
The Girl Who Fell Beneath The Sea Quotes

The Girl Who Fell Beneath The Sea by Axie Oh

The Girl Who Fell Beneath The Sea Quotes
"The myths of my people say only a true bride of the Sea God can bring an end to his insatiable wrath."
"Or sacrificed, depending on the measure of your faith."
"Which destiny belongs to me? Which destiny will I grasp on to with both hands?"
"For though a large part of me longs for the safety of home, the pull of my heart is infinitely stronger."
"I can’t help wondering if Shim Cheong believes in the myth of the Sea God’s bride."
"The elders say Shim Cheong was fashioned by the Sea God’s final bride."
"The world is filled with small gods, for each part of nature has a guardian."
"The greatest of all its wonders is the Sea God’s city."
"Our sea is an embodiment of him, and he is the sea."
"Grandmother, what makes the Sea God more powerful than the other gods?"
"The gods might not grant our wishes. But I could."
"I rush to the prow of the boat and leap onto the edge."
"I wonder if Joon sensed this loneliness in her."
"The breaking of his voice confirms what I’ve suspected all along."
"What would happen, if I were to kill you now?"
"You remind me so much of myself when I was your age."
"To know because of their sacrifice, their family will be taken care of."
"Some brides are chosen, but then there are those who choose to be brides."
"They wonder why someone would choose to give up her own life."
"If you were to show the Sea God your heart, what would it look like?"
"Last I saw the chime, it was in pieces as they were swept away into the sea."
"Spirits are the souls of humans who’ve pulled themselves from the river."
"In all my lifetime, I’ve never seen more wonderful creatures than ducks."
"He knows that you love him enough to let him go."
"Look upon your reflection to find your enemy."
"Imagine it like missing every third heartbeat."
"What else could you be? The only humans allowed to enter the Spirit Realm are the Sea God’s brides."
"I’ve answered all of these questions. Nod, girl, if I’m right in answering at least the one you asked."
"He loved you, Mina. And I loved him as a true friend."
"I am not Sea God’s Bride or No One’s Bride or Magpie. I have a name."
"Without vessels to contain them, the restless spirits will haunt the living, spreading dread and panic. More deaths will follow."
"All of these solutions are only temporary. The real source of the dead are the storms that steal their lives."
"To lift the curse upon the Sea God, the bride must form a true fate with him."
"Who am I to believe I am the Sea God’s true bride? I am not a great beauty, nor am I particularly skilled in anything."
"Before you, no bride has ever spoken to the Sea God."
"The bride who just arrived, Shim Cheong. She didn’t have a Red String of Fate."
"It doesn’t matter because you don’t love him. And you’d be a fool to think he could ever love you."
"To be the Sea God’s bride is not to be the most beautiful girl in the village, nor is it to be the one to break the curse."
"Love can’t be bought or earned or even prayed for. It must be freely given."
"All my life, I’ve believed in the myth of the Sea God’s bride."
"I don’t have faith in anyone as much as I do you when it comes to Shin’s safety and well-being."
"Wait for me, where the land meets the sea."
"Nothing extraordinary is ever done out of reason or logic, but because it’s the only way for your soul to breathe."
"In the last story I told the Sea God, what did Shim Cheong think when she came up in the lotus blossom and married the emperor? She went from peasant girl to ruler of the land."
"The emperor must sense my indecision, because he takes a step forward."
"Something large passes overhead, casting a great shadow over the cliff."
"The truth is, she didn’t jump into the sea to become an empress. She jumped into the sea because she loved her father."
"I swallow thickly. Why is he here? He should have no memories of me."
"The emperor turns. He’s silent as he watches me cry. I expect to see confusion, or perhaps disgust, on his features. But he looks … almost relieved."
"Every week, I lead a band of women into the forest to dig for roots and gather berries and herbs."
"But now that I’m loved, I can’t stand to see those who love me suffer one moment of pain."
"I press my hands to my eyes, and they come away wet. "I don’t know. I cry a lot, I think. I have weak eyes.""
"My brother wraps his arms around me. "Or a strong heart.""
"I take it, and with a smile, I tell him, "Let’s go home.""