Some to run wild, some for the barnyard, some for market. This little lamb was meant to be a pet."
"Does this look like a speakeasy?" I asked. "I’m a schoolteacher! I’m a mother! I got my hands full here just taking care of these kids."
"It’s time we get out of the bootleg business."
"You ever think of getting yourself one of those automobiles, Dad?" I asked.
"Consarned contraptions," Dad said. "No one’ll ever look as smart in one of those fume belchers as they do in a carriage."
"The only reason I don’t shoot you right now is because of those two women in that car," I said. "But you get out of here and don’t ever come back."
"I'm just a hardworking gal here for her paycheck," I said.
"You could ride this horse in your pajamas," Rooster said with a smirk.
"I’d rather see you in the poorhouse than behind bars."
"Mulling our prospects made us feel both ground down and wound up."
"Blackie was a swag-bellied man with a bushy black beard."
"Jim never bragged about himself, which Blackie also liked."
"Sounds like something worth considering," Jim said.
"The only jobs out in California were picking grapes and oranges."
"Rooster was visibly impressed. ‘A fellow could do a lot worse than this.’"
"On a ranch you had to be able to find a given tool in a hurry."
"I felt nature calling and asked Old Jake where I could find the facilities."
"There was a big difference between needing things and wanting things."
"‘You know I always been carrying a torch for you,’ he said."
"We were too far from town to count on anyone else for anything."
"‘Won’t win any dancin’ contests,’ he said, ‘but don’t need toes to ride.’"
"You’re the most accident-prone little girl I’ve ever known."
"‘I’ll never make that mistake again,’ I said."
"‘Doesn’t that kid ever shut up?’ Old Jake once asked."
"The miraculous thing about water, he said, was that it never came to an end."
"Never take water for granted, Jim said. Always cherish it. Always beware of it."
"Anyone who thinks he’s too small to make a difference has never been bit by a mosquito."
"Hope for the best but plan for the worst, my dad always used to say."
"Most people spend so much time worrying about the future that they don’t enjoy the present."
"You can’t prepare for everything that life’s going to throw at you."
"We’re all just one step up from the beasts and one step down from the angels."
"Winning’s not all it’s cracked up to be. If you win all the time, no one wants to play with you."
"People are like animals. Some are happiest penned in, some need to roam free."
"The problem with being attached to an anchor is it’s damned hard to fly."
"You got to mix things up every now and then."
"We could all be killed by an atom bomb tomorrow."
"The future's not important? That you’re going to live your life like there’s no tomorrow?"
"You can’t avoid danger. It’s there. The world is a dangerous place."
"I feel like I haven’t really had a home since I left the ranch. I don’t think I’ll ever have a home again."
"Being from West Virginia, I’m a mite touchy about white-trash eyesores."
"Rex Walls don’t take orders from anyone, certainly not some old leather-faced, hard-assed biddy."
"The place where you live—your home—is one of the most important things in a body’s life."
"We’re just going to get into the car after the wedding and go where the road takes us."
"I always liked to think I’d never met a kid I couldn’t teach. Turns out I was wrong. That kid is you."
"Our daughter’s found something she likes, this painting, and someone she wants to be with, this Rex fellow, so she’s way ahead of a lot of folks."
"I could tell she was a tenacious thing. When I took her in my arms and stuck out a finger, that little critter grabbed it and held on like she’d never let go."