
Smut Quotes

Smut by Karina Halle

Smut Quotes
"Writing is hard work. Harder than you’ll ever think possible. What makes it even worse is the fact that right now, for nearly all of you, writing is easy."
"Art isn’t just about creating. It’s about sharing."
"You’re a great writer with a lot of talent. But you’re young and you have a lot to learn."
"Writing isn’t just about exposing ourselves. It’s about learning."
"Something tells me from now on nothing is going to be as easy as it seems."
"All you need to do to know how people really feel about you is to turn off your ears and read their body language."
"Even the best intentions from the most passionate people can fail if they don’t have a sound mind at the helm."
"There’s being an optimist and looking on the bright side of life, and then there’s finding joy in a free meal because you haven’t had that kind of attention in a long time."
"I’ve learned a lot in my twenty-three years."
"It’s like being hit with the frying pan of adulthood way before his time."
"I’m not sure how I feel about it. Is it possible that I’m wrong about Blake?"
"You know those girls who refuse to smile or laugh at anything, who are born with a sense of entitlement that they think they’ve somehow earned because they are so goddamn serious about life?"
"The only appealing aspect of this girl is her hair and her arse."
"She’s a bit of a nomad and a hippie, and honestly always has been, but don’t think my parents weren’t disappointed in her when she announced she wasn’t going to university and instead running off with her tree-planting boyfriend I call "El Beardo.""
"It doesn’t really matter in the end. Most people I talk to don’t take writing seriously."
"Thank god for the people in my program because I can talk to any of them about writing and they get it."
"The world-building one is a hell of a lot thicker than the plotting one."
"I get extremely carried away with the research aspect of the novel."
"Part of me thinks that maybe a romance between Phenelope and Luthwen could happen. It certainly feels natural, despite the characters butting heads."
"You know what would make a billion dollars? Some kind of electronic retrieval system that will pull your impulsive and highly regretful texts and emails before anyone gets a chance to read them."
"Love and cuddling don’t work for me with humans, let alone pets—at least not anymore."
"The minute I step into the library, I exhale, closing my eyes for a moment to take in the familiar smell."
"I haven’t written for the last week, and while I’m eager to get back into it, I also stopped at a difficult part."
"I can’t help but feel a strange tremor of excitement run through me. Not about working with her—definitely not about that. But this project, this idea which just a few hours ago was dormant in my head, is now a living breathing egg ready to hatch."
"I guess I’m so engrossed in reading rather than writing that time slips away from me."
"You’re a grade-A wanker, I tell myself as I make my way into the kitchen."
"I’m pretty sure that any girl that steps into this place knows exactly what she’s getting into, even if she’ll probably never see him again."
"It’s hard as hell to turn off that side of me."
"It’s weird to read your stuff aloud, but it helps."
"All those feelings of entitlement, of feeling that my writing is better than most people’s has been stripped away from me and Blake hasn’t even had to say a word."
"I’m a liar and a thief. A thief of a heart that shouldn’t belong to me. A thief of a heart that was easily taken. But I am one man, with two hearts, and none of them are my own."
"We all have our issues. I think yours is the fact that your eyelids are nearly glued shut."
"It’s like for once I’m with someone who understands the drive to write and the deep-seated perfectionist need to make it the best that it can be."
"I think I liked him better when he was my nemesis."
"I’m pretty sure a threesome is every guy’s life goal."
"You do realize it would be easier for you to just not screw women over. Maybe just commit every once in a while or at least be honest."
"I’ve only been in love once and it ruined me."
"I’m not sure my jaded point of view will be helpful."
"We both have to stay strong. Luthwen may be handsome and brawny and oozing with sex appeal but that doesn’t mean Phenelope should sacrifice the mission by sleeping with him."
"For all his faults – and he has many – there’s something almost enigmatic about him, something that makes you want to learn more."
"You can’t deny we write well together. And that somehow we work well together too."
"But what if I told you there was a way for the both of us to keep writing and make a hell of a lot of money."
"You think it’s so bad to want to make money?"
"We write what sells, what the masses want, need, crave, and then when we have their attention, then we can publish what we really want."
"Writing with you was a challenge," I point out.
"If you’re having good sex and it’s with someone you’re comfortable with, you won’t worry about holding back."
"The more public the sex, the sneakier you have to be, the hotter it is."
"I'm better at writing things out than saying them."
"I can't believe you just wrote all this. Darling. You're fucking filthy."
"I want to be free. And I want him to show me."
"Fuck. Everything inside me tightens and I feel like a rogue bomb that could go off at any second."
"It's hard to stay confident when the main woman in your life won't return your god damn texts."
"I can hear his raspy breath, smell the sage and salt, and the electricity thrumming between us."
"I'm an earthquake, the world, my world, broken in two and fire and light and everything that is explodes from inside me."
"The internet breeds assholes. It’s a wicked combination."
"Not everyone likes every book and the internet breeds assholes. It’s a wicked combination."
"We cheers to good sex because when all is said and done, at least we have that."
"Take it as a good sign. This just means we’ve made people stand up and take notice. The more popular we get, the more arrows will be fired our way."
"As long as we keep being honest and doing what we’re doing, their own desperation will ruin them. Just ignore them."
"Reading reviews is absolutely pointless. Just ignore them and let’s move on."
"One of the more compelling reasons authors write together is because they have someone else to cheer them on, someone to be accountable to besides themselves."
"We really should have written in some characters that could have been spun-off."
"Our tastes have evolved since then. At least our aspirations have. This book did really well. We have to come up with something that will do equally amazing."
"Writing isn’t something to be approached lightly."
"Worrying about how the book will do, how it will be received, about if it will all be worth it is just a waste of time and it takes away from the creation of it all."
"We could just stay out here," he says, looking around wistfully. "Two for two with vineyard sex."
"Well nothing says engagement quite like my vomit," I tell him.
"You settled. I was flattered and then I settled."
"Don’t you ever fucking settle for me, you promise?"
"The moment the hot water hits me, I feel some of last night dissolve."
"Life isn’t a fairy-tale and not everyone gets a happily-ever-after, but in our book world they do."
"This is seriously the hottest thing I have ever seen in my whole entire existence."
"Just because we write about stalkers, doesn’t mean I am one."
"Anywhere you want to go, my peach. But we’re going together."