
A Stolen Life Quotes

A Stolen Life by Jaycee Dugard

A Stolen Life Quotes
"It’s funny how sometimes animals do things that don’t make sense to people, but I think they must have a good reason for doing it; I just can’t figure out what that may be."
"It’s just I really, really want my own dog."
"It’s amazing how much plaque actually builds up on teeth, especially the back ones."
"Sometimes I feel like he is just waiting for another reason to send me away again."
"I feel sometimes that this is being done to me."
"I try to slip it on, but it feels tight on the finger I used to wear it on, so I try it on my pinkie and it feels better."
"I feel like my life is planned out for me, in what way I do not know."
"Genes, I have learned, do not make a family."
"I want things to be different, but I would never change a thing about my life. I would never turn back the clock and change the way things worked out. I love my kids."
"I miss her. I try so hard to see her face in my mind, but I can’t remember. I hate myself for not remembering."
"I want to make myself a better person. The first thing I want to improve is my garden. I’ve really been neglecting it lately."
"I would give my soul for a picture of her. No, No, No not my soul because nobody can give their soul away...can they?"
"Sometimes I hope that she doesn’t [think about me] because I don’t want her to be sad and sometimes I wonder if she is happier that I’m not around anymore."
"I miss her. I wonder what she thinks about. I wonder if she ever thinks about me."
"I remember thinking as the ride made circles around itself that I wish I was free like the people I see here. Free to walk around and be me. But I wasn’t."
"I would sit by myself outside. Not where anyone could see me—just to a point where I felt I was away and by myself."
"I want to live by the ocean one day. Have a little cottage overlooking the ocean."
"Who am I? At this very moment I don’t know. I don’t even know who I want to be. I do know who I was."
"What is the difference between the heart and the soul? My heart is an organ in my body. My soul is me."
"I’m sitting here wanting to write so many things, but I don’t know where to begin."
"I want things to change. Maybe first I need to change myself."
"I said I would not leave them; I know I won’t because I’m a coward!"
"I want to feel whole. Will I ever feel complete?"
"I want to be more independent. But how?"
"Dreams. Are dreams real or are they made up from memories and things that happen during the day?"
"I felt lonely all day today. I don’t understand why I feel like this sometimes."
"Why do we allow ourselves to love when we know for a fact that, that soul will eventually leave us?"
"Life moves so fast. It has been a while since I last wrote and I feel different and the same."
"I don’t understand why I’m not happy. I am happy… I mean I should be happy."
"I guess I have turned a switch off inside of me."
"The perpetual struggle of Good and Evil."
"What will happen will happen. There is time for miracles until there is no more time, but time has no end."
"Hope, love, and faith are all in the waiting."
"Walking away that day confirmed my right to make my own decisions."
"I realized I did want someone to talk to."
"I really wanted stability. Not just for the girls but me, too."
"I was scared. I talked to my lawyer, and he said I could not back out now."
"The day I came to Rebecca’s office to meet her horses, I was hooked."
"I wonder why that is? It’s hard for me to understand myself."
"I felt a real victory. My tummy made a flip when I felt her nudge my hand."
"I learned in therapy the word 'No' is a complete sentence."
"The more knowledge I gain, the more like an adult I feel."
"I relish the thought of walking for long periods of time and just being outside."
"That my future is bright and can contain anything I can possibly imagine."
"Families are like snowflakes: they come in many shapes and sizes and no two are the same."
"The pinecone is my reminder that life can always be restarted."
"I am learning my own way and that no one person ever has all the right answers."
"We all have the ability to make choices in our personal lives."
"No child, animal, or adult on this planet should be made to feel unsafe in this world we all share."
"But with that freedom comes great responsibility that we are often too afraid to deal with."
"My hope is to provide counseling and housing for families and victims of abductions and exploitations during the crucial early days of reconnection."