
King Of Wrath Quotes

King Of Wrath by Ana Huang

King Of Wrath Quotes
"It’s not about the money for her. It’s the adrenaline rush."
"It wasn’t part of my trust fund, nor was it my inheritance. It was money I’d earned, fair and square, as a luxury event planner in Manhattan."
"Maybe it’ll bring more awareness to the piping plover issue."
"You can’t let yourself go. You’re not married yet."
"Marriage is not a joke, Vivian. It’s an important matter for our family."
"We’ve let you drag your feet too long, and this match will be enormously beneficial for us."
"I would introduce myself by my net worth, but it would be impolite to categorize you as a stranger given the purpose of tonight’s dinner."
"You should buy a nice set of manners to match your suit, Mr. Russo."
"Don’t worry, Mr. Russo. If I wanted to know your net worth, I could Google it."
"I marry his daughter, and he’ll keep the evidence to himself. If I don’t, he’ll send the photos to Romano, and you’ll die."
"I’ll treat her exactly the way she deserves."
"What are they going to do if you say no? Disown you?"
"You have to talk to the man eventually. Don’t be a wuss."
"I sighed, wishing I could rewind time by a month so I could mentally prepare myself for what was coming."
"We were technically engaged, and my lack of an invitation would’ve been embarrassing had I not been so relieved."
"It’s amazing how much you can do with no spending limit."
"An arranged marriage is the only way you could get someone to marry you."
"The warmth curled low until the heavy expectancy of my friends’ gazes pulled me back to the present."
"I can’t show up uninvited," I said, hoping they couldn’t see me blush beneath my alcohol-induced redness. "It’s rude."
"You’re his fianc_é_e, even if you don’t have a ring yet."
"The universe possessed a sick sense of humor."
"Every time I closed my eyes, images from the engagement party played on a broken loop."
"My stomach emitted an angry growl at the same time."
"Forget the way his muscles flexed with each movement or the way his shirt hugged his torso."
"He was committing a crime against humanity right before my eyes."
"My throat dried, and I banished the X-rated mental image to the darkest recesses of my mind before it took root."
"I relaxed them, only for my knee to bounce with anticipation instead."
"The rich sound filled the car and seeped beneath my skin, where it transformed into a bloom of pleasure."
"The earlier tension retreated in the face of my shock."
"The mirror next to him reflected what he saw—an ivory beaded lace gown that bared my back and shoulders and fell to my thighs in a graceful line."
"Awareness kindled in my chest, hot and unwanted."
"I could see the downward sweep of her lashes as her gaze honed in on where my fingers encircled her wrist."
"Resentment filled his eyes, but he didn’t dispute my account."
"The surrounding noise dulled into a muted roar, overpowered by the heavy thuds of my heartbeat and the sudden hum of electricity in the air."
"Discussing the ups and downs of the S&P 500 was not my idea of a fun Friday night."
"Save your breath. I’m not having sex with him."
"You can live vicariously through books, too."
"I get paid the full amount no matter how many drinks I serve, so it’s no skin off my back."
"Kai Young, you deserve all the goodness in the world."
"Apologies for interrupting, but I’d like to order another drink."
"Next time you want to mark your ‘territory,’ you might as well urinate in a circle around me."
"You forget. You’re my fiancée. Not Kai’s. Not anyone else’s."
"I’m an asshole, yet you’re dripping all over my hand."
"This is business. And if there’s one thing I take seriously, it’s my investments."
"Rain and retail therapy. Two things guaranteed to take my mind off Dante."
"I’d be honored and delighted to accept. Thank you for thinking of me."
"Did you not hear me the first time? I said get on the fucking floor, bitch."
"If you want to talk to someone, the company has people on hand. Just let me know."
"Time to brush off my acting skills. I hadn’t played Eliza Doolittle in my high school’s production of Pygmalion for nothing."
"No one was invincible. They were all vulnerable to the same hurts and insecurities as everyone else."
"If you ask them to stick around during the hard times, they’re gone."
"Everything operated by a strict set of rules, from our playtime hours to what hobbies Luca and I were allowed to pursue."
"The only languages they understand are money, power, and strength."
"No one else will. If I don’t do it, no one else will."
"You can support someone without fixing everything for them. They have to learn from their own mistakes."
"He likes things done a certain way, and he’s not afraid to tell you if they don’t meet his standards."
"Of all the people in my life, she was the only one who could make me lose control."
"We were drowning, and the other person was our only source of oxygen."
"Kissing Vivian. Letting my guard down. Almost having sex with her in my parents’ villa, for Christ’s sake."
"I was addicted to the taste of her, to the way she sounded when I buried my tongue inside her."
"You’ll get your market access and business deal either way. Stop pretending like this is a normal engagement."
"Every time we made progress, we took two steps back."
"You’re engaged to a Russo. It’s how we do things. The diner is… A walk down memory lane. That’s all."
"It’s not just business for you. And it’s not just duty for me."
"If you tell me now, I’ll stop putting those flowers you hate so much in the guest bathrooms."
"Is there any way I can convince you to change your mind?"
"You’re fucking perfect the way you are, Vivian. If your parents can’t see that, then it’s their loss."
"We all have our quirks, mia cara. At least I don’t sing Mariah Carey in the shower."
"I’m a businessman, Vivian. That’s what I was born to be."
"Event planning can be stressful, but it’s fun, creative…and there’s nothing more satisfying than taking an idea and bringing it to life."
"But this was the first time I was actually falling in love in the City of Love."
"Say the word, and you’ll be free of the Laus forever."
"I didn’t touch the folder on my desk. I’d seen enough. I didn’t need to go through every fucking picture."
"You can’t live your life trying to please others. You can be courteous and respectful, and you can compromise, but when it comes down to it? It’s your life. Don’t waste it."
"No one’s perfect. Sometimes, our partners will do things that drive us mad."
"The first thing you should’ve done after getting rid of the photos was get rid of her."
"But no matter how hard I cried or how much I shook, I couldn’t make a sound."
"The liquor burned down my throat and filled my stomach, but the aching emptiness remained."
"You only have the luxury of caring about morals because of me. I do what I have to do to make sure our family is protected and the best it can be."
"You’re wrong," Dante said. "Something has changed. I thought I could live without you. That my vengeance meant more than my feelings for you. It took only a few days—hell, a few hours—to realize I can’t, and it doesn’t."
"I’ve never had to…pursue someone before, so perhaps I’m not doing this right. But I wanted to hear your voice."
"You don’t think we’re a good idea, but I’ll prove we are."
"I love you, Vivian. More than I could ever hate your father. And more than I ever thought I was capable of."
"But just because I loved him didn’t mean I trusted him or myself."
"You take the most ordinary or unexpected things and make them extraordinary."
"I know it took me a while to get here, sweetheart, and I’m not the best with expressing my emotions, but… Give me a chance to prove it to you. Go on a date with me. Just one."