
Parable Of The Sower Quotes

Parable Of The Sower by Octavia E. Butler

Parable Of The Sower Quotes
"We do not worship God. We perceive and attend God. We learn from God. With forethought and work, We shape God. In the end, we yield to God. We adapt and endure, For we are Earthseed And God is Change."
"A victim of God may, Through learning adaption, Become a partner of God, A victim of God may, Through forethought and planning, Become a shaper of God. Or a victim of God may, Through shortsightedness and fear, Remain God’s victim, God’s plaything, God’s prey."
"Belief Initiates and guides action— Or it does nothing."
"Drowning people Sometimes die Fighting their rescuers."
"Everyone who’s surviving out here knows things that I need to know."
"Earthseed: Cast on new ground must first perceive that it knows nothing."
"We’re a pack, the three of us, and all those other people out there aren’t in it."
"We don’t have to turn into animals, for godsake."
"Out here, you adapt to your surroundings or you get killed."
"I hope you’d find the courage to shoot me if I were like that, and out here with no medical care to be had."
"God is neither good nor evil, neither loving nor hating. God is Power. God is Change."
"The only lasting truth is Change. God is Change."
"We must find the rest of what we need within ourselves, in one another, in our Destiny."
"God isn’t good or evil, doesn’t favor you or hate you, and yet God is better partnered than fought."
"Worship is no good without action. With action, it’s only useful if it steadies you, focuses your efforts, eases your mind."
"The galaxies move through space. The stars ignite, burn, age, cool, evolving. God is Change. God prevails."
"God is your first and your last teacher. God is Infinite Potential: God is Change."
"Pray working. Pray to focus your thoughts, still your fears, strengthen your purpose."
"Your teachers are all around you. All that you perceive, All that you experience, will teach you—if you will learn."
"It's a world gone to hell, Jill, and we've only got each other to keep it off us."
"A group is strong. One or two people are easier to rob and kill."
"Best to have the strength to keep ahead of it."
"If that fire gets going good, it will move faster than we can run! Best to keep well ahead of it!"
"No germ will get past that old man. He’s mad as hell at you for getting yourself shot."
"We fight together against enemies. If one of us is in need, the rest help out."
"Change is the one inescapable truth, change is the basic clay of our lives."
"We can shape change, but we can't stop it no matter how hard we try."
"God is Change—Seed to tree, tree to forest; Rain to river, river to sea."
"From one, many; from many, one; Forever uniting, growing, dissolving—forever Changing."
"If we work together, we can defend ourselves, and we can protect the kids."
"A community’s first responsibility is to protect its children—the ones we have now and the ones we will have."
"Human beings will survive of course. Some other countries will survive."
"Our only way of cleaning up, adapting, and compensating for all this is to use our brains and our hands."
"We didn’t reach Clear Lake the next morning. To tell the truth it was already the next morning when we went to sleep."
"Everyone’s tired and everyone’s hurting. Everyone, not just you."
"We are the best thing he’d found so far—the best he was going to find as long as he had Doe with him."
"We can build a community here. It’s dangerous, sure, but, hell, it’s dangerous everywhere."
"Work, and a lot of cheap land. How cheap do you think land will be up where you and all the rest of the world are heading?"
"The towns around here are all close to the highway. They must get a lot of people passing through."
"If we’re willing to work, our chances are good here."
"There’s been so much dying. There’s so much more to come."
"We remembered the friends and the family members we’ve lost."
"We buried our dead and we planted oak trees."