
Thankless In Death Quotes

Thankless In Death by J.D. Robb

Thankless In Death Quotes
"Every fucking day, he thought, the same thing."
"Jesus! His fault, his fault, his fault."
"It's time you learned to do what's right."
"We talked it over, decided we had to take a stand, Jerry."
"She’d consumed a slice of wheat bread, about six ounces of soy coffee with artificial sweetener, and a half cup of Greek yogurt with granola about five hours prior to TOD."
"He dealt in tragedies, too. And this is one."
"You’re a murder cop; that’s my strength."
"You’re solid, you’re respected, you’re fair."
"Minty Fresh tofu yogurt, who the hell puts that on a nice piece of pie?"
"I don’t know what he’ll pull in for the other stuff, because it looks like the antique watch was the big-ticket item."
"He tries to file on me, I got records to back it up."
"Pansy-assed coward put the speed on when the pie hit the floor."
"You mark my words, Fitz, that boy’s going to hurt somebody. He’s got the dark in him."
"Thanks for the offer, but we’re not going to take up much of your time."
"He killed them. You’re saying Jerry killed his own ma and pop?"
"Luck doesn’t last. Except ours, She-body."
"You’ll get him. You can walk me through it when we get home."
"Jerry, the man I’d lived with, slept with, had loved at least for a little while, was wanted for questioning by the police."
"Honey, the police were here. Twice. Looking for you."
"I like your hair, the new color. New’s good."
"After a lifetime that had begun in nightmares, shifted to the misery of shuffling foster care and state control, and to, at long last, her own place in New York."
"She’d separated it from the living area with its single bold blue sofa and padded crates she’d painted lipstick red by a curtain formed from stringed beads."
"She shifted the shopping bags full of things she no longer wanted, keyed herself in."
"I need to find him. We need to talk to him."
"He had to slow his breath, force himself to slow it down, slow everything down until the tornado roar of blood storming in his head died so he could just think again."
"He helped himself to a snack after he’d tied and gagged the old bitch to a chair in her home office."
"She couldn’t stop their grief, and knew she couldn’t take it on."
"She’d spent more than half her life teaching, and primarily teens, which could often be a frustrating, thankless job—until they bloomed a bit, turned the corner off that avenue of self-involvement."
"He’d kill her, too, unless she found a way to talk him out of it. Or get away."
"Maybe he thinks it’ll be tomorrow, but still quick enough. He’s not going to grab a cab near her place, so he needs to stay on foot long enough to put some distance between any pickup and the crime scene."
"If he’d stuck it in flesh, Morris could probably get close, or Birdman would punch it. He’s the master of sharps around here."
"In dreams, she sat with Lori Nuccio on the padded crates in the tiny apartment."
"And if the little bastard killed her, at least she’d die knowing she’d handed him the means to his own end."
"Time, money, and this suits well enough. What does he want for the furniture?"
"I prefer not to spend another night in a hotel," he said, rolling right over her.
"If you hug me I’m shoving that lip dye up your ass."
"He’s not going to want to tell you if Jerry gets in touch."
"Jerry Reinhold Diet, he thought with a cackle that had her head snapping up."
"You’re nothing. Nothing but a vicious little turd."
"I’m a lot smarter than you gave me credit for."
"I don’t have time to fight. I’m trying to do my job because if I don’t somebody else is going to end up on a slab."
"His heart, her heart, beat like war drums."
"He filled his hands with her, filled his mouth with her, while his blood raged, while her body arched, quaked."
"Soaked in the flood of dark pleasure, blind with greed for more, for all, she dragged him to her."
"He collapsed on her, his breath gone, his mind gone."
"His. Every maddening, infuriating, fascinating, courageous inch of her. His."
"Now, with the anger and lust washed away, the love beneath stood solid and strong."
"He enjoys drilling you, just as you do him."
"She curled to him when he wrapped around her, and found such comfort."
"She let out a long breath. ‘I will.’ Let it go, she ordered herself. Just let it go."
"We both have something to be thankful for."
"She couldn’t say what Roarke did in the lab, but knew without question if anyone could find something to help on the wiped machine, he could. He would."
"‘When you have him in Interview, you’ll be stuck in his.’"
"‘One way or the other you’ll have him. He won’t be so bloody smug then, will he?’"
"In his new penthouse, in his swanky new bed, Reinhold swallowed another dose of pain meds."
"He could go back for a ‘follow-up,’ teach the asshole a lesson, grab some good drugs."
"The droid brought pizza and beer on a tray, with a napkin."
"‘Asshole, where’s my pizza! And bring me a damn beer.’"
"He ordered the bedroom screen on, had to think through to remember how to call his computer up on it."
"She woke early and alone. In the murky light before dawn she felt the alone even before her eyes adjusted."
"He’d worked up a healthy sweat, she noted, had talked business with three or four countries, and looked alert and revved."
"‘It’s all a matter of maintaining your rhythm.’"
"‘I hate this guy, and that’s stupid. I don’t even know why especially, as I’ve dealt with worse. But he’s stuck in my throat.’"
"‘Maybe we’ll get lucky, and I’ll be putting restraints on Reinhold this afternoon.’"
"‘I’ll join you there. I’ve tied off most of what I wanted to tie off this morning before the holiday.’"
"‘It just makes it more satisfying that way.’"
"People were going to get used to waiting for Joe Klein."
"It was my own sister, wasn’t it, who was murdered? My twin. And not a day goes by, not a day, I promise you, I don’t think of my Siobhan, and the loss of her."
"Do you wonder, ever, what makes a person capable of taking a life when there’s no threat to his own or another?"
"Sometimes finding out why matters. Sometimes it doesn’t mean a thing."
"It reminds us to hold on to the light, every minute we can, and to prize it."
"The world can be so dark. It’s foolish to deny it, and the Irish know the dark better than some in any case."
"You think you’re hurt?" Thrilled, somehow more thrilled than with any of the others, Jerry leaped in front of the chair, slapped his hands on the armrests, and soaked up the wild fear on his friend’s face.
"How my heart actually sings with gratitude for this moment."
"It’s called prison. And I’m betting it’s going to be a nasty, bust-your-ass prison, off-planet, where they eat weaseling little cowards like you for lunch."