
Doctor Sleep Quotes

Doctor Sleep by Stephen King

Doctor Sleep Quotes
"When you couldn’t sleep, when you were afraid to look around because of what you might see, time elongated and grew sharp teeth."
"The mind was a blackboard. Booze was the eraser."
"We’re all dying. The world’s just a hospice with fresh air."
"You don’t have to live this way if you don’t want to."
"The only one who can put on the brakes is you."
"The days weren’t the problem. As for the nights…"
"Sometimes I just do." (in response to knowing something inexplicable)
"All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream."
"If only that were true. Nevertheless, he tightened the cap on the bottle and put it on the seat beside him."
"There came a time when you realized that moving on was pointless. That you took yourself with you wherever you went."
"Steam was hereditary, and often everyone in the target's family had at least a little."
"It's just going to sleep. And when you wake up—you will wake up—everything is going to be better."
"I don’t think there is such a place, anyway. I’m scared there’s nothing."
"You hardly see them, right? Why would you? They’re just the RV People, elderly retirees and a few younger compatriots living their rootless lives."
"They are the makers; we are the takers."
"I’m with you. It’s my terrible privilege."
"Life was—to coin a phrase—their only reason for living."
"Food was food, and survival was survival."
"Of all the old AA chestnuts, that’s just about the oldest."
"If you keep it alive and take care of it, it will give milk for six years."
"And of course I never beat her up. I suppose that made a difference."
"Everything is silence at the far end of the Riv’s run; it was as if God was holding His breath."
"Everyone had secrets. This he had known from earliest childhood. Decent people deserved to keep theirs."
"You said ‘Please, Tony, please.’ Who’s Tony?"
"A guy I used to know back in my drinking days."
"You know, I don’t believe that for a minute."
"Say no more. As long as you’re okay, that is."
"But I’m going to take a raincheck on that coffee, if you don’t mind."
"Because everything that goes around comes around."
"When the pupil is ready, the teacher will appear."
"If you don’t take a drink, you won’t get drunk."
"You got a knack. Me, I’ve always called it the shining."
"She was in trouble just as Dan had been."
"But when he needed Dick—at the Overlook, and later, in Florida, when Mrs. Massey had come back—Dick had come."
"Because when the pupil was ready, the teacher would appear."
"We’re not really lying about you being my uncle."
"We’ve got something else in common that hardly anyone has."
"They slept, they woke, they went somewhere. They went on."
"Tony was back, it seemed, but he was no longer Dan’s friend."
"When you saw men and women pass on before your eyes—leaving the Teenytown people called reality for some Cloud Gap of an afterlife—it changed your way of thinking."
"My dad thinks it’s gone except for a few things."
"I sure didn’t tell him about the baseball boy, and I’d never tell him about the woman in the hat."
"I had a thing for Stevie Nicks when I was your age."
"You’d know what I mean. It’s our thing, what we can do."
"I don’t think you’ll grow out of it. I wouldn’t mind that."
"He’s dead. They killed him. But they hurt him first."
"I’m just glad not to be alone with this inside my head."
"All I can see from there is the street. And the mountains, of course, but there are lots of mountains in America, right?"
"Why did they kill him, Dan? Why did they kill the baseball boy?"
"It would be if we did it for them, but we don’t. We do it for us."
"That’s okay, because when your back’s against the wall, there’s no difference."
"What have you gotten yourself into, girl? And what are you getting me into?"
"I could use a little bit of grace right now. And a whole lot of luck."
"I’m your father’s cousin, okay? Not really an uncle, but that’s what you call me."
"I think she knows our whole family tree, and there isn’t very much of it."
"Her older son’s on the football team, and she never misses a Cyclones game."
"That’s good. A little more. Do it with me. Like singing."
"According to Abra’s theory of relativity, you really could be."
"Does that mean you can’t figure it out? Like God and heaven and stuff like that?"
"Yes. I don’t think they wanted to hurt me—they just looked at me—but they were kind of scary."
"Have you seen ghostie people? You have, haven’t you?"
"Momo knows. She’s not scared of it like Mom and Dad, but she told me I have to be careful."
"I found something once for him. Something he lost."
"I’m okay. Really. I’m just glad not to be alone with this inside my head."
"Promise you won’t let her get me, Dan. Promise."
"Not your fault, kid. You didn’t ask for this."
"Alarms were all well and good, but if the woman in the hat came looking for her, a trap might be even better."
"In her dreams, she galloped over long fields under four billion stars."
"We are the True Knot, and we endure: Sabbatha hanti."
"Her eyes were seeing him again. She let out a long breath and fell back against her father’s encircling arm."
"This is old, too, but it’ll do the job."
"I’ll sleep when I’m dead, and I ain’t dead yet."
"No. Stop asking questions and let me tell you what I do know."
"I’m not sure yet, but I think... she’s planning a picnic."
"The kid’s watching this, she’s gonna get an education."
"I can’t believe you’re hungry after all you ate on the train."
"I am, though. Aren’t you glad I’m not anorexic?"
"We’re the human beings. Your kind... just rubes."
"She’s having a nice nap, but she’s got friends."
"You don’t understand how it was with me. Before."
"The man with her was a lot older. And drunk. They were going fast. Momo didn’t want to tell me, but around the time I turned eighteen, I got curious and nagged her into giving me at least some of the details. When I asked if my mother was drunk, too, Chetta said she didn’t know. She said the police have no reason to test passengers who are killed in fatal accidents, only the driver."
"Abra spoke. 'I want my dad. And I want Dan.'"
"There was a pause. Then: 'I told you not to call me that.'"
"What’s reasonable about killing kids so you can steal the stuff in their minds? What’s reasonable about that, you cowardly old whore?"
"Rose leaped to her feet. Her thighs bumped the table and her coffee spilled, running beneath the bingo drum. Long Paul peeked through the kitchen doorway, took one look at her face, and pulled back."
"We’re going to wait until Deez, Annie, and Dirty Phil get back, then we’ll take steam. Biggest steam ever. We’re going to empty the canisters."
"Rose seized her by her scrawny shoulders. 'No, Rosie! Don’t hurt her!'"
"Rose turned her burning, tear-filled eyes on Terri. 'Now. But for how long?'"
"Her eyes opened. They didn’t look doped in the slightest. For that matter, they didn’t look like her eyes. They looked older. Wiser. And as cold as his face now felt."
"What the hell did you think you were going to do back there? Jump in the toilet and flush yourself away to . . ."
"You slept through two gas stops. And you snore."
"Eyes on the road, Billy. We can’t help Abra if we’re getting patched up in some emergency room."
"One day at a time. Let’s check in. We need to get an early start."
"Sometimes you see a little—you can’t help it—but then you turn away."
"True hope is swift, and flies on swallow’s wings."
"You’re going to die screaming, bitchgirl."
"You better hope that if they have binoculars, they don’t use them."
"I drank a lot of years to quench that thirst, but it never really goes away."
"You love your folks and hope for the best. What else can you do?"