
28 Summers Quotes

28 Summers by Elin Hilderbrand

28 Summers Quotes
"Some feel fortunate to be alive at such an exciting time; they turn up the volume, become junkies. Others are sick of it; they press the mute button, they disengage."
"Kids stop speaking to parents over it; couples divorce; neighbors feud; consumers boycott; employees quit."
"If one more person asks if they’re registered to vote…"
"This is a home where doors don’t close properly and towels never dry."
"Swans mate for life, Link thinks. This has always made them seem morally superior to other birds."
"Worry about later, later," Sabina said. "Your job now is to be with your mother. Let her feel your love. She’ll take it with her where she’s going."
"Coop gets married and divorced the way most people eat Triscuits."
"It’s now two weeks later, Sunday, May 30. Leland is treating Mallory to a bon voyage brunch at the Coconut Grill on Seventy-Seventh Street."
"Mallory and Leland will miss each other. They’ve been friends since before memory."
"The cottage doesn’t have a bathroom scale—but she is definitely more fit thanks to the fact that her only form of transportation is a ten-speed bike."
"Everybody hurts; she knows this. But not Mallory this summer."
"A fresh start will put you on your way—between the sheets."
"Be careful or you could fall for some tricks today—between the sheets!"
"I’ve never lost anyone close to me like that," Mallory said. "I can’t imagine life without…Cooper. How do you ever recover from something like that?"
"We’re the only two people in the world and this weekend is going to last forever."
"Sully is pretty girl, Jake. But more important, Sully is kind girl."
"The great thing about breaking up is that it doesn’t matter what you think."
"Just be aware that what you achieve doesn’t matter as much as what kind of person you are."
"I don’t care what my parents think of me, Jake. And I care what you think even less."
"If we break up again, we break up for good."
"Everybody has weaknesses. I suspect there's a secret you're keeping as well. Maybe even something big?"
"You're going to be fine," she says. "And besides, it wasn't me. Your mother called."
"You want to work at Hopkins, then work at Hopkins."
"She’s an attorney for the SEC." Jake waits a beat to see if Lonnie is impressed, but she might not know the SEC from the FCC or the EPA.
"I'm the lucky one," Jake says, looking at Mallory.
"I'm in love," Mallory says. "I'm in love with Jake McCloud."
"I taught myself," Mallory says. "It’s quiet here in the winter."
"He’s staying put. He pulls out his book, wondering exactly what Ursula thought he would like about this place."
"Her tone is chiding. She knows she was negligent but she wants him to shake it off, just as he’s shaken off all her self-absorption the past nineteen years."
"Ursula can stay in Vegas the rest of her life if she wants. He’s going home."
"Now, however, with the new millennium on the horizon, Jake believes there are too many guns, and a lot of them are in the wrong hands."
"He remembers the long-ago phone conversation he had with Mallory while they were both still in college. I’m one of the good guys, Mallory."
"What do you need to create a life, after all? Food, clothing, shelter, a person to love."
"She never, ever comments on other women’s looks; to Ursula, the value of a woman is how smart she is, how competent, how interesting."
"It feels like a setup—the beautiful day, the empty beach, the dog making the introduction."
"Will he think she’s a good mother when she snaps at Link for splashing in the bathtub or when she skips reading stories because she’s too tired?"
"Her not-loving him has nothing to do with the Chili Peppers."
"No one is stopping you from cultivating him."
"I lost my twin sister to CF when we were thirteen."
"The safest thing is if we move the table out onto the beach."
"Technically, Mallory has the money to replace the roof, but it will leave her very depleted."
"I’m going to thank you for getting me this far, Mama. I’m going to study and exercise good judgment and check my Ubers and be kind to everyone I meet, just like you taught me."
"It’s obvious the senator thinks Stone Cavendish is full of…baloney."
"Here’s to Ursula de Gournsey. May she save us all."
"Please send it to me. Or let me discover it within myself."
"Your life has to be transparent. A clean window."
"I guess if I’m being honest, I would say I’ve always had a suspicion."
"You told me you were pregnant. And I got the feeling you were going to confess the baby wasn’t Jake’s."
"I thought, Okay, maybe he’s lying, protecting his little sister."
"I’m from Baltimore. Cooper and I were raised there."
"You don’t understand the first thing about me."
"I love Jake. I understand that better than anyone else."
"It’s astonishing how the events of one evening can influence so much."
"Fill your cup. Do things that comfort you and sustain you."
"You will never be alone. For the rest of your life, I’ve got you, man."
"I hate to tell you this, sis," he says, his voice breaking, "but you’re already cool."