
Legend Quotes

Legend by Marie Lu

Legend Quotes
"My mother thinks I'm dead. Obviously I'm not dead, but it's safer for her to think so."
"In other words, the Republic has no idea what I look like. They don’t seem to know much of anything about me, except that I’m young and that when they run my fingerprints, they don’t find a match in their databases. That’s why they hate me, why I’m not the most dangerous criminal in the country, but the most wanted. I make them look bad."
"An inferior child with bad genes is no use to the country. If you’re lucky, Congress will let you die without first sending you to the labs to be examined for imperfections."
"I’m the only person in the entire Republic with a perfect 1500 score on her Trial."
"If the Republic’s most-wanted criminal can pull that off, then how are we ever going to catch him if we’re not just as fast?"
"Forever and ever, kid, until you’re sick and tired of seeing me."
"I’m supposed to be analyzing the crime scene… but I can’t concentrate."
"I will hunt you down. I will scour the streets of Los Angeles for you. Search every street in the Republic if I have to. I will trick you and deceive you, lie, cheat and steal to find you, tempt you out of your hiding place, and chase you until you have nowhere else to run. I make you this promise: your life is mine."
"Metias kissed me on my forehead. 'Forever and ever, kid, until you’re sick and tired of seeing me.'"
"The dead and dying were covered in it. So now to wear white is to remember the dead."
"He used to run around your parents’ living room, holding out his hand like a little gun. He was destined to enter our squads."
"Everything about me is stripped of color, just as Metias has been stripped from my life."
"I don’t know. Could be a dealer who heard about the hospital break-in. Maybe they think we have a lot of money or something. Could be a soldier. Even a spy."
"We’re still alive. I lie unmoving for a moment, wide-awake in the darkness. Looks like our caretaker hasn’t reported us. Yet."
"Day killed my brother. I know this because we found a stolen ID tag lying halfway up the third-floor stairwell, which led us to the soldier pictured on the tag, who stammered out a description of what the boy looked like."
"You don’t want two infected knees. I’ll help you clean them up and then you can be on your way again."
"If you want to leave in the morning, just go."
"You’re not alone out there unless you choose to be."
"Walking around all day hasn’t helped things, and the pain is returning like wildfire."
"Money can buy you happiness, and I don’t care what anyone else thinks."
"You could have become a celebrity in your own right, you know, with a face like that."
"It matters because if you hadn’t escaped, my brother would be alive right now."
"All I can see standing in front of me is a man with blood on his hands."
"I certainly can’t get in trouble for staying in character while out on the streets."
"I try to imagine my thoughts as blocks of data organized into neat little boxes, each clearly labeled."
"Something to be said for writing my journals by hand, eh?"
"He’s allowed one cup of water a day. One food ration."
"Be creative when you’re giving it to him, if you wish."
"I’m sorry about your brother. I didn’t know anything would happen to him."
"You think we go to labor camps if we fail? The only labor camps are the morgues in hospital basements."
"Hold still! Damn it, boy, I’m not going to hurt you."
"You’re just a kid—you never even went to college, you failed your Trial!"
"I’m going to show you a series of photos, Mr. Wing."
"Why would Commander Jameson want to hide the details of my brother’s murder from me?"
"She hasn't appeared in any of the recent arrests... or deaths."
"I'm sorry for injuring him at all—but I had to save my own life."
"I don't know why he died. Why would someone want him dead?"
"If a boy killed someone you loved, wouldn't you keep trying to figure out why he'd done it?"
"Few people ever kill for the right reasons, June. Most do it for the wrong reasons. I just hope you never have to be in either category."
"If you want to rebel, rebel from inside the system. That's much more powerful than rebelling outside the system."
"Each day means a new twenty-four hours. Each day means everything’s possible again. You live in the moment, you die in the moment, you take it all one day at a time."
"I wonder what we would’ve been like if I’d been born into a life more like yours, and you had been born into mine. Would we be just like we are now? Would I be one of the Republic’s top soldiers? And would you be a famous criminal?"
"It’s strange being here with you. I hardly know you. But... sometimes it feels like we’re the same person born into two different worlds."