
Icebreaker Quotes

Icebreaker by Hannah Grace

Icebreaker Quotes
"If I hear the words again and Anastasia together in a sentence one more time, it might be the thing that finally tips me over the edge."
"Pride is a foolish thing. It’s incredibly foolish when it comes to figure skating, since when you get it wrong, you bounce your face off solid ice."
"I wouldn’t necessarily say I’m a control freak, but I’m a woman who needs to be in control."
"I’m surprised I don’t see the steam leave Sabrina’s ears as she yells at him, about what I assume is him not listening to her, in a mixture of Arabic and English."
"There’s a hand near my dick that isn’t mine."
"I need you to stop staring at me like you’ve never seen a naked woman in your bed before."
"You control the planner, Stas. The planner doesn’t control you."
"If you don’t fall in line, you will be benched."
"The realization doesn’t wash over me, it fucking drowns me."
"What this means for you is you will need to share a rink for the foreseeable future, and I expect you all to work together to make this situation work."
"I’m trying to not catastrophize, to not blow this out of proportion in my head."
"Frankly, he can take his fake sympathy and shove it up his ass."
"Sharing a rink right before the start of the season is a logistic fucking nightmare."
"She’s a funny little thing. Immediately sassing me, holding her head high, but I think she might have been warming to me."
"It’s like being verbally abused by Tinkerbell."
"The intensity of Robbie’s stare feels like it’s burning into my skin."
"Team building. Two words. Twelve letters. Two hours of hell."
"What a great use of time I could be spending doing anything else."
"I have the softest soft spot for Henry Turner."
"It's hard to begrudge letting the guys share the rink after you've heard all about their aspirations and motivations."
"What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas is supposed to be a real thing."
"I don't know what type of relationship Stas and Ryan have, but whatever it is, they're clearly not exclusive."
"I need to hear her say she’s all right, even if it’s not to me."
"Anastasia, I’ve just watched you violently slam into a solid structure! This isn’t up for discussion."
"Triple is still hard, Stas. There’s no shame in dropping the quad, so many people can’t even do the triple, and yours are perfect."
"I’m going to carry you because you haven’t got guards on. Plus, I’m scared if you walk and you collapse, when I catch you, I’m going to hurt you where that big-ass bruise is going to be."
"You’re a phenomenal skater, Stas. I couldn’t stop watching you."
"If there’s one day I’m exceptionally grateful for Aaron, it’s competition days."
"He’s never given himself a reason not to be confident."
"I don’t get to make mistakes this year; every move must be perfect."
"You only like me when you’re drunk and horny."
"I want you to want me when you’re sober, Anastasia."
"Stassie, please don’t cry, fuck. I want you so badly; I just don’t want the first time we have sex to be something you regret."
"Sometimes I don’t use the brain I’ve been given."
"I’m a fucking douchebag. Possibly the biggest douchebag that’s ever existed."
"I wanted to show her I don’t only want her when I’m drunk, I want her all the time."
"I like that you know how to share your feelings."
"You make no sense. Only because you fucked my brains out."
"What could you possibly be doing that means you don’t have any time for me?"
"I felt this crushing pressure, which now as an adult I realize was severe anxiety."
"They put me in therapy. For a good reason, I was becoming a nightmare."
"I thought they wouldn’t want me anymore if I failed."
"I couldn’t explain how I was feeling, and I’d become upset and frustrated."
"It was a shiny sticker chart thing when I was younger."
"I’m pretty sure you like my body for other reasons, though."
"I would have guessed with your status on campus that you’d have dicked half of Maple Hills by now."
"If I like someone, I want to be around them and get to know them."
"How much do you like being able to walk straight?"
"I want you to feel comfortable when you’re here."
"That makes me happy, other than the hiding thing."
"I’m sorry you’re embarrassed, but he doesn’t get a free pass because he’s cute."
"I’m sorry if you feel embarrassed, that wasn’t my intention."
"You’d be much comfier right now, and there would be no risk of us seeing your ass."
"I’d take a shot every time you miss the goal, but I don’t have time to get alcohol poisoning this week."
"No, sir. I have a migraine, but I am listening."
"Hockey is a privilege! College is a privilege!"
"Not been this stressed since I found out condoms aren’t 100% effective."
"He obviously lifts his girlfriend when they skate, so they don’t want to put her at risk if he’s not going to be strong enough in two weeks."
"You ever been dropped from a great height in front of hundreds of people?"
"The lengths I’d go to if you’d let me. What I’d do to make you happy."
"Being with Nate brings an overwhelming sense of safety, like whatever problem I throw at him, he’d cope with."
"I work in Simone’s a couple of blocks away. Like every college in America, the economic divide runs pretty deep."
"I’m not rich but have rich friends, so I need the cash."
"There isn’t anything interesting about me, Anastasia."
"It’s the consequences of my own actions, Anastasia."
"Why are you telling me you’re hard work like I don’t already know?"
"I’m all for diversity in sport, Stas, but I think you’re a bit small to be a hockey player."
"It’s been two weeks of sore thighs, toe picks, and fucking ballet."
"Why don’t you trust me? Stas, I’m not going to drop you."
"I do trust you. I don’t know what’s wrong with me."
"If you want to be a pair skater, you need to be able to work with a pair."
"The longer you let this fear rule you, the more you suffer. Work it out and work it out quickly."
"My love for skating has been revitalized and he’s a massive part of that."
"Never have I ever…left the club with an older woman."
"You already make me happy. Just let me have you."
"So, what I’m hearing, Stassie, is that as long as Nathan is nice to you, there isn’t anything that would make you not like him?"
"You can’t call her his fuck buddy when she hasn’t let him anywhere near her in a month. She’s his buddy at this point."
"How can you still think about Christmas when I just made you come twice?"
"Nothing you can buy me is better than the past four weeks with you."
"Anastasia, please get your ass out of my face."
"Between my legs is aching, but I want you so badly."
"Next time, save me. I love Ryan, he’s a great friend, but the only man I want wrapped around me is you."
"Sometimes it’s better not to know what people say behind your back."
"I don’t mind if you’re ignoring me, Anastasia, because I’m ignoring you."
"I know you don’t, but you’re worth defending."
"I love the guys, but it’s not the same thing."
"I think you’ve probably improved me more than you’ve distracted me."
"I feel lucky. That's the only word that seems appropriate because things could have gone the complete opposite direction."
"She’s taught me communicating doesn’t mean everything is perfect, it means we work through the imperfect bit together."
"I need to stop waiting for shit to go wrong because I know things aren’t supposed to be perfect."
"She makes me study, she encourages me to talk about my mom; I could lie here and list all the things she does that push me to be the version of myself I want to be."
"I’m not ignorant enough to think I’m not completely privileged, and it’s the definition of first-world problems."
"Everything he says makes me melt, and half the time I don’t know how to react, so I kiss him, then things escalate, and before I know it, I’m screaming his name and seeing stars."
"I can’t imagine there are many men, college men at that, that look at the ugliest parts of you and want you anyway."
"I always wanted to anyway but pushing out your big-ass baby would absolutely wreck my vagina. Like, totally destroy it."
"Christmas feels like the right time to be expressing feelings, right?"
"I'm going to tell her I'm in love with her tomorrow."
"She's strong, she's so fucking strong, and she can swim; I've seen her swim with my own eyes."
"I promised you I’d never drop you or let you drown, Anastasia. I will always be there to save you."
"I love you too. I’m so fucking in love with you, Anastasia."