
Just The Nicest Couple Quotes

Just The Nicest Couple by Mary Kubica

Just The Nicest Couple Quotes
"I turn away. It’s instantaneous. One minute I’m unmoving and the next I’m moving so fast that the world comes at me in vague shapes and colors, streaks of brown and blue and green."
"I don’t look back, though I want more than anything to steal a look to know that I’m alone. That I’m not being followed. But I don’t look. It’s too risky. Looking back would cost precious seconds that I don’t know that I have. If I do, those seconds could be my last."
"The news puts this on because it’s what people want to see. It’s a sickness. It’s not that the world is innately bad or that bad things happen more often than good things. It’s that we’re drawn to bad things. Death sells."
"Please call me, Jake. I’m so sorry. Let’s talk about it. You were right. I was wrong. I miss you. I love you."
"I don’t think I screamed, Christian. Why didn’t I just scream?"
"You didn’t let yourself become a victim."
"What are we looking for exactly? I don’t know. A body, blood, the bloody rock, or maybe nothing more than peace of mind."
"We’re in this together. Just like Bonnie and Clyde."
"Thinking about killing someone and actually doing it are two different things."
"The line between right and wrong is getting more blurry with each day."
"The day has gotten darker in the short amount of time I’ve been out. It isn’t the setting sun—it’s too early for the sun to set. It’s the incoming storm."
"This man isn’t Jake and this isn’t Jake’s car. This man is taller than Jake. He’s leaner too."
"I find the sudden silence equally as disturbing as the noise."
"Our yard and the yards around us are wooded. We’re surrounded by trees and the river."
"I don’t know that I want them coming to my house anyway, not when I, myself, am guilty of things like breaking and entering and evidence tampering, and have a complete inability to lie."
"Someone has been in the house while we were gone."
"He was in Jake's office. He knocked the key card to the floor, which means he was also digging around in the mail sorter for something. Why?"
"I feel panicky, because the more I think about it, I think he is. Jake is in danger."
"It would be atmospheric and romantic, under different circumstances."
"She said something like if she couldn't be with Jake, no one would."
"Darkness wraps its arms around me. The night air is cool. You can smell fall in the air, the earthy scent of things dying."
"Nina blinks. Her eyes search mine. 'I... I was just leaving,' she says."
"I feel dead inside, like this is happening to someone else and not me."
"I loved her from the very first time I ever laid eyes on her."
"The asteroid is about to hit Earth, and we know we’re going to die."
"You told me once that there is nothing I could ever say that would change the way you feel about me. Did you mean that?"
"But five times. Five times is voluntary and deliberate and, for two married people having an extramarital affair, planned out in advance."
"I’ve gone to some dark place, where it’s hard to find joy in anything."
"Four days isn’t enough, though I wonder if any amount of time is enough."
"I get to the mailbox. I open the little black door and reach inside for the mail, coming up with it in my hand. There is more than a day’s worth of mail. My mother must have forgotten to get the mail these last few days, which have been a blur, every day running into the next until I can’t tell them apart anymore."
"A mother always knows these things. I did you a favor, Nina. You’re better off without him."