
Tapestry Of Fortunes Quotes

Tapestry Of Fortunes by Elizabeth Berg

Tapestry Of Fortunes Quotes
"Getting lost is the only way to find what you didn’t know you were looking for."
"In large part, when you factor out fate, what we are is because of what we believe about ourselves."
"Most people need someone else to tell them what they already know."
"To be human is to live in wonder and in need, and in perpetual evolution."
"Once you start making decisions in which your heart, mind, and soul are congruent, you’ll feel it as a kind of lift, if not liftoff."
"People with people, good. People alone, bad."
"I want to move on. I want to be here, in a new place, with new people, with a new garden to put in. And with nothing to do but fix up my own bedroom."
"I’m trying to stay open to a lot of possibilities, including not knowing yet what all those possibilities might be."
"Every day, in every way, you are getting better and better."
"My feeling about a person’s age is that it’s a serving suggestion. It’s up to you what you do with it: take it as offered, modify it, or ignore it altogether."
"Yes, Renie, I read a self-help book, and guess what? It helped!"
"I’ve never regretted doing anything in my life as much as I’ve regretted not doing it."
"Drawing this Rune is an indication that union, uniting, and partnership in some form is at hand."
"Once you’ve made up your mind to do a good and true thing, the universe will go out of its way to help you."
"You are being asked to rebirth yourself, to bring new life to an old and stagnant place."
"I’ve got a long line of vertebrae running down my back and I’m going to tell you what he should have said a long time ago: Back off and butt out."
"It is in you to succeed, if you choose to. Leave behind what has held you back, and move forward with confidence and joy."
"To be honest, I’ve felt a kind of sadness in you, and I was beginning to get worried."
"Life is always changing, right? And I think it’s human nature to be fearful of change. Even if the changes you dread most end up being the ones that are best."
"I suppose it might be my own voice I’m hearing, some thought that comes from me that I assign to her. Who knows? I guess I don’t want to know. Or need to."
"A keen appreciation for the fact that you can walk. And see the sky. And feel the air on your face. And that you can check high and low and no, nothing in your body is hurting, not one thing."
"Every place is interesting if you open your eyes."
"It’s too late now. Whatever is in here is in you already."
"But you and I both know there’s more to the human heart than anatomy and physiology taught us."
"Oh, relax. It’s too late now. Whatever is in here is in you already."
"Some people have no more burden than an avocado going bad."
"Be kind, for everyone is carrying a heavy burden."
"Oh, well, I’m like everybody else: when it comes to love, I’m just a fool."
"I’m not supposed to sit and wait for someone else to do something. I’m supposed to use my creativity and speak my truth."
"Fear and lack of love, those are the A-number-one problems of human beings."
"How can we keep from being dismayed by the ways in which we’ve changed?"
"I hope for nothing. I fear nothing. I am free."
"Pay attention. The rest falls into place with that, I think."
"It’s as though there’s a dome of power around us, four women lying on the night-cooled earth, looking up and giving props to the same sky Cro-Magnon saw."
"I watch the bowling balls rolling down the alley and the pins flying up in the air and think about how one of the hardest things in life is fessing up to what you want most, because if you do that, and you don’t get it, it’s so hard to be without it."
"I have a terrible need of—shall I say the word?—religion. Then I go out and paint the stars."
"What’s the point in loving anything when it will just change or be taken away?"
"The best things in life have no hard evidence to support them. Hope. Faith. Love."
"Fate is a part of our lives. Another part is choice. But the biggest part is the mystery, the great unknowable, about which we feel so many things, including joy."
"Your task will be to learn in what direction to look for life’s greatest riches."
"Sometimes people, even when they really love each other, they kind of grow apart."
"The point is, if a child sees his mother dating, it lets him know that she’s special. And then of course he feels special, too."
"You haven’t cried in front of him, have you? For God’s sake, don’t cry in front of him, whatever you do."
"I don’t know how people fall out of love, Sam. It’s an old story, isn’t it?"
"I don’t really believe that Martha herself does any of this. People say she does, but I just don’t think it’s true."
"I felt, marrying David, like a child handed a gift that was too big."
"Yesterday, I made a list that said: Clear yard of debris. Get gas. Return calls. I might as well have added: Eat. Breathe."
"I can’t be alone. I don’t want to be alone. I miss David so much, yes I do, I miss the presence of another person in my bed at night, even if he doesn’t touch me."
"It is not exhilarating. It is not an opportunity to 'grow.' It is hard work; scary, lonely stuff; and I don’t want it. I don’t want it. I want my old life back."
"I have spent most of my life focusing on David, and he is gone. Nothing has rushed in to fill this void; there are no natural laws to make for an instant adjustment; humans are stupider than nature."
"I don’t hold Travis anymore, of course—not to read to him, or for any other reason, either. I wish I’d known that the last time was going to be the last time."
"I stand beside him, my arms wrapped around myself, then reach down to pull the covers up to his shoulders. He stirs slightly, resettles himself. I kiss the top of his head, then go to sit in the chair in the corner of his room."
"What is the point in this? First, I will go on a diet. This grief has put five pounds on me so far. I have to be careful. There are some women for whom sorrow attracts fat, and I am one of them."
"He looks like he has a body-wide itch he can’t scratch."
"Quiet! I want to tell it. Can’t you let me think?"
"My humiliation is huge in me, it holds me to the floor."
"What the hell do you think this is for, Sam?"
"You’re not even trying. You’re just sinking deeper and deeper into feeling sorry for yourself."
"It pleases me to be happy. And it pleases plenty of other people, too."
"You protect your children. You must always protect them."
"You don’t have to say that. I’m not so sad today."
"Men are assholes. Every single one of you. This can never change."
"I’ll be helpful. I’ll fold all the socks. I’ll chop the onions for dinner."
"I take in a deep breath, as though the inhaled air will check around and let me know if that’s really true. It is."
"It’s not like a basement basement. There’s carpeting."
"Divorce is a series of internal earthquakes, that’s what it is, one after the other."
"I miss him; I love how he looks, how he dresses, how he smells."
"I am a woman coming into middle age who has had the rug pulled out from under her."
"I was thinking, doing this, about the old ways of gratitude: Indians thanking the deer they’d slain, grace before supper, kneeling before bed."
"I’m beginning to understand how being alone can be wonderful. You can do whatever you want!"
"This is not the time in my life to try to look like a model."
"Thank you for Travis. For all the good I have in my life. Even now."
"You live your life, and you get to ask for things, and sometimes they are given to you."
"I am rich in nail polish. And gels. And sprays."
"But the whole thing is very new. I’ve never had much to do with women."
"It’s thrilling to me. And at the same time, there’s a kind of peace there, in that kind of contemplation, that you don’t get in relationships."
"Do you ever think about how hard it is to say something and have it be precise? Especially the things you care most about?"
"I want to be appreciative of all that’s here, in a normal life. I want to keep finding out about the things I see around me."
"They’re everywhere, Sam, these wonders. Do you remember the last time you really wanted to know everything?"
"I am obsessed with discovering things, as though I’ve been let out of the hatch of a spaceship and told to come back with a full report."
"For some time, I have nourished a fantasy that a small group of very wise people dressed in close-fitting silver will show up in the middle of my geography class, saying, 'We’ve come for Samantha.'"
"I was young. A little girl. But strong! I was so busy."
"I’m just watching the show," he says. "I think it’s so good. I don’t know why people walk out on it in all the ways they do."
"You’re going to work out fine," Mark says, grinning.
"I guess you always want someone to prize things about you."
"Scared to say they care. Scared to take a chance. Scared to say they’re just as sentimental and full of human need as people always have been and always will be."