
The Lost Summers Of Newport Quotes

The Lost Summers Of Newport by Beatriz Williams

The Lost Summers Of Newport Quotes
"I found myself holding my breath, as if unwilling to allow the rarified air of this place to taint me."
"But with my trained eye as an architectural historian, I spotted the signs of decay."
"The rich are different from us. Yes. They have more money. But even I knew it wasn’t that simple."
"Old houses were like holding a piece of history in one’s hand."
"The general population was less interested in historic paint colors and more about modernizing kitchens and bathrooms."
"I took a deep breath, and turned the brass door handle, not all that surprised to feel it give."
"The sight of work vans and the film crew milling around told me I was in the right place."
"The house whimpered from gentle neglect, which was always better than the howling heard from houses with no hope of resurrection."
"No one from the family is to be in any camera shot, including me. I live here, and I don’t want to be disturbed."
"It’s why I’d been attracted to historic preservation in the first place."
"Using as much force as I could without hurting the little boy, I wrenched the boat from his hands."
"You would be surprised at my price, mia bella."
"Maybelle wasn’t to sing after dinner, in the gentle confines of the drawing room."
"Perhaps it was a good thing, Ellen told herself."
"You’ll remember to tell them about the trumpet fanfare?"
"I’ll keep Petey by my side for as long as he’s here."
"This room needs a flamethrower, not a renovation."
"It's far too early in the day for a music lesson. Go away, she doesn’t want you now."
"You oughtn’t to think of servants as people."
"A Vanderbilt cousin had insisted on sitting beside Maybelle at breakfast."
"You mustn’t make the mistake of thinking of servants by their names."
"You can bark orders and be all princely and lordly."
"Why dangle it in front of us if he didn’t mean us to eat it?"
"I only flirt with you because you do refuse me."
"No, only tights and doublets. Cross-gartered."
"I look forward to seeing what you produce for our musical evening."
"The prince regarded Ellen with mingled dislike and jubilation."
"The prince's voice mocked her. 'No, only tights and doublets. Cross-gartered. Hand me my dressing gown, won’t you?'"
"I believe Miss Sprague would be more confident in her performance if she were singing in her own tongue."
"Sometimes, one can learn a great deal by being where one isn’t meant to be."
"But the prince had raised his glass to her and so Maybelle Sprague was officially a success."
"No wonder the creature is getting above herself!"
"Miss Sprague does not seem so much to wish to please as to avoid displeasure."
"It doesn’t do to think of them by their names."
"I can’t speak in jest to any of the women of the house party. They would only take it in the wrong part."
"I call all my maids by the same name. It saves a great deal of trouble."
"You have everything you want, don’t you? Everything except old Teddy, I guess."
"Why the hell don’t you just go back to Italy? My God, everything was fine until the two of you came back!"
"The prince's smile mocked her. 'No, only tights and doublets. Cross-gartered.'"
"But a jewel that ostentatious seems to me awfully out of touch with modern sensibilities."
"Most people, they are chameleons. They play to those in power, angling for advantage. I have never seen you be anything but what you are."
"He spoke in riddle and innuendo and I was as out of my depth as I would have been trying to swim in the surf below."
"She wasn’t sure whether she ought to feel grateful or disappointed or embarrassed that she had so unfairly leapt to assumptions."
"But when she’d rested against his chest, she’d felt she’d found her place, like a piece in a puzzle, finally turned the right way around."
"Maybe the crimes weren’t hers after all. Maybe she didn’t deserve to suffer."
"A prince might love a milkmaid, but he didn’t marry her. Not in real life."
"It was a comforting thought, but she couldn’t lie to him, not anymore."
"The prince’s hands moved soothingly up and down her arms. 'There is no obligation. I bought the hat because you needed a hat.'"
"It was such a strange thing, feeling like she had value. That she had something in her, something intangible and entirely her own, worthy of respect. Worthy of love."
"But while the illusion lasted—oh, it was beautiful."
"I wouldn’t have worn it had I known. It was only after..."
"It wasn’t any use. The police were in Dermot’s pay. It was all for nothing."
"Everything’s going to be all right, darling. Don’t you see? The old bastard’s finally dead. You’re free now, free to choose whatever path—"
"I don’t need any of that. I just wanted... a quiet sort of life."
"A garden is like a lover. You have to cultivate it every day to make it blossom."
"You know exactly what. You’ll go off to Italy with Maybelle, but I’ll still be here. My reputation is all I have."
"It meant something that she had kept her dignity. That she hadn’t betrayed Maybelle."
"It’s going to be all right. This is just a setback. Not the end."
"I hereby testify that my aunt, Maybelle Sprague, is not the rightful heir of Hiram Sprague, and therefore the fortune she obtained by fraud is instead the property of Hiram Sprague’s nearest relative."
"I’m not in the habit of falling into bed with the first sailor boy who drags me in from the cold."
"The only thing I do know is that we will freeze this winter if we don’t get a new furnace. We’re already sleeping in our sweaters and it’s only November."
"I’ve missed you. Like the desert misses the rain."
"There were no guarantees in life. The only thing I do know is that we will freeze this winter if we don’t get a new furnace."
"I treasure my sanity far too much. Nor will I be moving in with Joanie, much for the same reason."
"I feel like I’m not anyone at all. If you loved—loved Ellen, how can you love what I am now, what I’ve become?"
"You are still you. What happened on that beach doesn’t change that."
"No one could hate Maybelle," Ellen protested, but her husband had only shaken his head at her and told her she was charming and she was wrong.
"My darling, there was never any going back. Not after that night."