
The Love Hypothesis Quotes

The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood

The Love Hypothesis Quotes
"The key to happiness might not be devoting oneself to academic pursuits with only infrequent breaks."
"Committing to a Ph.D. program is surrendering to the most notorious and soul-sucking circle of hell."
"The line between an excellent career choice and a critical life screwup is getting blurry."
"What matters is whether your reason to be in academia is good enough."
"Something I’m afraid no one else will discover if I don’t."
"The research that I want to do is something that’s important to me."
"It’s not as if I asked you to do anything. I was going to handle it by myself."
"Maybe we should ask IT to put it on the Stanford home page."
"It’s fine. Expiration dates are so I don’t find you weeping in the corner of my bathroom."
"The idea of weekends is a concept to entertain in a nine-to-five job, not in academia."
"I need more freedom than industry can offer."
"A question worth pursuing changes everything."
"Being well aware of the red flags yet choosing to pursue one's passion."
"The pursuit of knowledge can sometimes lead to questionable life choices."
"Sometimes, the most significant discoveries are the ones we make about ourselves."
"The complexity of human emotions can rival even the most intricate scientific theories."
"In the quest for knowledge, sometimes what we seek is not just facts, but understanding."
"The line between determination and delusion can sometimes be as thin as a page in a book."
"Acknowledging one's fears is the first step towards overcoming them."
"In the grand scheme of things, the pursuit of happiness often takes us down the most unexpected paths."
"It's not the accolades or achievements, but the questions we dare to ask that define us."
"Facing the unknown is less about the answers we find, and more about the courage to seek them."
"You are not mediocre, Olive. You were not invited to speak because people think that you are my girlfriend—there is no such thing, since SBD’s abstracts go through a blind review process."
"I never quite understood what he thought. What I do know now, years later, is that he was abusive."
"When I was in my second year of grad school, my adviser told me that I was a failure who would never amount to anything."
"Don’t let them ruin this conference for you. Or science. Or make you feel any less proud of your accomplishments."
"Don’t let them make you feel any less proud of your accomplishments."
"For a moment there, during the talk... I felt confident. I felt good at it. It all felt right and fun. Like science is supposed to be when you share it."
"I wish you could see yourself the way I see you."
"I would have dropped out of my Ph.D. program if it hadn’t been for them."
"Don’t lie to me and say you didn’t pick out a dress that short for my benefit."
"You don’t think I accepted you into my lab because you are good, do you?"
"If you say another word about the woman I love, if you look at her, if you even think about her—I’m going to fucking kill you."
"And then I’ll come find you, and I’ll take care of you."
"You can fall in love: someone will catch you."