
One Summer Sunrise Quotes

One Summer Sunrise by Shari Low

One Summer Sunrise Quotes
"The best way to get through life was just to smile and make the best of it. Don’t make a fuss. Don’t waste time complaining about something that can’t be changed."
"I want to marry you because you’re Maisie McTeer. And you’re perfect for me."
"If you put all the childhood pictures together it’s like one of those diet shows in reverse."
"No point in being honest about it. No one wanted to hear someone complaining first thing in the morning. Or any time of the day for that matter."
"The truth is, I couldn’t face the inevitable backlash, from my wife, my daughter, my mum, and even, yes, my mate, the one who was now looking at me like I’d lost my mind."
"The only thing that terrified her more than one of Sissy’s agendas was the thought of one of them being altered at the last minute. This couldn’t be good."
"I’ll give you anything. You can even have this kid if I don’t like the look of it."
"Every moment of pain from then until today was consuming her, pulling her back down into the well of darkness she’d existed in for far too long."
"That’s why, for over a year, she’d gone without human contact. Without chat. Without meaningful communication with another living soul."
"The whole point is that I don’t want any fixed plans. Every day since I left school, I’ve got up and done what was expected of me. Now I just want to experience how it feels to wake up and do whatever I feel like doing."
"In life, his daughter may be short on conservative clothing and discerning behavior, but she’d never be short on sarcasm."
"You only live once. So maybe she’d understand his need to chase his dream."
"Maybe all the good ones are already taken."
"It’s just that I’m getting a weird sense of déjà vu."
"If I’m not singing 'Wonderwall' and telling you how much I love you by six o’clock, there will be something far wrong."
"This was all going to be okay. The Scott she married was still there and they’d be fine, just like they’d been for the last twenty-odd years."
"Cotton wool sheep and Lego baby Jesus will be my inspiration for life."
"If there was a prize for understatement of the year, it was waiting for her right next to a non-alcoholic beverage."
"If we get stuck, we’ll call for medical attention. Stand by in case we need you."
"I’m just sorry it’s all over in more ways than one."
"I’ve been your closest friend your whole life! Doesn’t that count for anything?"
"I see your pulled muscle and raise you a hip replacement."
"How can I leave her when she’s like this? I just can’t do it, so I’m thinking I’m going to stick around for a couple more months."
"She wasn’t just looking at a performer on stage. She was looking at herself from sixty years ago."
"Maybe this was the universe telling him that he was where he was supposed to be."
"I don’t know about you, Harriet, but I thoroughly enjoyed myself."
"I’m pretty sure you live in Frewtown, yes? Well, it’s going to get dark soon. And cold. You’re about forty-five minutes from home."
"My head is a pressure cooker and Carson’s words had just added so much heat it was about to explode."
"If I’ve learned anything in my hundreds of years on this planet… it’s that life doesn’t always work out the way you want it to."
"I guess I was feeling insecure, feeling crap about myself, just… lost. And there you were."
"No one gets everything, Carson. Life’s not the fairy tale."
"You were brilliant back there, when you sang. You blew everyone away."
"If this was twenty years ago, I’d have been made up. Fifteen years ago, same. Even ten. But not now, when my dream life was so close I could hear the music."
"I needed to feel something that wasn’t pain or dread. Pathetic as it sounds, I needed to feel wanted. Loved. To be touched."
"I don’t want to settle for less than everything. And if that means I never find what I’m looking for, then I can live with that, because I tried."
"I realised I… needed more. The guys in the band called, told me the record company had offered us a new deal, and they needed us to fill in at a gig that night."
"I know what you’re saying, but we were happy."
"I thought we were going for honesty, no?"
"I’m thirty-eight, and I haven’t lived, not really."
"So you were just going to leave? Just walk out on me after twenty-odd years?"
"I’m asking you to stay and give us another chance at making us work."
"Sometimes, with family, you have to let each other go."
"Mrs Bassett, I think your son may have been my father."