
City Of Fallen Angels Quotes

City Of Fallen Angels by Cassandra Clare

City Of Fallen Angels Quotes
"It’s a bad dream, Mom, you don’t need to be so upset."
"What kind of living thing doesn’t have a pulse?"
"You’re having a bad dream that I came home and told you I was a vampire."
"I’m sure you have little choice when I need your help so badly."
"I suppose I have little choice when I need your help so badly."
"It’s only the subjugates who worship their sires and can’t disobey them."
"Surely it wasn’t normal to kill someone—to kill your own adoptive brother—and feel nothing about it at all."
"But his father had taught him that to kill without mercy was a virtue, and maybe you could never forget what your parents taught you. No matter how badly you wanted to."
"Maybe people could never really change."
"HERE ARE ENSHRINED THE LONGING of great hearts and noble things that tower above the tide, the magic word that winged wonder starts, the garnered wisdom that has never died."
"How he had ended up here tonight, he wasn’t quite sure."
"Vamp motorcycles were powered by demonic spirits and responded like pets to the wishes of their owners."
"She called me a monster and tried to pray at me."
"It is not for nothing that I come all the way to Brooklyn. Raphael Santiago does not belong in an outer borough."
"I wish I could say things the way you do."
"Everything you say, the words you choose, they’re so perfect."
"That love is the most powerful force in the world. That love can do anything."
"She’s my mother. Is there some way to take it off her—some way to fix it?"
"You are terrible at this politics business, Simon Lewis."
"In every way you do not accept what you really are."
"I believe they are loyal to me beneath their fear of him."
"I just want to lie down with you and wake up with you, just once, just once ever in my life."
"You are a vampire. It is a power we have. The encanto. The fascination."
"If you come to stay at the Dumont, you will not address me as Raphael, but as Master, Sire, or Great Leader."
"It means that love is the most powerful force in the world."
"The moment his followers see that you are with me, they will leave him and come to me."
"And what do you think of Jonathan? Of your brother?"
"Shadowhunter." Maryse’s tone was imperious. "Who did this to you?"
"In the name of the Angel, I command you to answer me!"
"Unlike in your case," said Simon, "there aren’t actually all that many people who dislike me."
"Blood isn’t like food for you. Blood is… blood."
"I’m not going to let you fight with each other."
"You think I like hurting her? You think I like knowing that I’m making her angry, maybe making her hate me?"
"Hearts are breakable. And I think even when you heal, you're never what you were before."
"If love were food, I would have starved on the bones you gave me."
"You can't just keep grabbing at me every time you see me. It's not a substitute for actually talking."
"I wish I could call Clary, but it was too early in the morning, and besides, Isabelle had said she and Jace had gone off together, and the thought of interrupting some special moment of theirs wasn’t appealing."
"Because there isn’t anything I believe in more."
"I thought maybe once she realized it would never work out with Jace, she’d give up and come back to me. But I finally figured out that she’d never stop loving Jace, whether it was going to work out with him or not."
"In a world where everything went away from him eventually, she was one of the few remaining constants."
"The whole reason Shadowhunters used runed weapons was that the runes prevented demons from healing."
"You think I didn’t know that? Hearts are breakable. And I think even when you heal, you’re never what you were before."
"You can tell them that I was under orders when I killed those Shadowhunters. It did not disturb me to do it, for they had killed my kin, and their deaths were deserved. But I would not have done it unless requested to do so by someone else, someone much more powerful than myself."
"You could give me the past, but Alec is my future."
"Pretty boys have always been your undoing."
"You have to stop thinking of Simon as the mundane boy you used to know."
"They can't. They shot up a human baby with demon blood, which is pretty bad, yes."
"If he didn’t love you like he does—and it’s written all over his face whenever he looks at you—I wouldn’t tolerate him for even a moment."
"Beautiful things are so easily broken by the world."
"I realized I'm not attracted to mermaids."
"I walked the paths of the Garden of Eden."
"Blood is not the food of demons, silly child."
"I was his first wife, but I would not be ob"
"I want to see your face when I kill you, not stab you in the back."
"You can't win against me. I am more than a Greater Demon."
"We would have been like two blindfolded people stumbling around in a circle."
"There isn’t a day goes by I don’t think about what I did to you."
"Having someone to blame made everything easier."
"He is the only Shadowhunter I have ever known of who is part Greater Demon."
"An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a life for a life."
"You have no choice. And more to the point, you have annoyed me. All of you."
"Perhaps if you had simply done as I’d ordered, I would have let you go. You will never know now, will you?"
"Putting his feet down, one after the other, felt like heaving enormous bags of packed wet sand down the side of a cliff."
"There are worse things than death, Shadowhunter."
"Simon saw Lilith, all her attention focused on Clary, her hand drawn back, ready to deliver an even more vicious blow."
"The world blurred around Simon. As he leaped forward, he realized two things."
"Sevenfold," she whispered—and was abruptly cut off as a blinding incandescence lit up the night.
"He felt the muscles in his legs, his back, tear, the bones in his feet and ankles crack."
"The unimaginable brilliance printed on the back of Clary’s eyelids faded into darkness."
"She was lying on the hard tiles of the rooftop garden, one of the paving stones digging into her back."
"If you could—His voice cracked, and he turned away, staring at the place where Lilith had stood until a moment ago."
"Clary would have done it again, to save his life."
"I love you, Jace Wayland—Herondale—Lightwood—whatever you want to call yourself."
"Jace, usually the only way to sever a demonic connection like that is to kill the demon who’s doing the controlling."
"The vampire’s bite woke me; now her blood in my veins compels you."
"I don’t belong with the rest of you," he said abruptly.
"He felt each of Sebastian’s cold fingers as they wrapped his hand, pressing their bleeding cuts together."