
The Light Through The Leaves Quotes

The Light Through The Leaves by Glendy Vanderah

The Light Through The Leaves Quotes
"I'm having a drink with a total stranger who carries around a plastic pony. How smart can I be?"
"You become quite the poet when you drink, don't you?"
"To gorgeous witches and their equally gorgeous prey."
"She wasn’t mad at the boys for being boys; she was mad at herself for letting them matter."
"Isn't everyone a little sad? But some of us are better at hiding it than others."
"The scholarship was more about economic hardship than academics."
"Why do you think something had to have happened for someone to enjoy solitude?"
"You're not alone because you're alone; you're alone because you're afraid to let anyone in."
"I guess it was idyllic, growing up on an apple farm."
"How did you get like this? Like here but not here. Like this snow I can’t touch without it melting in my hand."
"I didn’t mean to be rude. I’m having a bad night."
"Today is the one-year anniversary of the day I left my baby in the forest."
"I’m trying to quit. It’s not drugged or anything."
"I loved being with you tonight. It was more for me than you understand."
"All parents guide their children. How is my parental guidance any different?"
"I don’t recall I ever had one of those playdates."
"Agriculture turned us into prisoners. We never wanted to grow crops and live in houses."
"Inside we’re still a nomadic species. That’s your genetic memories making you see."
"Living in this isolated way is going to be tough enough for her."
"I’m happy for you, Keith, but we should stop doing this now."
"People change, Dani. I don’t intend this to be mean, but you don’t really know me now."
"People who really want native plants. I’ve seen them. I’ve talked to them."
"Would be sad if it was torn down. It is beautiful."
"Running water in the kitchen. That will be luxurious."
"The usual panic crushed down on her. It always felt the same. Her chest was tight, and she could swear the scar from the stab wound ached."
"Ellis reminded herself that Max was there, and she carried a gun in her truck."
"Quercus appeared to be licking the man’s face."
"Behemoth. How could she be angry at a man who used such a great word?"
"His sympathetic look irked her. Because he knew what had changed her."
"I’m a bad witch. You have to be okay with that."
"Damn, you are the most mysterious woman I’ve ever met."
"Why ask when your spell has me in unconditional surrender?"
"I knew. That was no toy pony you hid in my pocket."
"Because you are my treasure. I will watch over you in this life and also in the next."
"I’ve wanted to kiss you since I was seven, I think."
"I’ve known you for a long time. There’s something wrong."
"You take your promises to her too seriously."
"If you take me to one of those hospitals, I will surely die as my mother did."
"I did no wrong! She was given to me. Don’t punish me! I did nothing wrong!"
"Don’t ever let that man say you’re his! He’s bad! He kills the earth spirits!"
"I’m comfortable with going to the spirits. They’ve been good to me. They gave me you."
"I write when I’m not dead tired from working."
"Most of the furniture was more trash than antique when I found it."
"My business partner is a carpenter who can work magic with any junk I haul home."
"Trees can do this amazing thing called Compartmentalization of Decay. When they get an injury, the cells around the wound change and put up a wall that contains the process of decay. Around that wall, a different kind of change in the cells forms another wall. Then a third wall. And a fourth."
"The absence of trouble and emotion between them was necessary for Raven as she grappled with everything Mama had done."
"You have to trust them. I know you were raised to be afraid of hospitals, but River needs treatment right now."
"None of this is your fault. Not one thing, do you understand?"
"You're my family," he said quietly, "and that means so are your children."
"He doesn’t know where he is," Ellis said. "He’s unconscious."
"What River wants is to wake up. But this place makes him not want to."
"This is the truest I’ve ever seen you. It’s beautiful, Jonah."
"I thought having another baby would fix my problems, but it made it worse."
"You can’t bring dirt and insects into an ICU where there are sick people."
"You’re even more screwed up by all of this than I am!"