
A Case Of Exploding Mangoes Quotes

A Case Of Exploding Mangoes by Mohammed Hanif

A Case Of Exploding Mangoes Quotes
"Life is in Allah’s hands but tomorrow’s battles are won in today’s practice."
"You can’t blame them for being unimaginative."
"The only civilian part of my body and hence out of control."
"If wishes were Aladdin’s carpets, sinners like me would always be flying to Mecca."
"The guilty commit the crime, the innocent are punished. That’s the world we live in."
"There is poetry in committing a crime after you have served your sentence."
"A drill with commands is just that—a drill. A drill without commands is an art."
"I didn’t join the armed forces to collect stamps."
"People will not only think that I am a prisoner in my own Army House, but that I am also suffering from some kind of dementia."
"I don’t need to know," General Akhtar said, removing the headphones.
"You are quite intelligent for an operator. But remember some of the stars that you see at night are not really stars."
"I’ll do anything in my power to get you out of this but what can I do for someone who is messing around with our national security?"
"I’ll tell you a story that might explain my dilemma," says General Akhtar.
"You put him in that shithole?" He looks at Major Kiyani with complaining eyes.
"It’s risk elimination, one less bugger to worry about."
"Let’s say you caught somebody who wasn’t really a threat to national security."
"You don’t have to do anything. Major Kiyani here will write the statement on your behalf."
"You always learn something. In my line of work you always learn something."
"Isn’t one General Zia enough for this poor nation?"
"It’s a piece of fucking meat in a piece of fucking bread."
"I gave them your name. I told them about you."
"Don't feel like going home, old man? Scared of your woman?"
"General Zia is a one-eyed faggot thrice and I’ll let you go."
"Hold Fast the Rope of Allah and Keep Your Horses Ready."
"Power corrupts. General Zia hated General Beg’s sunglasses but still hadn’t found a way to broach the subject."
"Every general with more than two stars on his shoulders is escorted by his own set of bodyguards and heralded by his personal siren song."
"The only person who is really pleased to see us is the bandmaster at the head of the military band formation."
"Our drill is silent. It doesn’t require music. And anyway, we are not going to march."
"Despite his feathers, tartan doublet and bonnet his face is absolutely dry. Not a single drop of sweat."
"Suddenly it doesn’t feel hot. Hell, it doesn’t even feel like metal. It seems like an extension of my own hand."
"But the duty doctor shouting instructions at paramedics—is exaggerated, but not unexpected."
"If Allah wants to protect someone, nobody can harm them."
"Trust these Pakistani generals to get excited about a goddam smelly fruit."
"General Zia is a dead man and dead men in uniform deserve respect."
"General Zia, instead of returning his salute, moves forward and puts his arms around General Akhtar’s waist."
"General Zia doesn’t notice that General Akhtar is squirming in his grip, straining to get away."
"The life cycle of this generation begins on a very lucky note."
"General Zia’s grin widens, his teeth flash and his other arm wraps itself around the ambassador’s waist."
"Pak One’s nose dips, it goes into a steep dive, then the nose rises up and the plane starts to climb again."
"General Zia flings his right arm backwards and then brings it up slowly, like a baseball pitcher explaining his action to a bunch of children."
"General Zia stands firm, hands on his hips, like a commander on a turbulent sea."
"Tapeworms are eating through General Zia’s heart now."
"If they are all trying to kill General Zia, who is trying to kill them?"
"General Zia raises both his index fingers in the air like an amateur bhangra dancer and shouts: "Now tell me who is trying to kill me?"
""Because the First Lady thinks he is too busy screwing the nation," he says jumping in his seat."
"General Zia can’t believe what Arnold Raphel just said: the world would remember him as a bit of a bore."
""What a vulgar word? What the hell is phugoid?" General Beg is suddenly very curious."