
Never Finished: Unshackle Your Mind And Win The War Within Quotes

Never Finished: Unshackle Your Mind And Win The War Within by David Goggins

Never Finished: Unshackle Your Mind And Win The War Within Quotes
"Nobody needs another sermon about the ten steps or seven stages or sixteen hours a week that will deliver them from their stalled or fucked-up life."
"Belief is a gritty, potent, primordial force."
"Life is the mountain we are all climbing, but hope is not an anchor point."
"The belief born in resilience comes from working your way through layers of pain, fatigue, and reason."
"Many people get it twisted and think my accomplishments directly correlate to my potential."
"Social media has compounded and spread this virus of dissatisfaction."
"Instead of staying focused on growth, millions of minds have been infected with lack."
"All over the world, hundreds of millions of people choose to live that way."
"I’m haunted by my future goals, not my past failures."
"My accomplishments do not equate to my potential."
"When you are lost at sea and no one is coming to save you, there are only two options."
"I’m still seeking new territory, still curious just how high I might rise from the bottom of the barrel."
"I was born a loser. There are a lot of born losers out there."
"If I didn’t change, and change soon, I knew I would die a loser."
"Everything must be utilized. Especially the energy in volatile, potentially damaging emotions like fear and hate."
"You have to fight to keep that mindset of getting up every day to get after it because it wants to go away."
"Mental toughness and resilience fade if they aren’t used consistently."
"You are either getting better, or you’re getting worse. You’re not staying the same."
"Long before the body goes soft, the mind will have softened."
"The ego is an amazing force. The more I heard about my own success, the more tempting it became to coast."
"Life stops kicking you in the teeth and serves you a big bowl of praise pudding instead, it’s easy to feel that you are the motherfucking man."
"Praise—whether it comes from your supervisors, your family, or anyone else—has a downside."
"My ego check had to include a moratorium on all things soft."
"I needed to break back into the Mental Lab and find the motherfucker I used to be."
"Whenever I got thirsty, I licked my motherfucking lips."
"I relished the suffering because it let me know that I still had it in me to push myself that hard."
"The world needs doctors, lawyers, and teachers, but we also need savages to prove that we are all capable of so much more."
"Moments of doubt are unavoidable when we take on any strenuous task."
"Never quit when your pain and insecurity are at their peak."
"If you can withstand the suffering, take a knee, and make a conscious One-Second Decision in a critical juncture, you will learn perseverance and gain strength."
"There are 86,400 seconds in a day. Losing just one of those seconds can change the outcome of your day and, potentially, your life."
"The only competition that ever matters is me against me."
"Life is not pass/fail. It’s about impact and effort."
"When you’re climbing a mountain or involved in any other difficult task, the only way to free yourself from the struggle is to finish it."
"We all have the ability to be extraordinary, but most of us tap out of the crucible and never experience what it’s like to get to the other side of hell."
"There is a hell of a lot of information in scar tissue."
"There is no transformation without breakdown, and there is always another evolution, another skin to shed, a better or deeper version of ourselves waiting to be revealed."
"Rebirth is possible through discipline, which is the only thing capable of altering your DNA."
"It’s so easy to be great nowadays because so many people are focused on efficiency."
"Allow discipline to seep into your cells until work becomes a reflex as automatic as breathing."
"Your insecurities become alarm bells reminding you that doing your chores or homework to the utmost of your ability...are requirements for a life well-lived."
"Discipline does not have a belief system. It transcends class, color, and gender."
"When you become disciplined, you don’t have time for that bullshit."
"The only time to shut down and walk away is after all options have been exhausted."
"Cultivating a willingness to succeed despite any and all circumstances is the most important variable of the reengagement equation."
"Roger that" is a ticket back to your life, no matter what happens.
"Scream it out loud. Tell them all that you heard what they had to say and that they can expect your very best in return."
"A smile that reminds them that you are most dangerous when you’re cornered."
"Whenever something sets me back, I always set a goal, something tangible to shoot for."
"We all have one thing in common. We are here, stuck in the game of life, often subject to the whims of forces beyond our control."
"When you deliberately and consistently confront your fear of heights or particular people, places, and situations that unsettle you, those seeds germinate, and your confidence grows exponentially."
"I am a student of life. I carry around a notebook. I keep logs. I study all the upswings and down currents of my days as if the final exam is tomorrow."
"Don’t be shy about digging through your lost archives. No matter how irrelevant those experiences seem now, they count because they were all dry runs for whatever comes next."
"My life and my commitment to do what needs to be done even when I don’t want to prepared me for the pandemic."
"I am not a freak. I’m just a guy who believes in himself more than most."
"Most people who are lagging behind...convince themselves that they did their best with what they had."
"Every incorrect answer on my practice tests represented someone’s life ruined or lost."
"It’s an easy answer because I already know what I’d do...I’d go be great at something else."
"Greatness is possible for anyone and everyone if they are willing to seek it out in their own soul."
"Success is just another mile marker on the journey."
"We are all mere mortals and greatness is possible for anyone and everyone if they are willing to seek it out in their own soul."
"You cannot allow what someone else may or may not think about you...to stop your progress."
"No matter how troubled or hopeless...it is your job, your obligation, your duty, and your responsibility to yourself to find the blue-to-black line—that glimmer—buried in your soul and seek greatness."
"The brainwashing starts early, and it starts at home."
"Identity is a trap that will keep you in blinders if you let it."
"The road to success is rarely a straight line."
"I am always on the hunt for another twisted pretzel of a maze to get lost in because that’s where I find myself."
"The smooth road to success is of no use to savages like me."
"Whatever it takes for you to believe that you’re better than good enough to achieve your dreams is what you must do."
"It takes failure out of the equation completely because you go in knowing the process will be long and arduous."