
The Summerhouse Quotes

The Summerhouse by Jude Deveraux

The Summerhouse Quotes
"You can lose the weight. You need to go to a gym. Who knows, you might meet someone there and—"
"It's better to have been than never to have been at all."
"I gave up children for this selfish man."
"I am nineteen years older and so are they. Even Madison must have aged."
"You're the man's entire life. You do everything for him."
"I've wanted to be an artist since I was a child."
"All the men in my life are in my head. And I write them down and sell them."
"I think maybe being with you two is like a group therapy session."
"So now you know why I never had kids. But weren't we talking about something else?"
"They wouldn’t shell out any money for Roger’s rehabilitation."
"If he married an uneducated girl like me, he’d be disinherited."
"I was so depressed and so tired that all I could think of was sleep."
"And what do you think I’m going to do with this information?"
"I’ve never been to therapy—not that I didn’t need it, mind you, I just couldn’t afford it."
"I think it means that I’m to give you anything you want."
"Roger, you must be getting old if you can forget to mention something like this extraordinarily beautiful woman."
"I had paused at the head of the stairs, and when Roger’s leg kicked out, it knocked me off balance and I went headlong down the stairs."
"It’s not what you think," he said, concentrating on his fishing and not looking at her. "But then, I guess you get hit on a lot."
"I think that you and I are a couple of misfits."
"What is it that Jane Austen said, ‘that a man with a fortune must need a wife’? Something like that. Well, I’m rich and the minute women find that out, they start planning the wedding."
"You forget that I’m rich and I’ll not pay any attention to the fact that you’re the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life."
"I’m from Montana. What could you possibly have in these little New York mountains to rival my home state?"
"I think that there’s a very serious side to you that you hide from the world. That beautiful face of yours is a mask, isn’t it?"
"I know all about you that I’ll ever need to know. You have a great sense of humor. You’re smart and you care more about other people than you do about yourself."
"I can’t think of anything else," she said honestly; then, as she looked around them, she realized that she felt lighter.
"I’ve been in Montana and New York and that’s it. But I’d like to go to..."
"What I wanted was physical. And now my life is spent thinking. If I had a romance—not that I will—but if I did, I’d just want feeling, emotion. Thunderous romance."
"We’re all much too fascinated to move a muscle," Mrs. Barnett said with what Madison had come to see was her usual honesty. "Go on, Thomas, take her outside and ravish her in the moonlight."
"Write a good book and it’ll sell," then sit down.
"You’ve doctored two people. Why not more?"
"The more success I had, the more Martin put me down. And he put me down in a way that he knew would get to me."
"I stood it as long as I could. I got to the point where I didn’t care whether what he remembered and what I did were the same."
"In the end, to keep control of my books, I agreed to give Martin all the money I’d earned, everything that had been purchased with the money from the books, and I have to support him forever."
"Didn’t people who had made as much money as Ellie have all the power in a divorce? Wasn’t it the money that always won?"
"I’d just like revenge. No! I’d like to have justice!"
"I never married because I knew that love would place chains on me, and, above all else, I wanted freedom."
"If you’re here to see Mr. Montoya, then I guess this is a court case, and if you’re trying to prove you’re sane, then you must have money. Nobody cares about the sanity of a poor person."
"Money, money, and more money. California is a community property state, and I don’t mind giving him half of what I’ve earned in the past—not that he deserves a penny of it—but I can live with that."
"I wish I were Madison," Ellie muttered under her breath as she smiled up at her hostess. Madison was on a level with this beautiful creature, but Ellie felt like slinking out the back door."
"She’d met a man in a hallway and he had asked her to spend the weekend with him and his family. Was this real life? Was it her life?"
"At first he rode sedately, as though he were making the horse tiptoe across the ranch."
"He was looking at her in a way that made the inside of her feel shaky, and she knew that if he kissed her, she’d be lost to him."
"The view below was breathtaking. All the ranch was laid out below them."
"You’re an artist. Whether it’s on canvas with paint or done on a computer, you’re an artist."
"Hope goes and everything else slides down the drain."
"But he didn’t kiss her. Instead, he smiled at her. Not a big, wide grin, but just a little smile."
"She wasn’t part of them. She was someone from another time and place."
"Ellie awoke feeling as though there was hope for the future."
"What was it about attention from a man that could make a woman decide that life wasn’t so bad after all?"
"The trip down took much longer than the trip up. It was as though he didn’t ever want this night or this ride to end."
"She could love him, and she felt that he was already half in love with her."
"It was said that Cordova had single-handedly made modeling into an art form. There were galleries full of his work."
"I remember that day as though it happened last week."
"Now, at nearly forty, Madison had had enough time to know what a gift she’d been given."
"I could hear that story a thousand times and it would get better with each telling."
"I used the money to start working on getting my degree."
"I changed after we met. And because I changed my attitude, everything good happened to me."
"Sometimes people see photos of me, especially the one with the snake, and they can't believe that I gave up a chance to be a ‘supermodel’."
"I have family and friends, and I have my work. My life isn't exciting; it’s very ordinary. We have hot dogs on the Fourth of July and I go out trick-or-treating with my children, but I enjoy it."
"I felt that I owed my hometown a lot because, if it hadn’t been for their sending me to New York, who knows what would have happened to me?"
"If you can push the button on a camera, you can take fashion photos."
"You have a head on your shoulders, don't you?"
"Old head in a young body, but I’m marketing the young part. Nobody pays to look at the old part."
"You don’t see me. You see a woman who feeds you and buys your clothes and finds your socks and arranges your parties. But you don’t see that I’m a person separate from you."
"I damaged your barbecue? What about the damage you have done to my summerhouse?"
"You’ve never failed at anything in your life."
"I can’t take any more of this. I want something for myself."